Geneva Convention
* The convention came into force in 1950.
* The convention states that prisoners of war must be treated humanely at all times.
* No form of coercion, physical or mental, may be used to obtain information.
* The International Committee of the Red Cross must be allowed access to the prisoner and under no restrictions.
Article 100 states:
"Prisoners of war ... shall be informed as soon as possible of the offences which are punishable by the death sentence under the laws of the detaining power."
* Prisoners must be protected from public curiosity.
This page attempts to look at what is becoming apparant as
a small part of a wider increasingly complicated
net of intrigue and disgusting practices
'Foreign policy' is being driven by abuse, deliberate terror. see Diego Garcia, the Royal sanctioned ethnic cleansing for a torture Island & Guantanamo Bay.
The rendition program Lear Jets - Corporate sponsored prison planes ...Strange goings on in the Global Gulag.
excerpt from USA/JORDAN/YEMEN Torture and secret detention: Testimony of the 'disappeared' in the 'war on terror' a report by Amnesty international
Thousands of detainees remain held in US custody in Iraq and hundreds remain in US custody in Afghanistan, some of them having been detained without trial and virtually incommunicado for more than a year. Several thousand other detainees are believed to be held in the custody of other governments at the behest of the USA. The ICRC has access to some of these detainees.
In addition, however, the USA is holding an unknown number of detainees in secret, incommunicado custody in unknown locations and unknown conditions. Amnesty International has received reports that in the context of the 'war on terror' the USA has established secret detention facilities in a number of countries. These could include Jordan, Pakistan, Egypt, Thailand and Afghanistan, and in the US base on the British Indian Ocean territory of Diego Garcia.
Canadian citizen Maher Arar has said that he was flown out of the USA on a jet by a team that called themselves the "Special Removal Unit".(12) Federal aviation records support his contention that he was transferred on 8 October 2002 aboard a Gulfstream jet, and that he was flown via New Jersey, Washington DC, Maine, and Rome to Jordan, from where he was driven to Syria. The Gulfstream III jet's registration number is reported to have been N829MG, records for which show that it also went to Guantanamo Bay in December 2003. Evidence of other aircraft allegedly used to carry out secret transfers has also come to light, using civil aviation records and sightings by "planespotters".
Between June 2002 and January 2005, a Gulfstream IV jet, registration number N227SV (previously N85VM), reportedly flew to Afghanistan, Morocco, Dubai, Jordan, Italy, Japan, Switzerland and the Czech Republic, as well as stops in US air bases in Maryland and Germany, 82 stops at Dulles International Airport outside Washington DC, and 51 visits to the US Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay.
On 18 February 2003, the jet was in Cairo, Egypt. That was the day after Egyptian national Osama Nasr Mostafa Hassan was abducted on a street in Milan and allegedly driven to the US air base in Aviano, Italy, interrogated, drugged and taken to the US military base in Ramstein in Germany. From there he was flown to Egypt, where he was allegedly tortured, including with electric shocks. (13) He is reported to have been released in mid-2004, but rearrested shortly afterwards after he made a phone call to his wife. He is believed to remain in custody in an unknown location, although it has been suggested that he may be currently held in the Damanhour prison, outside Alexandria, Egypt. Amnesty International fears that he may be subject to further torture or ill-treatment. On 24 June 2005 an Italian judge ordered the arrest of 13 CIA agents for their alleged involvement in his abduction.
The widespread and systematic practice of torture in Egypt has persisted despite its prohibition under domestic and international law. For well over a decade, specialized UN expert bodies, including the Committee against Torture and international and national human rights organizations have been documenting cases of torture and ill-treatment, including deaths in custody in Egypt.
This particular Gulfstream jet has also flown to Azerbaijan. Amnesty International believes this plane may have been used to transport Yemeni national 'Abd al-Salam al-Hiyla. As Amnesty International reported in June 2004, his family lost contact with him after he travelled to Egypt on a 15-day business trip from 9 September 2002. His family said that the Egyptian embassy in Sana'a, Yemen, told them that he had left Egypt on "a special American plane that took him to Baku, Azerbaijan"(14) 'Abd al-Salam al-Hiyla is currently held in Guantanamo Bay, having been taken there via custody in Bagram air base in Afghanistan.
The Bush administration facilitated or participated directly in the transfer of an unknown number of persons without extradition proceedings, a practice known as "irregular rendition," to countries in the Middle East known to practice torture routinely. The Washington Post in December 2002 described the rendition of captured al-Qaeda suspects from U.S. custody to other countries, such as Syria, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Morocco, where they were tortured or otherwise mistreated. Unnamed U.S. officials suggested that detainees were deliberately moved to countries known for their use of torture to ease constraints on their interrogations. One official was quoted as saying, "We don't kick the [expletive] out of them. We send them to other countries so they can kick the [expletive] out of them." An official who had supervised the capture and transfer of accused terrorists said "If you don't violate someone's human rights some of the time, you probably aren't doing your job…I don't think we want to be promoting a view of zero tolerance on this." 23
Tarek Dergoul, a Briton released from Guantánamo in March 2004, said that during interrogation there he was threatened with being sent to Morocco or Egypt, "where I would be tortured."
In one case, Maher Arar, a Syrian-born Canadian in transit from a family vacation through John F. Kennedy airport in New York, was detained by U.S. authorities. After holding him for nearly two weeks, U.S. authorities flew him to Jordan, where he was driven across the border and handed over to Syrian authorities, despite his repeated statements to U.S. officials that he would be tortured in Syria and his repeated requests to be sent home to Canada. Mr. Arar, whom the United States asserts has links to al-Qaeda, was released without charge from Syrian custody ten months later and has described repeated torture, often with cables and electrical cords, during his confinement in a Syrian prison.
In another case, Swedish television reported in May 2004 that in December 2001 a U.S. government-leased Gulfstream 5 jet airplane transported two Egyptian terrorism suspects who were blindfolded, hooded, drugged, and diapered by hooded operatives, from Sweden to Egypt. There the two men were tortured, including in Cairo's notorious Tora prison.24 The plane was apparently the same one that had allegedly been used two months earlier to transport a Yemini suspect from Pakistan to Jordan.
In a third case, U.S. operatives reportedly managed the capture and transfer of Mohammed Haydar Zammar, a top al-Qaeda suspect and dual German-Syrian national, to Syria in June 2002, over the protests of the German government. The United States has reportedly provided questions to Syrian interrogators.25
Among the most disturbing cases, perhaps unprecedented in U.S. history, are the detainees who have simply been "disappeared." Perhaps out of concern that Guantánamo will eventually be monitored by the U.S. courts, certainly to ensure even greater secrecy, the Bush administration does not appear to hold its most sensitive and high-profile detainees there. Terrorism suspects like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, accused architect of the September 11 attacks, and Abu Zubaydah, a close aide of Osama bin Laden, are detained by the United States instead in "undisclosed locations," presumably outside the United States, with no access to the ICRC, no notification to families, no oversight of any sort of their treatment, and in most cases no acknowledgement that they are even being held. Human Rights Watch has pieced together information on 13 such detainees, apprehended in places such as Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates, who have "disappeared" in U.S. custody.
- Human Rights watch
Is this the Plane?

question: Is the worldwide 'rendition program':
the torture at Abu Ghriab, Gauntanamo, Diego Garcia, in Egypt,
Uzbekisten, Syria, Algeria, Libya, Turkey, Morroco...
an extension of the CIA MK program? If so, what is it's purpose?
60 Minutes has videotaped a secret jet the Central Intelligence Agency is said to be using to deliver terror suspects to countries known for torturing people.
the plane made at least 600 flights to 40 countries, all of which came after 9/11, including 30 trips to Jordan, 19 to Afghanistan, 17 to Morocco, and 16 to Iraq. The plane also went to Egypt, Libya and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. CBS
Bush denies torture claims
March 17, 2005 - WASHINGTON: US President George W. Bush has denied claims the United States condones the use of torture as he defended deporting alleged terrorists for interrogation in countries thought to use the practice.
"This country does not believe in torture. We do believe in protecting ourselves," Mr Bush said during a press conference when asked about the policy of deportation.
"The United States must make sure we protect our people and our friends from attack. That was the charge we have been given. And one way to do so is to arrest people and send them back to their country of origin with the promise that they won't be tortured. That's the promise we receive," he said.
Mr Bush did not directly address whether Washington extracted that same promise when it does not repatriate a suspected terrorist but instead sends that person to a third country.
"We seek assurances that nobody will be tortured when we render a person back to their home country," said Mr Bush. -
The Australian
This is the same line parroted by The Blair junta
Announcing a new "twin track" approach, Mr Clarke said that in addition to control orders, the government would pursue a policy of "deportation with assurances".
This would allow the government to deport those regarded as a serious threat by seeking memo of understanding from their country of origin to ensure that they would not face torture or execution on their return...FT
CIA's Assurances On Transferred Suspects Doubted
March 17, 2005 - One CIA officer involved with renditions, [...] called the assurances from other countries "a farce."
Another U.S. government official who visited several foreign prisons where suspects were rendered by the CIA after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, said: "It's beyond that. It's widely understood that interrogation practices that would be illegal in the U.S. are being used."
Rendition, a form of covert action that is supposed to be shrouded in the deepest secrecy, was first authorized by President Ronald Reagan in 1986 and was used by the Clinton administration to transfer drug lords and terrorists to the United States or other countries for military or criminal trials.
After the 2001 attacks, Bush broadened the CIA's authority and, as a result, the agency has rendered more than 100 people from one country to another without legal proceedings and without providing access to the International Committee of the Red Cross, a right afforded all prisoners held by the U.S. military.
The CIA general counsel's office requires the station chief in a given country to obtain a verbal assurance from that country's security service. The assurance must be cabled back to CIA headquarters before a rendition takes place.
In practice, though, the CIA has little control over prisoners once they leave CIA custody, said three recently retired CIA officials and other intelligence officials who have dealt with foreign intelligence services on detainee matters.
"These are sovereign countries," said Michael Scheuer, a recently retired CIA officer who favors the use of renditions to disrupt terrorist networks. "They are not going to let you into their prisons."
"Once they are in the jurisdiction of another country, we have no rights to follow up," said Edward S. Walker Jr., a former assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs and now president of the Middle East Institute.
- Washington Post
"This caveat does nothing to prevent torture at the hands of agents of other states; in fact, it effectively encourages and fosters it. It is a fundamental duty of all courts to act as a bulwark against human rights violations. Today, the Court of Appeal has shamefully abdicated this most important duty," Amnesty International
Gulfstream V turbojet -
-a plane favored by corporate excecutives-has scoured the world, from Pakistan to Indonesia to Jordan, sometimes being boarded by hooded and handcuffed passengers, the registration-restricted Washington Post reports Monday. The plane's existence and use has been documented repeatedly by Raw Story and the Times of London. This from Monday's Post.
The plane's owner of record, Premier Executive Transport Services Inc., lists directors and officers who appear to exist only on paper. And each one of those directors and officers has a recently issued Social Security number and an address consisting only of a post office box, according to an extensive search of state, federal and commercial records.
Bryan P. Dyess, Steven E. Kent, Timothy R. Sperling and Audrey M. Tailor are names without residential, work, telephone or corporate histories - just the kind of 'sterile identities,' said current and former intelligence officials, that the CIA uses to conceal involvement in clandestine operations. In this case, the agency is flying captured terrorist suspects from one country to another for detention and interrogation.
The CIA calls this activity 'rendition.' Premier Executive's Gulfstream helps make it possible. According to civilian aircraft landing permits, the jet has permission to use U.S. military airfields worldwide.
Since Sept. 11, 2001, secret renditions have become a principal weapon in the CIA's arsenal against suspected al Qaeda terrorists, according to congressional testimony by CIA officials. But as the practice has grown, the agency has had significantly more difficulty keeping it secret.
According to airport officials, public documents and hobbyist plane spotters, the Gulfstream V, with tail number N379P, has been used to whisk detainees into or out of Jakarta, Indonesia; Pakistan; Egypt; and Sweden, usually at night, and has landed at well-known U.S. government refueling stops.
As the outlines of the rendition system have been revealed, criticism of the practice has grown. Human rights groups are working on legal challenges to renditions, said Morton Sklar, executive director of the World Organization for Human Rights USA, because one of their purposes is to transfer captives to countries that use harsh interrogation methods outlawed in the United States. That, he said, is prohibited by the U.N. Convention on Torture.
The CIA has the authority to carry out renditions under a presidential directive dating to the Clinton administration, which the Bush administration has reviewed and renewed. The CIA declined to comment for this article.
'Our policymakers would never confront the issue,' said Michael Scheuer, a former CIA counterterrorism officer who has been involved with renditions and supports the practice. 'We would say, 'Where do you want us to take these people?' The mind-set of the bureaucracy was, 'Let someone else do the dirty work.' '
Each of the officers of Premier Executive is linked in public records to one of five post office box numbers in Arlington, Oakton, Chevy Chase and the District. A total of 325 names are registered to the five post office boxes.
An extensive database search of a sample of 44 of those names turned up none of the information that usually emerges in such a search: no previous addresses, no past or current telephone numbers, no business or corporate records. In addition, although most names were attached to dates of birth in the 1940s, '50s or '60s, all were given Social Security numbers between 1998 and 2003.
According to former CIA operatives experienced in using 'proprietary,' or front, companies, the CIA likely used, or intended to use, some of the 325 names to hide other activities, the nature of which could not be learned. - source
Cryptogon Uncovers Plane designation shenanigans...

Here's where it gets really interesting.
I just checked N8068V on the FAA database and it now comes up as a "deregistered" Robinson R22 BETA helicopter.
But there's just one problem...
Does that Gulfstream V look like a Robinson R22 BETA helicopter to you? Wave hello to the spooks and their busted cutout operation.
Here's a screenshot of the FAA record for N8068V showing it to be a "Deregistered" Robinson R22 BETA helicopter. The plain text from the FAA follows:
N8068V is Deregistered
Deregistered Aircraft 1 of 1
Aircraft Description
Serial Number 2401 Type Registration Corporation
Manufacturer Name ROBINSON HELICOPTER Certificate Issue Date None
Model R22 BETA Mode S Code 52575653
Year Manufacturer None Cancel Date 12/29/1993
Reason for Cancellation Exported Exported To SOUTH AFRICA
Aircraft Registration prior to Deregistration
City TORRANCE State CALIFORNIA Zip Code 90505
County None
Country Unknown
Other Owner Names
If you're wondering what N8068V looked like as N379P, here it is:
What does the FAA N-Number inquiry show for N379P?
N379P is not Assigned/Reserved
Charter planes linked to Assembly Point Aviation
Last June, the Boston Red Sox chartered an executive jet to help their manager make a quick visit home in the midst of the team's championship season.
But what was the very same Gulfstream--owned by one of the Red Sox's partners, but presumably without the team's logo on its fuselage--doing in Cairo on Feb. 18, 2003?
Perhaps by coincidence, Feb. 18, 2003, was the day an Islamic preacher known as Abu Omar, who had been abducted in Italy the previous day and forced aboard a small plane, also arrived at the Cairo airport.
Omar, whose given name is Osama Nasr Mostafa Hassan, was imprisoned by the Egyptians and, he claims, brutally tortured. The public prosecutor in Milan, Armando Spataro, who is investigating Omar's apparent kidnapping, expects to file charges within a few days, according to an Italian official who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Spataro made headlines last month when, attempting to identify the plane that transported Omar from Italy to Egypt, he served a warrant on the Italian commander of the air base at Aviano, Italy, which is home to the U.S. Air Force's 31st Fighter Wing.
Spataro declines to say whether the Gulfstream that landed in Cairo, which bore the tail number N85VM, departed from Aviano around the time of Omar's disappearance.
But Federal Aviation Administration records obtained by the Tribune show that Gulfstream N85VM has been many places around the world that the Red Sox have almost certainly never gone.
In addition to its FAA flight history, the Gulfstream has been tracked, and sometimes photographed, by the worldwide cadre of aviation aficionados who call themselves "planespotters"--not because of its possible connection with the U.S. government, but because planespotters pride themselves on keeping meticulous records of every aircraft that comes and goes at their chosen airports.
The Red Sox logo was visible, for example, in photos taken at an air show in Schenectady, N.Y., on Aug. 23, 2003, eight days after the Gulfstream returned to Washington from an around-the-world flight that included Anchorage; Osaka, Japan; Dubai; and Shannon.
The logo was not visible when the Gulfstream was photographed during a fuel stop in Shannon on June 12, 2004. But when the plane turned up at Denver's Centennial Airport in February of this year, a photo showed it was sporting not only the Sox logo but a new registration number, N227SV.
Same jet, charter agent says
Mahlon Richards, a co-owner of Richmor Aviation in Hudson, N.Y., and the Gulfstream's charter agent, confirmed that N85VM and N227SV, which share the same manufacturer's serial number, 1172, were in fact the same aircraft.
According to FAA records, the Gulfstream's owner is not Richmor but Assembly Point Aviation, a company with an address in Albany, N.Y., but no telephone number. Dun & Bradstreet describes Assembly Point as a "religious organization" that is somehow involved with "churches, temples and shrines." - Chicago tribuneJet's Travels Cloaked in Mystery - Common Dreams
Gulfstream Jets Kidnapping people?
NetJets, a subsidiary of Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway. Operates a quarter-million flights annually to 140 countries; has affiliated programs in Europe and the Middle East. Its fleet includes hundreds of aircraft ranging from seven-seat Cessna Citations to 18-seat Boeing Business Jets. - executive skyguide
NetJets- they have a lot of other planes too!
Like High performance 737's - see 9-11

Navy Secretly Contracted Jets Used by CIA
By SETH HETTENA, Associated Press Writer Sat Sep 24, 2:23 PM ET SAN DIEGO - A branch of the U.S. Navy secretly contracted a 33-plane fleet that included two Gulfstream jets reportedly used to fly terror suspects to countries known to practice torture, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.
At least 10 U.S. aviation companies were issued classified contracts in 2001 and 2002 by the obscure Navy Engineering Logistics Office for the "occasional airlift of USN (Navy) cargo worldwide," according to Defense Department documents the AP obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.
Two of the companies - Richmor Aviation Inc. and Premier Executive Transport Services Inc. - chartered luxury Gulfstreams that flew terror suspects captured in Europe to Egypt, according to U.S. and European media reports. Once there, the men told family members, they were tortured. Authorities in Italy and Sweden have expressed outrage over flights they say were illegal and orchestrated by the U.S. government.
While the Gulfstreams came under scrutiny in 2001, what hasn't been disclosed is the Navy's role in contracting planes involved in operations the CIA terms "rendition" and what Italian prosecutors call kidnapping.
"A lot of us have been focusing on the role of the CIA but also suspecting that certain parts of the armed forces are involved," said Margaret Satterthwaite, a New York University School of Law researcher who has investigated renditions.
The Navy contracts involve more planes than previously reported - other news outlets totaled 26 planes; the AP identified 33 planes.
Italian judges have issued arrest warrants for 19 purported CIA operatives who allegedly snatched a Muslim cleric from Milan in 2003 and flew him to Cairo, according to FAA records cited by the Chicago Tribune, aboard Richmor's Gulfstream IV. The jet belongs to a part-owner of the Boston Red Sox, who told The Boston Globe that the team's logo was covered when the CIA leased the plane. Another case involves two men taken from Sweden to Egypt in 2001 aboard Premier's Gulfstream V.
Neither the CIA nor a Navy spokeswoman at the Pentagon would comment for this story. Officials at the Navy Engineering Logistics Office, or NELO, in Arlington, Va., didn't respond to messages requesting comment.
Joseph P. Duenas, counsel for the logistics office, declined to provide the contracts, saying they "involve national security information that is classified."
The secrecy surrounding the deals makes it unclear why NELO issued them, but one reason may be the office's anonymity - the agency is so buried within the Pentagon bureaucracy that some career Navy officials have never heard of it.
John Hutson, a retired rear admiral who was the Navy's Judge Advocate General from 1997 to 2000 and is critical of the Bush administration's detainee policies, said he was not familiar with NELO. Told of its activities, Hutson said NELO employees could be held liable if they knew the planes would be used for renditions. Human rights lawyers allege rendition flights violate criminal law.
The office has been around since the mid-1970s, according to a former employee who spoke on condition of anonymity because NELO's activities are secret. NELO operates under different names: it's also known as the Navy's Office of Special Projects and its San Diego location is called the Navy Regional Plant Equipment Office.
None of those names is listed in the U.S. Government Manual, the official compilation of federal departments, agencies and offices. A man who answered the phone at NELO's Arlington office refused to give his name or the agency's address, suggesting it may be classified.
In court documents filed in the case of a fired Office of Special Projects whistleblower, government attorneys described the agency's principal function as "the conduct of foreign intelligence or counterintelligence activities."
The AP learned of the airplane contracts through a Freedom of Information Act request that focused on a different subject - permits granted to all 10 aviation companies that let them land at any Navy base worldwide.
The permits list planes operated by the companies and a contract number issued by NELO. The numbers provide some details about the contracts, including when they were issued, but do not say when they expire. In the documents the AP reviewed, contracts were issued in 2001 and 2002 and were cited on landing permits issued in 2004. The NELO contract numbers also appear on permits issued in 2003 and 2004 that allowed seven of the companies to buy fuel at military bases worldwide.
The permits list 31 planes under NELO contract other than the two Gulfstreams. They include a small Cessna; three huge Lockheed Hercules cargo planes; a Gulfstream 1159a; a Lear Jet 35A; a DC-3; two Boeing 737s; and a 53-passenger DeHavilland DH-8 photographed by plane spotters in Afghanistan.
Ownership of the planes is shielded behind a maze of paperwork and elusive executives.
James J. Kershaw is listed as president of three of the companies, located in Massachusetts, Tennessee and North Carolina. Two other companies share the same vice president, Colleen Bornt. Extensive public record searches could not locate either of them.
Record searches also failed to turn up information on Leonard T. Bayard, whose firm bought Premier Executive Transport Services' Gulfstream. The address of Bayard's firm is the Portland, Ore., office of attorney Scott Caplan.
Asked if his client is a real person, Caplan replied: "No comment."
- Yahoo News
Court receives report on alleged CIA use of airport
14/11/2005 -
Spain's National Court has received a prosecutor's report on allegations that the CIA used an airport on the Spanish island of Mallorca for a program of covert transfers of terror suspects, court officials said today.
The chief prosecutor for the Balearic Islands, which include Mallorca, submitted the 114-page report to the court in July, after a four-month investigation prompted by articles in a Mallorca newspaper, the court officials said.
The newspaper, Diario de Mallorca, said Spanish police have identified three planes used by the CIA at the airport in Palma, the capital of the Mediterranean island, in its "extraordinary rendition" programme, in which terror suspects were transferred to third countries without court approval, subjecting them to possible ill-treatment.
The office of the prosecutor, Bartomeu Barcelo, declined to comment on the report today, as did police in Mallorca. The Spanish court officials said it was not immediately clear if the National Court has begun or agreed to undertake its own investigation. Diario de Mallorca said more than a dozen CIA flights had used Palma airport. It said that in one case, a CIA plane involved in the alleged kidnapping of a German-born Lebanese national, Khaled al-Masri, in Macedonia early last year had taken off from Palma airport en route to Macedonia.
Al-Masri says he was abducted, flown to Afghanistan and interrogated for suspected ties to al-Qaida. Weeks later, al-Masri has said, he was turned over to officials he believes were from the United States who flew him to a prison in Afghanistan - where he claims he was shackled, beaten, injected with drugs and questioned persistently about his alleged links with al-Qaida. He says he staged a hunger strike and was released last May after being flown to Albania.
Italy and Germany are investigating alleged CIA involvement in the alleged kidnapping of a suspected Muslim extremist. In Italy, prosecutors are seeking the extradition of 22 purported CIA operatives accused of kidnapping an Egyptian cleric, Osama Moustafa Hassan Nasr, in 2003 in Milan.
German prosecutors are probing the same case on grounds that one of the CIA agents may have touched German soil when the plane carrying the suspect to Egypt passed through Ramstein Air Base. The base is considered US territory. Nasr was allegedly tortured in Egypt. - IOL
Canary islands seek explanation of reported CIA use of airports
16/11/2005 - A dispute over alleged CIA use of Spain as a base for transporting Islamic terror suspects spread today to the Canary Islands, where the regional government said it had asked Madrid to explain reports that airports there were also used for covert missions.
The Spanish archipelago off west Africa thus joins the island of Mallorca in the Mediterranean at the centre of the controversy.
Spanish Interior Minister Jose Antonio Alonso said last night that a judge is investigating reports that at least 10 CIA flights landed in Mallorca as part of the American intelligence agency's programme of "extraordinary renditions", in which Islamic terror suspects are taken without court approval to third countries for questioning and possibly subjected to ill-treatment.
The Canary Islands government said today that in May it had asked the central government to explain local newspaper reports that suspected CIA planes had landed five times on the island of Tenerife between March 2004 and May of this year.
"But we never got an answer back, or just a vague answer that the government had no evidence. Now we want to ask again for those explanations," Miguel Becerra, a spokesman for the Canary Islands government, said.
"The situation needs to be cleared up," he said. "We need to clarify if Canary Island airports have been used with or without the knowledge of the Spanish authorities." - IOL
CIA interrogation tactics yield iffy data, says report
Web posted at: 11/20/2005 1:46:58 Source ::: AFP
WASHINGTON: CIA agents have revealed details of six interrogation tactics approved by top brass for use at secret CIA jails in Asia and Eastern Europe, ABC News reported on Friday. The techniques have lead to questionable confessions and the death of one man since March 2002, the network said, after interviewing current and former CIA officials.
Former CIA officer Bob Baer told ABC the techniques amounted to "bad interrogation. I mean, you can get anyone to confess to anything if the torture's bad enough."
CIA sources speaking on condition of anonymity described six techniques: "Attention Grab, Attention Slap, Belly Slap, Long Time Standing, Cold Cell, Water Boarding."
The six "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques," as sources called them, were used on a dozen top Al Qaeda targets incarcerated in isolation at secret locations on military bases in regions from Asia to Eastern Europe, ABC said.
In "Belly Slap," interrogators deliver "a hard open-handed slap to the stomach" intended to cause pain but not internal injury.
In "Long Time Standing," prisoners are forced to stand handcuffed and shackled for more than 40 hours.
In "The Cold Cell" a prisoner is made to stand naked in a cell kept near 10 degrees C (50 degrees F) and is continually doused with cold water.
Water Boarding brings results within seconds, the sources said. A prisoner is tied onto a board with his feet higher than his head, and his face is wrapped in cellophane. When water is poured over him, he begins to gag and begs to confess, sources told ABC.
"The person believes they are being killed, and as such, it really amounts to a mock execution, which is illegal under international law," John Sifton of Human Rights Watch told ABC.
After investigating the claims, the network asked CIA officials for comment, but they "would neither confirm nor deny the accounts. They simply declined to comment," ABC said.
Earlier this month, CIA inspector general John Helgerson said techniques used by the agency appeared to violate the international Convention Against Torture, according to current and former officials who described the report to The New York Times.
The report listed 10 techniques authorized in early 2002 that went beyond those used by the US military on prisoners of war. - .the peninsula qatar
UK is accused over 'torture flights'
By Marie Woolf and Anthony Barnes Published: 20 November 2005
Ministers have been accused of turning a blind eye to "torture flights" refuelling at UK airports, despite warnings that they may breach international law. A powerful committee of MPs and peers will this week begin an inquiry into hundreds of flights through UK airports which may be carrying terror suspects to destinations where they could face torture.
The United Nations and human rights lawyers have warned that the Government's failure to intercept the flights, some of which have been run by the CIA, could breach Britain's obligations under the UN Convention against Torture.
Tomorrow MPs and peers will begin questioning the use of "extraordinary rendition", where a suspect is snatched and taken to clandestine interrogation camps or to a country where torture may occur. Yesterday the nine released British detainees from Guantanamo Bay were reunited for the first time and detailed the "acts of terror" inflicted on them by US authorities. The group spoke of the beatings, humiliation and isolation which became a way of life.
Among them was Moazzam Begg, who told international delegates: "We have been subjected to acts of terror. It's terrifying to have a gun with a loaded chamber pointed at your head; it's terrifying to think you will never see your family again; it's terrifying to feel a blade ripping your clothes off, all in the name of security. What does this tell us about the rule of law as far as the US is concerned? It tells us that it doesn't apply.''
Feroz Abassi said he was aware of one prisoner who had been beaten so badly he was put into a coma, and when he recovered from that was found to be permanently brain damaged, with a mental age of 12.
Leading human rights lawyers say that the Government's failure to take action makes them "complicit", and breaches the UN Convention against Torture, which Britain has signed. Around 200 flights involved in the special operations are believed to have flown in and out of UK airports since September 2001. They include flights by the CIA's fleet of planes.
The Department of Transport said it had "no evidence" that the flights may be carrying people to destinations where they could be tortured. "These are privately chartered aircraft and they don't need to tell us who is on board," said a spokesman.
Philippe Sands QC, a leading human rights barrister, said: "You can't turn a blind eye under the torture convention. There is a positive obligation to investigate credible information." - independent
UK torture
Malta used for stopovers by 'CIA planes'
by David Lindsay - With European governments initiating investigations into claims that United States Central Intelligence Agency planes carrying terrorism suspects have used their airports and airspace in the controversial practice of "extraordinary rendition", The Malta Independent on Sunday can report that two of the planes known to be implicated in the practice have made stopovers in Malta.
Flights records and photographs obtained by this newspaper place two suspected CIA planes at Malta International Airport on two separate occasions - one in December 2003 and another in December 2004.
A Boeing 737, with tail number N313P, was the first to stop over in Malta, between 6 and 10 December 2003. The plane had arrived from Northolt, an RAF airfield 10 kilometres from Heathrow Airport, on 6 December 2003 and left four days later on 10 December bound for Tripoli.
A year later a second plane, a Gulfstream jet with tail number N227SV, arrived in Malta on 17 December 2004 and left later that day for Iceland, from where it flew to Washington DC. Other information, still unconfirmed, alleges the plane had arrived in Malta from Cairo.
The flight records are compiled by the US Federal Aviation Administration and were made available to this newspaper by The Chicago Tribune.
Photos taken by Maltese plane spotters also confirm the planes' presence in Malta. The reason behind the stopovers are, however, still unknown.
Searches of flight data reveal that the planes have flown around the world and include stops at US military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan and the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Other landings include Cyprus, Morocco, Algeria, Macedonia, and Romania.
Extraordinary rendition refers to the controversial American procedure in which criminal suspects are apprehended, sometimes secretly, and sent for interrogation in countries where torture is used as a routine form of interrogation. Reports cite suspects being arrested, shackled, blindfolded and sedated, after which they are transported, usually by private jet, to countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Uzbekistan.
The CIA has reportedly set up a number of so-called "black sites", some in eastern Europe, where suspects are held and interrogated beyond the scope of normal laws. Hundreds of detainees are thought to have been subjected to the practice, to the outrage of human rights groups and governments alike.
The private planes used in the practice are not leased by the CIA but are owned by CIA shell companies. Although the practice has been in use since the 1990s, its scope has been widened immensely since 11 September 2001.
EU governments investigate
Investigations and inquiries concerning the practice are currently underway in Spain, Italy, Germany, Denmark and Sweden over the use of the countries' airspace and airports for actions constituting violations of human rights.
Last week the Spanish government opened an investigation into the use of its airports and airspace involving suspected terrorists being transported for interrogation in Egypt and Syria. Airports in the Canary Islands and the island of Majorca are alleged to have been used for stopovers. Spanish Interior Minister Jose Antonio Alonso said in a television interview last week, "If it is confirmed that this is true, we would be looking at very serious, intolerable deeds because they break the basic rules of treating people in a democratic legal and political system."
Italy and Germany are investigating an alleged CIA abduction of a Muslim cleric in Milan in 2003. The cleric was later flown to Egypt where he was allegedly tortured. Italian prosecutors are seeking the extradition of 22 purported CIA operatives in connection with the case.
German prosecutors are investigating the same case in light of evidence suggesting that one of the suspected CIA agents may have touched German soil when the plane carrying the suspect, Osama Moustafa Nasr, to Egypt passed through Ramstein Air Base.
The Swedish government last week confirmed media reports that two planes with alleged CIA links had landed there in 2002 but added that it was still unclear whether the planes had been used specifically by the CIA during the stopovers.
Recent Norwegian media reports are also claiming that at least four aircraft, two purportedly carrying Islamic extremist prisoners, had flown over or landed in Norway while on CIA missions.
Two Portuguese political parties last week demanded an explanation to media reports claiming that two suspected CIA planes landed at two of the country's airports - one in Porto and another in Tires.
Last week members of the European Parliament called on the European Commission to investigate claims that the CIA had used eastern European prisons to conduct secret interrogations. EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini said in Strasbourg on Monday that there was no evidence that an EU state had housed secret CIA detention centres, adding that any EU state found to have done so could face sanctions.
- Malta Independent Online
CIA 'torture trips' using city airport
GARETH EDWARDS - 26 Nov 2005
THE CIA is using Edinburgh Airport as a refuelling stop for "torture" flights carrying terror suspects. The secret flights are suspected of carrying Islamic militants from the US to Eastern European countries where torture can be used legally. Police have now been urged to investigate whether any crimes have been committed in Edinburgh after it emerged 14 of the "rendition" flights stopped in the Capital over the last four years.
Lothians Green MSP Mark Ballard said today: "I am sure that many people in Edinburgh will be revolted that such abuses of human rights could be taking place right in their own backyard."
It had long been known that both Prestwick and Glasgow had been used as a pit-stop for the flights, but now Edinburgh, as well as RAF Leuchars, Inverness and Wick have been linked to the scandal.
Mr Ballard has written to Lothian and Borders Police outlining his concerns that crimes may have been committed in Scottish airspace or on the ground in Edinburgh, and asking the Chief Constable to investigate. Under UN conventions and the European Convention on Human Rights, torture, including acts which aid or abet torture, is illegal.
Holyrood was told yesterday that the American government did not deny flying prisoners to Eastern Europe where they could employ what were described as aggressive interrogation techniques which are not allowed in the US. The figures provided by the American authorities stated that Prestwick and Glasgow had been used for refuelling rendition flights 149 times since 2001, with RAF Leuchars used six times, Inverness five times and Wick twice. It is not clear whether Lothian and Borders Police will have to investigate the complaint regarding Edinburgh Airport, however, and no-one from the police was available for comment.
Strathclyde Police refused to investigate the flights in Glasgow as they did not believe there was enough evidence of a criminal act being committed in Scotland. However, the Greens argued that police need only have "reasonable suspicion" that a crime has been committed. And they said this was provided by the documents provided by the US government detailing the many rendition flights which have stopped at Scottish airports.
Mr Ballard said: "Such activities are illegal and Lothians and Borders Police have a duty to uphold the law, so we have asked them to investigate the use of Edinburgh Airport by torture flights as a matter of urgency.
"I believe there is a very real risk that individuals' human rights are being violated within our jurisdiction and that we have a duty to act. I'm sure the vast majority of Scots, including Edinburgh residents, expect our police to ensure that Scotland plays no part in torture."
A former British ambassador said today that police had full power to board the flights. Craig Murray, who reigned from the Foreign Office over the Government's role in the war on terror, said officers had a "duty" to intervene.
"If the planes were suspected of carrying narcotics, as opposed to kidnapped human beings facing interrogation under torture, there is no doubt that the police would intercept these flights the minute they touched down in the UK."
Mr Murray said he believed the flights were refuelling in Scotland because the UK was afraid of losing access to US intelligence.
A spokesman for BAA Scotland said: "As an airport we are not allowed to turn away any flight, unless the airport is full."
The issue has already been taken up at Westminster by Sir Menzies Campbell, who has tabled a series of questions about planes using RAF bases, such as Northolt, in north London. He says the UK should have no part in the "illegal and immoral" torture flights.
Ministry of Defence sources have insisted that American flights can land anywhere in the UK if they have obtained diplomatic clearance. Officials have no way of knowing who or what was on those flights. - scotsman
Twist to terror suspects row as logs show 80 CIA planes visited UK
Stephen Grey and Luke Harding in Berlin - Thursday December 1, 2005 - The Guardian
The transatlantic row over the secret transfer of terror suspects by the Bush administration took a new twist yesterday when it emerged that more than 300 flights operated by the CIA had landed at European airports.
According to flight logs seen by the Guardian, Britain was second only to Germany as a transit hub for the CIA, which stands accused of operating a covert network of interrogation centres in eastern Europe. Several European governments have launched urgent investigations into whether clandestine CIA flights were used in the aftermath of September 11 to transfer Islamist prisoners to third countries where they could be interrogated beyond the reach of international law.
The allegations have provoked a furore in Europe. On Tuesday the foreign secretary, Jack Straw, acting on behalf of the EU, asked the US to clarify whether planes containing terror suspects - known as "rendition" flights - had stopped off in Europe. He also raised the allegations made by Human Rights Watch earlier this month about covert interrogation centres.
The US has so far refused to confirm or deny the reports. But on Tuesday the secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, told Germany's new foreign minister, Franz-Walter Steinmeier, the administration would respond. Ms Rice is likely to come under further pressure when she visits Europe next week. The Guardian's survey of flight logs taken from 26 CIA planes reveals a far higher level of activity than previously known. The CIA visited Germany 96 times. Britain was second with more than 80 flights by CIA-owned planes, although when charter flights are added the figure rises to more than 200. France was visited just twice and neutral Austria not at all, according to the logs, which also reveal regular trips to eastern Europe, including 15 visits to the Czech capital Prague.
Only one visit is recorded to the Szymany airbase in north-east Poland, which has been identified as the alleged site of a secret CIA jail. Poland and Romania have denied hosting CIA prisons.
While the logs show unprecedented CIA activity, they do not show which planes were involved in prisoner transfers. In October and December 2003 a CIA Boeing flew from RAF Northolt to Tripoli while the CIA and MI6 were negotiating with Libya over its weapons of mass destruction programme. In January 2004 the same Boeing was allegedly involved in shipping suspects to a US prison in Afghanistan.
The European Council has appointed a special investigator and is examining possible human rights violations by member countries. The European Union has launched an inquiry and the Austrian government has asked the US to explain a US C-130 Hercules that flew into its airspace. The flight logs were obtained from Federal Aviation Administration data and sources in the aviation industry.
- guardian.co.uk
"Nobody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane
and slam it into the World Trade Center
that they would try to use an airplane as a missile." - Condoleeza Rice
Rice admits CIA transfers but denies torture
By Sam Knight and agencies - December 05, 2005
Condoleezza Rice today defended America's practice of secretly abducting terrorist suspects to interrogate them in bases belonging to the US government and its allies. The US Secretary of State's robust statement - issued shortly before she left on a four day tour of European capitals - is the Bush Administration's first detailed response to reports that the CIA operates secret prisons in Eastern Europe, and covertly detains and transports alleged terrorists through Europe.
"The United States will use every lawful weapon to defeat these terrorists," said Dr Rice.
Seeking to head off criticism from European governments, Dr Rice said that the US did not torture detainees, and insisted that co-operating with local officials to remove terrorist suspects so that they can be questioned and prosecuted abroad, a practice known as "rendition", was a crucial tool in the campaign against terrorism.
"Rendition takes terrorists out of action and saves lives," said Dr Rice, who referred to the successful prosecution of "Carlos the Jackal", real name Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, who was taken from Sudan to face trial in France in 1994.
Although she described the process of "rendition" and credited it with saving lives in Europe, Dr Rice refused to address the underlying question of whether the CIA runs secret prisons on airbases in Eastern Europe, an allegation made by human rights campaigners.
"We cannot discuss information that would compromise the success of intelligence, law enforcement, and military operations. We expect other nations share this view," said Dr Rice said in her statement at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland.
Dr Rice strenously denied reports that the US uses the practice of rendition to torture terrorist suspects or deliver them to countries where torture is routine.
"The United States does not use the air space or airport of any country for the purpose of transporting a detainee when we believe he or she will be tortured," she said. "The United States does not transport, and has not transported detainees from one country to another for the purpose of interrogation using torture.
"The United States has fully respected the sovereignty of other countries that have co-operated in these matters. The United States is a country of laws. My colleagues and I have been sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Dr Rice's mention of sovereignty implied that any American counter-terrorism operations conducted in Europe and elsewhere have enjoyed the co-operation of local governments. This is likely to form the foundation of her response to an official request made by Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, on behalf of EU governments, that the US answer the allegations, which have multiplied daily in recent weeks.
On her tour of Europe, Dr Rice will visit Germany, Belgium, Romania and the Ukraine. Der Spiegel, a German magazine, reports that the CIA has made 437 flights through German airspace - some using German airports - in the past two years. In Romania, Dr Rice will discuss the US acquisition of a former Soviet airbase where CIA interrogations are alleged to have taken place.
About a dozen European governments have launched internal investigations into allegations that the CIA used their airports covertly to move terrorist suspects around the world, including to and from the US detention centre at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. The CIA is alleged to have made secret flights through Britain, the Netherlands, France, Sweden, Denmark, the Irish Republic and other EU countries. Eight European governments have demanded a response from the US. The Council of Europe, an intergovernmental human rights group, has begun an investigation.
The British Government has insisted that there is nothing wrong with the CIA flying planes through British airspace, and admits that it does not know or ask whether there are any prisoners on the flights - timesonline
Rice visits NATO
Shifting away from a confrontation with Washington, some NATO allies welcomed Rice's explanation of U.S. views on secret prisons and treatment of terrorist suspects at a private dinner Wednesday with her NATO and European Union counterparts. "It is my impression that Secretary Rice ... cleared the air. You will not see this discussion continuing" at the NATO headquarters, NATO Secretary General Jaap De Hoop Scheffer told a news conference.
Rice "addressed the principles that guide United States policy with regards to respect for international law," Belgian Foreign Minister Karel de Gucht said. At a news conference, Rice said she can give no guarantee that terrorism detainees won't be abused again despite what she called the United States' clear rules against torture. "Will there be abuses of policy? That's entirely possible," Rice told reporters. "Just because you're a democracy it doesn't mean that you're perfect."
List of Detainees Published by Human Rights Watch
[Caution: Human Rights Watch, is an NGO that often obscures and obfuscates important facts, as it did with the causality of the Rwandan genocide and as it is currently doing with regard to offering an incomplete list of CIA prisoner aircraft in Europe.]
EU concealed deal with US to allow 'rendition' flights
By Justin Stares in Brussels and Philip Sherwell in Washington 11/12/'05
The European Union secretly allowed the United States to use transit facilities on European soil to transport "criminals" in 2003, according to a previously unpublished document. The revelation contradicts repeated EU denials that it knew of "rendition" flights by the CIA.
The EU agreed to give America access to facilities - presumably airports - in confidential talks in Athens during which the war on terror was discussed, the original minutes show. But all references to the agreement were deleted from the record before it was published.
The issue of "rendition" flights - in which terror suspects are flown to secret bases and third countries for interrogation - overshadowed last week's fence-mending visit to Europe by Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State.
Asked in Parliament last week about reports of 400 suspect flights passing through British airports, Tony Blair said: "In respect of airports, I don't know what you are referring to."
The minutes of the Athens meeting on January 22, 2003, were written by the then Greek presidency of the EU after the talks with a US delegation headed by a justice department official. EU officials confirmed that a full account was circulated to all member governments, and would have been sent to the Home Office.
The document, entitled New Transatlantic Agenda, EU-US meeting on Justice and Home Affairs, details the subjects discussed by the 31 people present. The agenda included the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking and extradition agreements.
According to the full version, "Both sides agreed on areas where co-operation could be improved [inter alia] the exchange of data between border management services, increased use of European transit facilities to support the return of criminal/ inadmissible aliens, co-ordination with regard to false documents training and improving the co-operation in removals."
But this section, and others referring to US policy, were deleted - as a "courtesy" to Washington, according to a spokesman for the EU Council of Ministers.
Tony Bunyan, of the Statewatch civil liberties group which obtained the original document, said: "What kind of facilities are these and how many people work there? That phrase suggests the US is being allowed to use airports in Europe to transport criminals from third countries."
Washington has been angered by EU protests about the movement and alleged abuse of terror suspects. Yesterday, John Bellinger, senior legal adviser to the US State Department, said the convention against torture, which the US has signed, "would generally apply" to prisoners held by the US.
He said on BBC radio: "Some of the allegations more broadly about all sorts of things are ludicrous. These allegations that we have these activities going on in the hundreds over Europe, and that we are going to take people off to be mistreated, are simply untrue."
EU, CIA's Secret Jails:a SCOOP on CIA Prison Planes
Two countries the media declined to name...a complete list of CIA shell companies and aircraft....
News media reported Thursday that the group Human Rights Watch "claims records and other evidence point to POLAND and ROMANIA as countries that allowed their territory to be used by the CIA to hold top suspected al-Qaeda captives." We report that HRW knows that from tracing the movements of CIA planes and we provide a list of the planes.
How does Human Rights Watch know?
Planespotters, that's how. The aviation enthusiasts follow the travels of planes, take photos, and post the photos and locations to websites like http://www.Airliners.net , http://www.Planespotters.net , http://www.JetPhotos.Net and http://www.Jetspotter.com .
A Boeing 737 "leased" by the CIA to transport prisoners departed from Kabul, Afghanistan, and made stops at remote airfields in POLAND and ROMANIA before continuing on to Morocco and then to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to HRW. So POLAND and ROMANIA are two of the several Eastern European countries earlier reports only alluded to. We can be sure that planespotters soon will identify the rest.
The accompanying table shows the CIA shell companies and the planes they own, including the 737, which has the FAA-assigned tail number (N-number for US planes) N4476S. At least three of the planes, marked with asterisks, are used for "rendition" (kidnap-torture) flights.
The plane is not really leased by the CIA. It is owned by a CIA shell company, Keeler and Tate Management, LLC. Like other CIA shell companies, it has no employees, no business premises, and no website. In lieu of these, it has a CIA-contracted lawyer who provides a mail drop, registers the company with the state and the planes with the FAA, and interfaces in other necessary ways with government agencies and the public. The lawyer provides many of the legal services needed by a normal company, including a place to serve legal papers and court documents on the company.
The address of Keeler and Tate is 245 E. Liberty St., Suite 510, Reno, Nevada 89501 (Washoe county). The corporation information provided to the Nevada secretary of state lists the resident agent as Steven F. Petersen, an attorney whose address is the same as Keeler and Tate's.
The only company officer listed is Tyler Edward Tate of the same address. Some newspapers have tried to track down CIA shell company directors and have found that they almost always are fictitious persons, and once in a while figureheads -- patriotic persons who lend their name in the name of patriotism. Tracing the officers of the shell companies is a futile exercise. Basically, the only real people working for the shell companies are the private attorneys.
The address of Keeler and Tate and of the lawyer Petersen is shared by Lexalt Group West, the law firm of Paul D. Laxalt and Peter D. Laxalt. Paul D. Lexalt is a former Republican senator from Nevada. His law firm specializes in "political public relations services." So does Petersen's.
Laxalt, the former US senator whose address and phone number are used by the owners of the CIA's 737 prison plane, was a close friend of Republican icon Ronald Reagan. When Reagan was president, Laxalt was referred to as the "First Friend."
Clayton Hallmark
The 737, which is the flagship of The CIA Airline, is not really leased by the CIA. It is owned by a CIA shell company, Keeler and Tate Management, LLC. Like other CIA shell companies, it has no employees, no business premises, and no website. In lieu of these, it has a CIA-contracted lawyer who provides a mail drop, registers the company with the state and the planes with the FAA, and interfaces in other necessary ways with government agencies and the public. The lawyer provides many of the legal services needed by a normal company, including a place to serve legal papers and court documents on the company.
The address of Keeler and Tate is 245 E. Liberty St., Suite 510, Reno, Nevada 89501 (Washoe county). The corporation information provided to the Nevada secretary of state lists the resident agent as Steven F. Petersen, an attorney whose address and phone number are the same as Keeler and Tate's.
The only company officer listed is Tyler Edward Tate of the same address. Some newspapers have tried to track down CIA shell company directors like and have found that they almost always are fictitious persons, like "Tate," and once in a while figureheads -- misguided, or misled, persons who lend their name in the name of patriotism. Tracing the officers of the shell companies is a futile exercise. Basically, the only real people working for the shell companies are the private attorneys. (The CIA "proprietaries" are a different matter.)
The address of Keeler and Tate and of the lawyer Petersen is shared by Lexalt Group West, the law firm of Paul D. Laxalt and Peter D. Laxalt. Paul D. Lexalt is a former Republican senator from Nevada. His law firm specializes in "political public relations services." So does Petersen's, which has the same address and phone number.
Laxalt, the former US senator whose address and phone number are used by the owners of the CIA's 737 prison plane, was a close friend of Republican icon Ronald Reagan. When Reagan was president, Laxalt was referred to as the "First Friend." The Ghost of the Gipper is with us.
Besides the shell companies, there are at least four CIA "proprietary" companies that actually have operations, employees, and premises. These companies provide things like flight crews, full-service operation of planes, avionics, or an owner-operator function. -
Clayton Hallmark

[Dec. 13, 2005] Human rights activists are up in arms about operations like the following. European governments cooperated, but now that the rights people have exposed the operations, European governments deny any knowledge of CIA flights and abductions (even though Dick Marty, the president of the EU's European Council, stated this week the illegal acts probably had occurred). Charges by an Italian prosecutor say that Robert Seldon Lady and 21 other American CIA agents and military members of a US "special removal team" kidnapped Muslim cleric Abu Omar off a street in Milan, Italy, and whisked him off to Egypt for questioning under torture in February 2003. Now they stand indicted, wanted, and subject to arrest in 160 nations. Lady claims, through Italian lawyer Daria Pesce, that the Italian government knew in advance of the operation, and I am sure this is right. The CIA had standing permission for this type of operation, the document shows, and Italy is one country where local intelligence and the CIA operate jointly in what is called a CTIC (Counter-Terrorist Intelligence Center).
Just the month before the Imam Rapito (cleric kidnapping) in Milan, representatives of the US Justice and State Departments met with officials of the European Union in Athens, Greece, on matters of "justice and home affairs." One of the action items resulting from this meeting read like this (see https://dhs.riigikantselei.ee/ELdocs.nsf/e4053b6b4c0cc4d0c2256d12003fe6c4/6F8F7D053FEC3768C2256DD5005E1A92/$File/st05762.en03.pdf ) :
"Both sides [EU, US] agreed on the areas where cooperation could be improved i.a. [inter alia (Latin: among other things)], the exchange of data between border management services, *increased use of European transit facilities* to support the return of *criminal/inadmissible aliens*, co-ordination with regard to false documents training (US side will provide the EU with a paper suggesting modalities for the coordination of false documents training) and improving the *cooperation in removals*."
The CIA landings at European airports and airspace that are so much in the news? That's the above-mentioned "increased use of European transit facilities." Abu Omar? He was an Egyptian wanted in Egypt for membership in an anti-government organization, apparently considered a "criminal alien" under the EU-US agreement above. (Italian prosecutors say he would be in prison in Italy if the US hadn't snatched him off to Egypt.) As for the kidnapping CIA-man Lady and the other US citizens stand accused of, the quote from the meeting calls that "cooperation in removals." The CIA calls it "extraordinary rendition" and calls the rendition team a "special removal unit"; but the European Union, and Italy specifically, have agreed to cooperation with the US in such "removals," as the above link shows.
Planespotter hobbyists and human rights groups like Human Rights Watch have been documenting the CIA kidnapping flights, which inevitably sometimes lead to CIA-operated jails, exposing the CIA flights and prisons. Europeans doing this have forced investigations by elements of some of the very European governments that HAVE AGREEMENTS for the CIA snatches and flights. Most of the investigations can be expected to be coverups; but the information they evince could help in lawsuits, which in turn could curtail the kidnappings and flights.
Aero Contractors (NC) and its former president Norman Richardson, Richmor Aviation (NY) and its owner Mahlon Richards, CIA shell companies and their lawyers like Dean Plakias (MA) and Scott Caplan (WA) -- these are but a few of the many US firms that could potentially be served legal actions by victims of CIA kidnapping and torture, based on the existence of the landmark lawsuit filed Dec. 6 by CIA victim Khaled el-Masri of Germany. Already Aero and Plakias have heard from Masri's lawyers. Then there are CIA officials like James Pavitt, its retired DDO (Deputy Director for Operations). The DDO reportedly is the specific officer who approves kidnappings and torture measures for specific victims. The DDOs can be gone after. Pavitt was the DDO from Aug. 1999 to Aug. 2004, succeeded by Stephen Kappes (Aug. to Nov. 2004). The Nation says the DDO since Nov. 2004 is Jose Rodriguez. http://www.thenation.com/doc/20041213/vest
BESIDES PERSONS ALREADY CHARGED, who else might be liable, criminally or civilly, for Abu Omar's Feb. 2003 abduction from Italy and transport via US planes and air bases to Egypt? Omar, when briefly released, called home to report what happened to him and got rearrested for that. He was tortured and maimed, allegedly in the presence of Mr. Lady, and remains imprisoned by his Egyptian torturers.
There are numerous current and retired employees of the CIA's Operations Directorate who potentially could be sued for CIA renditions and related abuses. Some of them have signed fat book contracts and are reaping large speaking fees bragging about their outrages. An example is Michael Scheuer, the McLean, VA, man who was in charge of snatchs from 1995, when the first victim was seized, until June 1999. There were some 50 victims in that period. Since 9/11, there have been 150 to 200 snatches.
I will let the CIA retirees rest with this quote from Scheuer: "I try to be a good Christian, and I don't want to see anyone treated badly; but I am paid to protect Americans, so if the lawyers said it was okay, it was okay." This blasphemous non sequitur shows what we are up against, those of us who still believe what the US Declaration of Independence says: "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." Note the word "alien" in the EU-US agreement ("criminal/inadmissible aliens") and note the word "unalienable" in the Declaration.
AERO CONTRACTORS is another potential defendent and is being sued by Khaled el-Masri and the ACLU. Aero Contractors is a real, rather than a shell, company that provides the pilots and flight crews for most CIA planes. The planes are owned by the CIA through phony companies fronted by lawyers. However, the victims' lawyers can serve papers on the lawyers, who are known, and thus secure liens in US courts against the CIA's planes.
A list of CIA shell companies for owning aircraft (while leaving actual operations to Aero Contractors and other CIA contractors) appears at the end of this article, along with their agents (lawyers) for legal service.
Working directly with at least a score of CIA operatives, a Counter Terrorism Intelligence Center (CTIC) combines key personnel from a country's security forces and armed forces. The CTIC relies heavily on the CIA for its structure, guidance, and funding. Two agencies -- the US CIA and the Italian SISMI, for example -- share facilities, equipment, and information on a daily basis. That is why the CIA fugitive Robert Seldon Lady is right: the Italian secret service knew in advance about the kidnapping he is accused of, and the operation had the approval of high Italian officials, likely Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi himself. Most governments never publicly acknowledge the existence of CTICs, but they exist in over two dozen countries, likely including the following:
COUNTRIES WITH CTICs (Partners in CIA Renditions and Flights)
1. Albania
2. Britain
3. Czech Republic
4. France
5. Germany
6. Italy
7. Macedonia
8. Poland
9. Portugal
10. Romania
11. Spain
12. Sweden
13. Indonesia
14. Malaysia
15. Pakistan
16. Thailand
17. Uzbekistan
18. Egypt
19. Jordan
20. Libya
21. Morocco
22. Saudi Arabia
23. Turkey
24. Yemen
25. Australia
26. Canada
Now one can see why the above are the origination and destination points of the CIA flights in the news, despite denials from their governments. The governments of these countries are complicit in CIA flights, and it is up to the citizens of these countries to make them stop illegal activities by bringing lawsuits and forcing investigations. In Europe, EU bodies like the European Council possibly can get the EU to penalize members of the EU -- or prospective members like Poland and Romania -- to stop the flights and disallow CIA detention centers.
According to Congressional testimony earlier this year by the Director of the National Clandestine Service (who fomerly was called the Deputy Director for Operations), the CTICs have been responsible for the arrest of over 3000 persons.
http://www.refdag.nl/artikel/1238465/CIA%20spil%20van%20groot%20antiterreurnetwerk.html Clearly, human rights groups have their work cut out for them in accounting for all of these people.
The CIA Deputy Director for Operations (now the Director of the National Clandestine Service) oversees CIA flights and airplanes, using aircraft-holding companies -- shell companies represented by private attorneys in the US. Most of these already are well known from newspaper reports. The known shell companies appear below. Besides these, there are real companies with actual operations, including the provision of pilots (Aero Contractors, Ltd); avionics (Pegasus Technologies, Inc.); cargo plane (civilian C-130) operation (Tepper Aviation, Inc.); charters (Richmor Aviation, Inc.); and both ownership and operation of planes (Presidential Airways, Inc., and Aviation Worldwide Services, Inc., divisions of the large security firm Blackhawk USA).
PO BOX 9891
(District of Columbia County)
Most Co. planes registered to above.
Additional Address:
(Prince George's County)
Raytheon (Beech) B200C, S/N BB-1823 registered to above.
(Now at AS Address: Leslie Silverman, Gregory R. Caruso)
Thomas lent his address for the one plane, didn't
register Co. with state (MD), was disbarred in 2000.
He also lent his address for RAPID, below.
(Multnomah County)
LAWYER: SCOTT D. CAPLAN (same address)
of Jordan, Caplan, Paul & Etter
(Norfolk County)
LAWYER: DEAN PLAKIAS (same address)
of Hill & Plakias (practice: family law)
LEXINGTON, NC 27292-3009
(Davidson County)
LAWYER: Mark E. Klass
Klass is now a judge. He incorporated STEVENS (below).
Davidson County Hall of Justice, 110 W. Center St.,
P.O. Box 1064 Lexington, NC 27293-1064
(336) 249-0351
(Now at 129 W Center St. is attorney Carroll C. Wall.)
RENO, NV 89501 US
(Washoe County)
LAWYER: STEVEN F. PETERSEN (same address), political PR
SAME OFFICE: Paul D. Laxalt (ex-US Senator), Peter D. Laxalt,
Frank R. Petersen
(Sussex County)
(Now at PATH's address is Barbara-Cherrix O'Leary, real estate lawyer.)
(Same address, same lawyer as CROWELL above.)
(Norfolk County)
LAWYER: DEAN PLAKIAS (same address)
of Hill & Plakias (practice: family law)
(Davidson County)
(Prince George's County)
LAWYER: DOUGLAS R. THOMAS, bankruptcy lawyer
(Same Office: Leslie Silverman, Gregory R. Caruso)
Thomas lent his address for Rapid "Trans" and "Transport"
as well as AVIATION SPECIALTIES (above).
Thomas registered "Trans" with the state for a time,
"Transport" not at all. He was disbarred in 2000.
(Shelby County)
LAWYER: DOUGLAS R. BEATY (Same address),
real estate lawyer
Company was incorporated by Mark E. Klass
(see DEVON), now a judge in Lexington, NC.
Clayton Hallmark
by Clayton Hallmark
Includes rendition planes, CIA front companies, contractors.
- via indymedia
Persons who signed this agreement could be liable to civil and criminal prosecution, if it can be proved that they intended to cause illegal actions.
MARK RICHARD - Department of Justice - Senior Counsel - US/EU Rep. - Brussels
FRANK KERBER - JHA Counselor, USEUR Brussels
MARC MEZNAR - First Secretary, USEU Brussels
BRUCE SWARTZ - Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Criminal Matters at DOJ
MAREN BROOKS - Policy Analyst - Department of State (INL)
Emanuele MAROTTA, Ministry of Interior, Office for the Coordination and Planning of Police
Forces, Service for International Relations
Carmelo VELLA, Ministry of Interior, Office for the Coordination and Planning of Police Forces,
Service for International Relations
Andree PORTUEGI, Ministry of Interior, Office for the Coordination and Planning of Police
Forces, Service for International Relations
Enrico GORNARI, Ministry of Interior, Border police
Sebastiano NERI, Ministry of Justice, Department Justice Affairs
CIA DDO (Jose Rodriguez), the chief spy? CIA planes, front companies, lawyers? The 22 American CIA agents allegedly led by Robert Seldon Lady in the 2003 Milan kidnapping of Muslim cleric Abu Omar? All are listed below. The Italian secret service SISMI knew in advance of their operation, just as Mr. Lady claims. There is a document that proves, in writing, such operations involve the cooperation of EU governments. The Milan prosecutor Spataro knows this. Prime Minister Berlusconi knows this. Still, these two men are on a collision course as Spataro prepares for a show trail of the 22 "in absentia" while Berlusconi attempts to get away with denying everything.
Also, Italy is one of 25-plus countries (listed) in which the CIA and foreign spy agencies work out of the same office (CTIC, see list)! Any illegal operations can be stopped by lawsuits and liens on planes and companies (another list).
A few days after the Athens agreement on renditions, Robert Lady and a CIA/US military team allegedly kidnapped in Milan and transported to torture in Egypt one Osama Moustafa Hassan Nasr, or Abu Omar. Now, while poor Bob Lady sits out an exile (possibly in Punta Gorda, Florida, instead of his retirement villa in Penango, Italy), lying hypocrites in European governments deny knowledge of kidnappings like the one he is charged with in Italy.
Colin Powell is right: the European governments are being hypocrites by denying they knew about renditions and torture flights , or "removals" and "use of European transit facilities," as the document calls them -- or lynchings of Muslims.
Robert Seldon Lady is an American born in Honduras in 1954. His father, William (Bill or Billy) Seldon Lady lived in Arkansas and Florida before moving to Honduras when he was 20 (in 1946). Billy Lady was in Honduras during the Iran-contra affair. This 1980s affair involved the sale of arms to Iran by Lt. Col. Oliver North, operating out of the Reagan White House. North and his associates used the proceeds from the Iran arms sales, and proceeds from sales of Colombian drugs in the US, to finance material aid to the contra ("against") rebels trying to overthrow the elected Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The CIA was heavily involved in this.
Bill Lady (again, Bob Lady's dad) ran an airline out of the Bay Islands (see map) at the time. As a mining prospector, he had thoroughly surveyed the Olancho department (province) of eastern Honduras, where most of the Iran-contra action occurred in Honduras, and neighboring parts of Nicaragua. Mr. Lady had a farm near Danli in the El Paraiso department, at the time, in the thick of the action. (SEE MAP.) He also was an accomplished cruise sailor, a network controller of a worldwide amateur-radio network used by military personnel, an aviation pioneer of Honduras, and the expert on eastern Honduras terrain. He may have rented aircraft to the US Government, which of course is not illegal.
His son, the alleged renditioner Robert Seldon Lady, joined the CIA in Latin America in about 1984. In 2001, before leaving for Milan, Italy, Bob Lady worked out of New Orleans and the US Embassy in Panama under Jose A. Rodriguez Jr, now the Deputy Director for Operations (DDO) of the CIA. Bob Lady is charged with being the ringleader of the Feb. 17, 2003, kidnapping of Abu Omar off the streets of Milan. Abu Omar was transferred to Egypt by the Boston Red Sox Gulfstream executive jet N85V (now N227SV) and the CIA Learjet N221SG. The Learjet is operated by Aero Contractors Limited, which has locations at the airports in Smithfield and Kinston, North Carolina, which recently have been picketed by protesters.
Bob Lady claims that the Italian secret service knew in advance of the Abu Omar grab, and he is right, based on the EU-US agreement and on the existence of a joint US-Italy "Counterterrorist Intelligence Center" (CTIC) in Italy.
Bob Lady, as the Milan station chief of the CIA, is rumored to have cooperated in the back-channel transmission (avoiding official CIA and other channels) of forged Niger documents to Dick Cheney's and Paul Wolfowitz's White House Iraq Group, also to the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans (the "Stovepipe") created by Wolfowitz. President Bush picked false intelligence based on those documents, for use in his 2003 State of the Union address and elsewhere, to sell his Iraq war plans.
Karl Rove's foreign policy advisor, Michael Ledeen, was a key figure in Iran-contra while the Ladys were in Honduras. If they were involved with the CIA in Honduras at the time, Ledeen knew them.
The Milan prosecutor, Armando Spataro, has hard drives captured from Lady's home in Penango. Lady in turn had his father's hard drives. Bob Lady's hard drives have revealed much about the abduction of Abu Omar; and the drives, or Lady himself, may have much to reveal about Iran-contra. Alumni of Iran-contra, like Michael Ledeen, are in the current Bush administration and were leaders in fabricating a cause for invading Iraq.
Beyond knowing about CIA rendition flights, the Europeans are cooperating fully in them. The CIA has supposedly "secret" CTICs (Counterterrorist Intelligence Centers) in over 25 countries, including some supposed Iraq-war opponents like France, Germany, and Sweden. These are joint-venture spy-nests with the local intelligence service (Italy's SISMI, for example) and military. The CIA supplies about 20 agents for each and an about-$20-million-dollars' annual budget. They share offices, equipment, and information continually. There is no way SISMI could NOT have known in advance about the Abu Omar snatch in Milan. refdag.nl
US military planes criss-cross Europe using bogus call sign
Jon Swain and Brian Johnson-Thomas in Rome
THE American military have been operating flights across Europe using a call sign assigned to a civilian airline that they have no legal right to use.
Not only is the call sign bogus - according to the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) - so, it appears, are some of the aircraft details the Americans have filed with the air traffic control authorities.
In at least one case, a plane identified with the CIA practice of "extraordinary rendition" - transporting terrorist suspects - left a US air base just after the arrival of an aircraft using the bogus call sign.
The call sign Juliet Golf Oscar (JGO) followed by a flight number belongs, says the ICAO, to a now bankrupt Canadian low-cost airline called Jetsgo of Montreal. But for several years and as recently as last December it has been used selectively by both the American air force and army to cover the flights of aircraft to and from the Balkans. These range from Learjet 35 executive jets to C-130 transport planes and MC-130P Combat Shadows, which are specially adapted for clandestine missions in politically sensitive or hostile territory.
A Sunday Times analysis of flight plans and radio logs has placed these aircraft at locations including Tuzla in Bosnia, Pristina in Kosovo, Aviano, the site of a large joint US-Italian military air base in northern Italy, and Ramstein in Germany, the headquarters of the US Air Forces in Europe (USAFE).
On December 11, 2004, USAFE in Ramstein filed a flight plan for a Learjet 35 to fly from Tuzla to Aviano. The flight plan was copied to 15 addressees including Tuzla airport, Aviano airport and a mysterious recipient labelled "xxxxxxxx". The aircraft's identity was given as JGO 80, the flight was a Learjet 35 operated by the Department of Defence and the registration was 99999E. The status of the flight was given as "humanitarian". But it was also given as "state", which means government, and as "protected", which means diplomatic. During the time the plane was in the air, USAFE changed some of the flight plan timings and at the same time the registration changed. The aircraft metamorphosed into 40112E but continued to be a Learjet 35 and was still JGO 80 and a humanitarian, government and diplomatic flight. While the Learjet was on the ground at Tuzla, an Ilyushin 76 was loading a cargo of 45 tons of surplus weapons and ammunition sold off by the Bosnian military and destined for Rwanda in defiance of a UN embargo. The Ilyushin left Tuzla, flew over Italy and headed south in the direction of Africa. The American Learjet took off 55 minutes later.
In a report exposing arms trafficking to war-torn central Africa, Amnesty International has suggested that "US security authorities were engaged in a covert operation to ferry arms to Rwanda in the face of political opposition from the European Union".
Another interesting convergence of flights occurred in February 2004. On February 24, an MC-130P Combat Shadow using the call sign JGO 50 took off from Aviano for an unknown destination. Two days later, on February 26, the aircraft left Pristina for Tuzla. A short while after that, a Gulfstream 5 executive jet, call sign JGO 47, flew from Tuzla to Aviano, arriving at 23.11 GMT. The next day, a Learjet 35 using the call sign SPAR 92 left Aviano for an unknown destination. SPAR is short for Special Air Resources, an American military airlift service that transports senior military officers and civilian VIPs. However, SPAR 92 has been identified as the aircraft which was used by the CIA secretly to transport a Muslim preacher who was kidnapped by CIA agents in Milan in 2003.
A USAFE spokesman last week said American aircraft using the JGO call sign were performing "Joint Guard Operations" for the Nato/European peacekeeping mission in the Balkans. However, inquiries have shown that the military operation called "Joint Guard" ended in 1998. They also show that none of the US aircraft deployed in it match ones using the JGO call sign.
A spokesman for the ICAO said: "Our records indicate that the designator JGO is still assigned to Jetsgo and the ICAO does not assign the same code to two operators." - timesonline.co.uk
The US and the European Union signed an agreement on 22 Jan. 2003 that provides further evidence of EU cooperation with CIA torture flights and prisons. I know of only one unedited version of this on the Web. I have saved it and show you how to download it. (Save it to disk, then open it with Adobe Reader.) http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=35352
Less than a month after the agreement, the CIA pulled the infamous Abu Omar rendition in Italy. There is no way the Italian secret service SISMI didn't know in advance, since it shares a CTIC office with the CIA. There is no way Prime Minister Berlusconi didn't know in advance, since his government approved both the Italian CTIC and the EU agreement.
The list shows the 31 countries where the CIA shares an office (CTIC, Counterterrorist Intelligence Center) with the foreign spy agency. Notice that the European countries on the list include the origination points of rendition (kidnap for torture) flights. The North African and Middle East countries include the destination countries, which the US admits practice torture. The CIA pays the bills for the joint offices. Top officials of the countries -- prime ministers and presidents -- have agreed to the CTICs.
The CIA's Director of the National Clandestine Center (aka Deputy Director of Operations, DDO), Jose Rodriguez, made his name setting these up.
- Clayton Hallmark
Minister admits 'rendition' planes used RAF bases
· Government breaks silence on CIA flights
· Aircraft landed at Brize Norton and Northholt
Richard Norton-Taylor - Tuesday March 7, 2006 - The Guardian
The government last night admitted for the first time that aircraft suspected of being used by the CIA to transport detainees to secret interrogation centres had landed at British military airfields.
After months of refusing to answer questions from MPs or the media, it disclosed that two aircraft known to have been chartered by the CIA landed 14 times at RAF Northholt, west London, and RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire between October 2003 and May 2004.
One aircraft, a Boeing 737, was registered N313P, the other, a Gulfstream, was initially registered N379P and later as N8068V.
The flights were disclosed by Adam Ingram, the armed forces minister, in a letter to Sir Menzies Campbell, newly elected leader of the Liberal Democrats. Last week, the Liberal Democrats threatened to report the minister to the parliamentary ombudsman if he continued to refuse to answer detailed questions about flights suspected of being used for "extraordinary rendition" - the practice of sending detainees to camps where they were at risk of being tortured.
Sir Menzies was among a number of MPs of all parties, including Andrew Tyrie - the Conservative MP for Chichester who has set up a special parliamentary committee to investigate the flights - who have tabled questions about the flights since the Guardian published details of them last September.
In their replies, ministers have said that they either have no record of CIA flights since 1998, when they received four requests from the Clinton administration, or that records it might once have had had since been destroyed.
In his letter last night, Mr Ingram did not say the aircraft were used by the CIA, but the government has never denied they were. Mr Ingram also did not describe the purpose of the flights.
He insisted his disclosure was not "at odds with the foreign secretary's statements on the subject". Jack Straw has said that the government is "unaware" of any CIA flights landing in Britain or using UK airspace since 1998 and transporting terrorist suspects.
However, Michael Moore, the Liberal Democrat's new foreign affairs spokesman, said last night: "Another week, another grudging admission from the government. There is now a well-established pattern of partial disclosures after repeated denials." He added: "These are disturbing revelations. Were these rendition flights or not? Ministers must urgently obtain answers from the US government."
Liberty, the civil rights group, is supporting an amendment to the civil aviation bill now going through the Lords, tabled by Baroness D'Souza. It would oblige the government to require any plane using UK airspace to land if it had information that it was being used for purposes of unlawful rendition.
Flight details
Flights of CIA planes through RAF Northolt confirmed by the MoD
N313P Arrived from Brize Norton at 10.15, Oct 19, 2003. Departed to Tripoli at 13.00. Arrived from Tripoli, 15.35, Oct 22. Departed to Tripoli, noon, Oct 28. Arrived from Tripoli, 17.10, Oct 29. Departed to Shannon, 17.45. Arrived from Washington, 08:50, Dec 1. Departed to Tripoli, 11:00. Arrived from Tripoli, 13:00, Dec 3. Departed to Luqa, Malta 12:00, Dec 6.
N379P Arrived from Islamabad, 15:50, Oct 18, 2002. Departed to Washington, 09:00, Oct 20. Arrived from Amman, 12:50, Jan 16, 2003. Departed to Shannon, 10:00, Jan 18 03. Arrived from Washington, 20.05, Feb 24. Departed to Glasgow, 09:00, Feb 26. Arrived from Dohaa, 12:49, Feb 28. Departed to Glasgow, 09:00, Mar 1.
N8068V Arrived from Marrakesh, 12:10, May 15 04. Departed to Luton 13:00. Arrived from Luton, 11:05, May 17. Departed to Shannon, 08:00, May 18.
Secret CIA flights pass over Belgium: report
BRUSSELS, March 9 (Xinhuanet) -- At least two secret Central Intelligence Agency flights have passed through Belgium, local newspaper Le Soir reported on Thursday amid growing concerns that the U.S. may have clandestinely set up detention facilities in European countries to imprison terrorist suspects.
The report in the French-language daily cited information from a senior federal public servant.
According to the paper, the first flight took place on July 7, 2002, via Deurne Airport in Antwerp, and the second CIA flight passed through the same site three days later. The plane was a Gulf stream III, which has been used on other occasions by the CIA to transport terror suspects, Le Soir reported.
Although it could not produce a lease contract for the aircraft or determine the nature of the mission, the paper stressed that the plane was involved in secret activities of the U.S. intelligence service.
Following a Washington Post report in November that the CIA used camps in East European countries to interrogate terrorist suspects, the New York-based Human Rights Watch named Romania and Poland as possible hosts of U.S. prisons. Both Romania and Poland have denied the claims.
Washington has neither confirmed nor denied the allegations that the prisons existed in Europe but has denied using or condoning torture.
The Council of Europe (CoE) issued an interim report in January, saying that European governments had silently condoned the practice of abducting suspected terrorists and transporting them from European airports to countries in which torture is used.
A report by the news agency Belga said this week that the Belgian intelligence services had conducted only cursory investigations into whether secret CIA flights carrying terror suspects had ever passed through Belgium.
The report indicated that Belgium's intelligence services had barely bothered to conduct investigations because they had never been officially commissioned.
The lack of inquiries comes despite explicit requests from the CoE for member states to investigate claims of secret CIA flights. However, the Belgian government is adamant that it did ask the security services to investigate the matter. The Belgian government informed the CoE in late February that, with current knowledge, no CIA flights traveled via Belgium. xinhuanet.com
US Operate Rendition Flights in Ireland
CRIENGLISH.com | March 18 2006
Ireland's Prime Minister Bertie Ahern said on Friday that he has been assured by the United States President that rendition flights operated by the Central Intelligence Agency or CIA in Ireland were for legitimate business.
Ahern is in Washington for talks with President Bush and other lawmakers regarding a series of issues, including immigration policy and support for completing the Northern Ireland peace process.
The Prime Minister said he had asked Bush for a little more transparency regarding the payload aboard the flights that land and take off from Shannon airport.
"We have CIA flights that land, I'm sure, they're all on totally legitimate business. But, if at times we were able to say what some of these flights are about, all of these flights were about, then it would make an easier position for us and I think it would make public opinion happier on that."
The British government has acknowledged in recent months that several private planes had landed at British military airports and had visited destinations in neighboring Ireland.
The U.S. is embroiled in rows with several countries over the use of airspace and facilities for extraordinary rendition - a process in which "terror" suspects are transferred from the U.S. to countries in which torture is known to occur.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice last December denied that suspects are tortured in third countries.
73 Terror Flights In British Skies
London Mirror | March 18 2006
PLANES thought to be taken detainees to be tortured have landed and taken off from Britain 73 times since 9/11, the Government said yesterday.
But Transport Secretary Alistair Darling said there was no evidence any had been rendition flights - transferring detainees between two countries. He added: "The British Government is not aware of any cases of rendition through the UK since May 1997, apart from the two cases in 1998 about which the Foreign Secretary has informed Parliament."
They were on their way to the Middle East and to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Campaigners claim six planes have been used by the CIA to ferry terror suspects. The National Air Service said the jets had been in our airspace 200 times since 2001. The US denies torture claims.
airports handled 73 CIA flights (Guardian, link)
House of Commons written answer from the Secretary of State
for Transport, Mr Darling. 17 March 2006:
Aicraft Landings
Mr. Moore: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport on
how many occasions since 1 January 2001 registered aircraft (a)
N2189M, (b) N8183J, (c) N970SJ, (d) N129QS, (e) N368CE and (f)
N85VM have landedat British airports; and what their (i) origin
and (ii) destination was in each case. [57681]
Mr. Darling: None of the information held by my Department
provides evidence that these flights were involved in rendition.
The British Government is not aware of any cases of rendition
through the UK since May 1997, apart from the two cases in 1998
about which the Foreign Secretary has informed Parliament. Since
before 9/11 we have worked closely with the US to achieve our
shared goal of fighting terrorism. As part of that close co-operation,
we have made clear to the US authorities, including in recent
(i) that we expect them to seek permission to render
detainees via UK territory and airspace (including Overseas Territories);
(ii) that we will grant permission only if we are satisfied
that the rendition would accord with UK law and our international
obligations, and
(iii) how we understand our obligations under the UN
Convention Against Torture.
I refer to my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary's written
ministerial statement of 20 January 2006, Official Report, columns
37-8WS and written answer of 6 February 2006, Official Report,
column 784-5W.
Foreign aircraft are required by the Chicago Convention to
seek the prior permission of the state before operating commercial
flights into another country. Aircraft operating commercial flights
to and from UK airports need operating permits from my Department.
Our database shows that three of these six aircraft have operated
commercial flights in the UK since 1 January 2001. Details are
given as follows.
Aircraft/date Route
30 June 2003 ParisLuton
23 February 2005 Washington DCStanstedRiyadh
28 May 2005 StanstedWashington DC
27 June 2005 LutonTel Aviv
15 December 2005 HeathrowBarbados
4 September 20-03 CaracasLuton
5 February 2004 MadridLuton
6 May 2004 NewarkStansted
24 July 2004 LiverpoolNewark
There is no requirement for operating permits for non-commercial
flights. However, a flight plan must be filed for all flights
that cross international borders. Flight plans are filed with
Eurocontrol and I agreed that they should release data to Dick
Marty, Chair of the Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee
of the Council of Europe, in order to contribute to the inquiry
into rendition and 'secret prisons' undertaken by the Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe. Eurocontrol released data
from all its member states to the Parliament on a confidential
basis on 23 January. In agreeing to release I asked for a copy
of the UK data which I received in late January. The data shows
that four of the six aircraft have also landed in the UK as non-commercial
flights. Details are as follows.
Aircraft/date Route
23 March 2003 StephenvillePrestwick
24 March 2003 PrestwickFrankfurt Main
20 September 2003 Genova/SestriPrestwick
21 September 2003 PrestwickGander Intl
3 December 2003 Goose BayPrestwick
4 December 2003 PrestwickFrankfurt Main
18 January 2004 Gander IntlPrestwick
19 January 2004 PrestwickAmman/Marka
25 May 2004 Praha/RuzynePrestwick
26 May 2004 PrestwickGander Intl
31 May 2003 Frankfurt MainPrestwick
1 June 2003 PrestwickGander Intl
31 August 2003 Gander IntlPrestwick
1 September 2003 PrestwickFrankfurt Main
1 January 2004 Frankfurt MainPrestwick
2 January 2004 PrestwickGander Intl
3 May 2004 Gander IntlPrestwick
4 May 2004 PrestwickIraklion Nikos Kazanzakis
2 November 2004 Frankfurt MainPrestwick
3 November 2004 PrestwickGander Intl
6 April 2005 Gander IntlPrestwick
7 April 2004 PrestwickIraklion Nikos Kazanzakis
6 June 2001 Boston/Logan Intl, MassachusettsLondon/Stansted
7 June 2001 London/StanstedAthens/Eleftherios Venizelos
5 August 2001 New York NewarkLuton
5 August 2001 LutonBangor Intl, Maine
4 October 2001 Bangor Intl, MaineInverness
9 October 2001 InvernessBangor Intl, Maine
3 September 2002 Nice/Cote d'AzurFarnborough
3 September 2002 FarnboroughNice/Cote d'Azur
4 September 2002 Nice/Cote d'AzurFarnborough
4 September 2002 FarnboroughNice/Cote d'Azur
3 September 2002 Goose BayBirmingham
30 September 2002 BirminghamGoose Bay
11 June 2003 New York NewarkInverness
14 June 2003 InvernessGander Intl
17 June 2003 Gander IntlLuton
18 June 2003 LutonRiyadh/King Khalid Intl
6 May 2004 New York NewarkLondon/Stansted
9 May 2004 London/StanstedBangor Intl, Maine
24 June 2001 Teterboro, NJBelfast/Aldergrove
29 June 2001 Belfast/AldergroveTeterboro, NJ
4 September 2001 ConnaughtLondonderry/Eglinton
5 September 2001 Londonderry/EglintonBedford/Laurence G.
Hanscom Massachusetts Field,
16 September 2001 LutonGeneve Cointrin
14 October 2001 Teterboro, NJLeuchars
15 October 2001 EdinburghLeuchars
21 October 2001 LeucharsFarmingdale
26 December 2001 Bedford/Laurence G. Hanscom Field, MassachusettsLuton
28 December 2001 LutonBedford/Laurence G. Hanscom Field,
12 January 2002 LarnacaLondon/Stansted
12 January 2002 London/StanstedSchenectady, NY
28 September 2002 FarmingdaleLeuchars
28 September 2002 LeucharsSchenectady, NY
5 October 2002 Schenectady, NYLeuchars
5 October 2002 LeucharsFarmingdale
12 November 2002 Dubai IntlLuton
12 November 2002 LutonWashington
25 November 2002 KabulEdinburgh
25 November 2002 EdinburghWashington
3 March 2003 Dubai IntlGlasgow
3 March 2003 GlasgowWashington
20 September 2003 FarmingdaleLeuchars
27 September 2003 LeucharsFarmingdale
17 Mar 2006 : Column 2510W
The information we hold on these flights does not include
details of passengers or purpose of flight, as this information
is not routinely collected.
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One Man's "Extraordinary Rendition"
Innocent Canadian Describes Detainment in New York and Rendition to Syria
Urges Committee to Understand the “Implications of Torturing a Human Being"
On March 23, 2006, in Brussels, Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen who was detained by the U.S. government without charges in New York and sent to Syria for torture, testified at a public hearing of the European Parliament's Temporary Committee on the Transportation and Illegal Detention of Prisoners. Excerpts from his official testimony are below.
Mr. Arar commended the European Parliament's decision to address torture and rendition. The committee is researching: The existence of CIA detention centers in European Union states; the CIA's possible use of European airports for the transportation of terrorist suspects to locations where they could face torture; and the possibility that citizens from the EU have been involved or complicit in such practices.
The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) represents Mr. Arar in the United States, where a U.S. District Court recently rejected his case challenging U.S. government officials for his detention and rendition (Arar v. Ashcroft). Maria LaHood, a CCR attorney who represents Mr. Arar, said the new testimony should lead to a day of reckoning for U.S. torture and rendition policies: "Mr. Arar's courageous testimony reveals how the Bush Administration sent him to Syria to be tortured. I hope people around the world, especially in the U.S., are able to hear Mr. Arar's moving story in his own words."
Excerpts from Mr. Arar's testimony are below, listed by subject.
On his arrival and detention in New York:
"I was pulled aside by immigration and waited until they took my fingerprints and photographs. Police arrived and searched my bags and copied my Canadian passport. They denied me the right to make a phone call. Then a team including a member of the FBI and New York Police told me they wanted to ask me some questions. I was scared and did not know what was going on. I told them I wanted a lawyer. They told me I had no right to a lawyer, because I was not an American citizen. This interrogation lasted until midnight. I asked for a lawyer again and again. They just ignored me. Then they put me in chains, on both my wrists and ankles. They kept me at the airport. I could not sleep. I was very, very scared and disoriented."
On the US decision to send Arar to Syria:
"They told me that based on classified information that they could not reveal to me, I would be deported to Syria. I said again that I would be tortured there. Then they read part of the document where it explained that US Immigration Department was not the body that deals with the Convention Against Torture."
Arar speaks of his travel on a small jet which left from a New Jersey airport:
"The plane landed in Amman at 3 in the morning on October 9th. They took me out of the plane and we were met by six or seven men. I was blindfolded and chained, and put in a van. I was forced to bend my head down in the back seat. Then, they started beating me on the back of my head. Every time I tried to talk they beat me."
On his "grave-like" cell:
"It was approximately one metre wide, two metres long and two metres high. It had a metal door with a small opening that did not let in light because there was a piece of metal on the outside for sliding things into the cell. There was also a small opening in the ceiling, about one third by two thirds of a metre with an iron bar grate. There were cats and rats above, and from time to time the cats peed through the opening into the cell. There were two blankets, two dishes and two bottles. One bottle was for water and the other one was used for urinating during the night. Nothing else. No light. I spent ten months, and ten days inside that cell which I grew to think of as my grave."
Mr. Arar details the torture he experienced:
"The beating started that day and was very intense for a week, and then less intense for another week. That second and the third days were the worst. I could hear other prisoners being tortured, and screaming. The women's screams haunt me the most."
On the extraction of Mr. Arar's confession:
"About a month after I arrived, they called me up to sign and place my thumb print on a document about seven pages long. They would not let me read it, but I had to put my thumb print and signature on the bottom of each page. It was handwritten. I was afraid that if I didn't sign it the beatings would resume.
On life since his return to Canada:
"Since my return to Canada I have been living in constant fear of being kidnapped again. I believe it is crucial for this committee to understand what is at stake here. It is important for this committee to understand the short and long term implications of torturing a human being. While the physical pain I have been suffering from is intermittent the psychological one is persistent and is manifested in different forms like nightmares, recurrent flashbacks, loss of confidence in myself and constant fear."
Italy halts CIA extradition bid
Italy's Justice Minister Roberto Castelli has refused to pass on to the United States a request to extradite 22 purported CIA agents.
The agents are accused of helping to abduct Muslim cleric Osama Mustafa Hassan, without Italian permission, in Milan in 2003.
The cleric, also known as Abu Omar, was flown to Egypt for interrogation.
An Italian court had issued Europe-wide arrest warrants for the suspects, who are thought to have returned to the US. Mr Castelli signed the warrants but has now told Milan prosecutors that he had decided against forwarding their extradition request to Washington. He had previously accused one of the prosecutors involved of being a leftist militant and anti-American.
Milan prosecutor Armando Spataro said he would repeat the extradition request when the new government is formed, following the recent general elections, according to the Associated Press.
Mr Castelli is part of the Silvio Berlusconi centre-right government which was narrowly defeated by the centre-left opposition led by Romano Prodi in the vote on 9-10 April.
Mr Spataro said in a statement that he would "reiterate the extradition request" as he was "convinced it will obtain a different decision from the next justice minister".
Correspondents say the case is one of the best documented alleged cases of the CIA's policy of extraordinary rendition. The US policy involves seizing suspects and taking them to third countries for questioning without court approval. The policy has been criticised by human rights groups who say suspects are tortured. They also allege that the CIA has secret prisons where it keeps prisoners without reference to US or international law.
Mr Hassan, 42, is believed to have been abducted on 17 February 2003, and flown out of the country from a US base in Aviano, north of Venice. He reportedly called his family last year, telling them he had been tortured with electric shocks during his detention.
The CIA has refused to comment on the case and the Italian government has said it had no prior knowledge of any kidnap plot. Mr Hassan is believed to have arrived in Italy in 1997, where he was granted refugee status. - BBC
EU lawmaker says over 1000 secret CIA flights passed through Europe
Thursday April 27, - ews.yahoo.com
The CIA has carried out more than 1,000 secret flights in Europe since 2001 without governments raising questions, an EU lawmaker trying to shed light on alleged kidnappings claimed.
Despite evidence from the Eurocontrol air traffic body showing "more than 1,000 CIA flights" had gone through European airports and airspace, governments had shown "incriminating inertia", said Claudio Fava.
The Italian Socialist is leading a European Parliament inquiry into allegations that the Central Intelligence Agency secretly transported prisoners through EU territory in what have become know as extraordinary renditions. "We think that after September 11 (2001) extraordinary renditions were not rare, but a practice that was very well known and wide-spread geographically," Fava said.
Eurodeputies decided to set up a special committee to look into the allegations in January in parallel to a separate probe by the Strasbourg-based Council of Europe.
Washington has come under intense fire in the last few months after reports about hundreds of CIA flights, suspected of carrying undeclared prisoners across European airspace, since the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. Because they do not have the authority to require individuals to appear before the committee, the EU lawmakers are relying on voluntary hearings and publicly available information.
Fava said that such voluntary hearings had confirmed that the CIA was "clearly responsible for the abduction and the detention of terrorists on the member states' territory". In a draft report to be submitted to other EU lawmakers in June, Fava singled out EU member states Italy and Sweden as well as Bosnia, which harbours ambitions to join the 25-nation bloc one day. Fava said that it was "improbable that the abduction of Egyptian cleric Abu Omar on February 17, 2003 in Milan by CIA agents was organized and carried out without the previous knowledge of Italian authorities and security services". He also criticized Swedish authorities for "turning Egyptians Mohammed Al Zary and Ahmed Agiza over to CIA agents in order to repatriate them to Egypt knowing very well about the risks of torture".
Fava also slammed Bosnian authorities for ignoring warnings of the Bosnian Human Rights Chamber in 2002 and transferring six Algerian residents to the United States, which has since sent them to the controversial detention centre in Guantanamo, Cuba.
Members of the parliament's committee investigating the CIA flights are to head to Macedonia on Thursday and Friday to look into the case of Khaled el-Masri, a German of Lebanese origin, who accuses the CIA of having kidnapped him at the end of 2003 and interrogated him in Afghanistan.
They are also to visit the United States on a May 8-12 trip although it is uncertain who will agree to see them there.
EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana has agreed to meet with the eurodeputies on May 2 and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier has also agreed to an interview.
Wayne Madsen reports more plane shenanigans
April 30, 2006 -- As the CIA seeks to cover up further details about its secret rendition flights and prisons, more information has been revealed about another rendition aircraft. It is a Gulfstream V (tail number N1HC), registered to United States Aviation Co. of Tulsa, Oklahoma, an air charter company. The firm is owned by Roger Hardesty, named in 1998 as one of the 400 wealthiest Americans. The aircraft has been spotted as recently as the end of March flying between Malta and Algeria and Qatar and Algeria and in April flying from Abu Dhabi to Libya.
CIA rendition flights continuing
WMR has reported on CIA proprietary aircraft being discovered moving heroin from Afghanistan and cocaine from Venezuela. N1HC's flight records also show a cross over of rendition flights to Europe, the Middle East, and Africa and suspicious flights to Latin America, Florida, and the Caribbean. The following germane flights have been recorded by European researchers:
2002: Miami to Naples, Italy to Milan, Italy to Tulsa
Dallas to Kahului, Hawaii to Denpassar, Bali to Kahului, Hawaii to Dallas
Tulsa to Bratislava, Slovakia.
2003: May 6, 2003 Tulsa to Dakar, Senegal to Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands to Kenosha, Wisconsin to Tulsa
July 1, 2003 Tulsa to Dakar, Senegal
Teterboro, NJ to RAF Northolt, UK and RAF Northolt to Teterboro, NJ
Tulsa to Caracas, Venezuela, Caracas to Grenoble, France, and Grenoble to Tulsa
2004: Tulsa to Dakar, Senegal June 5, 2004: Tulsa to Westchester County, NY to Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands to Kiliminjaro, Tanzania to Farnborough, UK to Westchester County to Tulsa
2005: Tulsa to Tampa to Kiev, Ukraine to Atlanta to Tulsa
Tulsa to Miami, Miami to Guantanamo, Cuba to Kahului, Hawaii to Tulsa
Tulsa to Anguilla, Anguilla to Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale to Tulsa
Tulsa to Dallas, Dallas to Farnborough, UK, Farnborough to Bangalore, India
Tulsa to New York City, New York to Amsterdam, Amsterdam to Milan, Milan to New York
Tulsa to Washington, DC, Washington, DC to Guatemala City, Guatemala City to Washington, Washington to Tulsa
July 8, 2005: Tulsa to Richmond, Virginia, Richmond to Baku, Azerbaijan, Baku to Helsinki, Finland, Helsinki to Tulsa
Tulsa to Morgantown, West Virginia, Morgantown to Bangor, Maine, Bangor to Warsaw, Poland, Warsaw to Philadelphia, Philadelphia to Tulsa.
Tulsa to Westchester County, NY, Westchester to Rotterdam, Rotterdam to Cologne, Germany, Cologne to Westchester, Westchester to Harrisburg, PA, Harrisburg to Oporto, Portugal, Oporto to Reykjavik, Iceland, Reykjavik to Tulsa
Tulsa to Westchester County, Westchester to London, UK, London to Frankfurt, Germany, Frankfurt to Rotterdam, Rotterdam to New York City, New York to Tulsa
Tulsa to Paris, France, Paris to Tulsa
2006: March: Tulsa to Bedford, Mass., Bedford to Anchorage, Alaska, Anchorage to Tokyo, Tokyo to Kunming, China, Kunming to Anchorage, Anchorage to Bedford, Bedford to Tulsa
Tulsa to Washington, DC, Washington to Doha, Qatar, Doha to Algiers, Algeria, Algiers to Houston, Houston to Tulsa
April: Tulsa to Wilmington, Delaware, Wilmington to Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi to Mitiga, Libya, Mitiga to Teterboro, Teterboro to Philadelphia, Philadelphia to Hagerstown, Maryland, Hagerstown to Tulsa
May 1, 2006 -- CIA Boeing 737 still flying secret prisoners around Asia and Europe. A Boeing 737, tail number N368CE, registered to a shadowy company called Premier Aircraft Management and incorporated in North Las Vegas, Nevada, has been sighted in Frankfurt, Germany, Luxembourg, Baghdad, and Kabul in recent months. The Boeing is ostensibly owned by Wells Fargo Bank and was based in Wilmington, Delaware until 2004. The plane was previously registered to a Malaysian firm called Country Heights, based in Seri Kembangan, Malaysia and operated under registration number 9M-LKY. The Boeing has had an interesting history. Once known for flying around VIPs such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kofi Annan, the plane has been used by the CIA to fly around renditioned prisoners and their CIA captors.
In 2005, the home base of the plane was shifted from Wilmington to Frankfurt, Germany. Recently, the ownership of the Boeing was shifted from Premier Aircraft Management to a sister company called Vision Airlines. The owner of both companies is William Acor, whose airline business has largely encompassed sightseeing flights over the Grand Canyon. The registered secretary and treasurer of Premier is Chong How Kiat while Acor is treasurer for Vision. Vision's secretary is listed as Steven Acor. According to FEC records, Acor donated to the National Republican Congressional Committee in 2004.
Premier Aircraft Management appears to be an umbrella company consisting of firms and branches in Nevada, Canada, Luxembourg, and Malaysia. Another Boeing 737, tail number N34315 and registered to Wilmington Trust, in Wilmington, Delaware, has been spotted at Luxembourg's Findel Airport along with N368CE. There are reports of a cooperative arrangement between these aircraft and Luxair, which is based at Findel.
CIA uses Boeing 737 owned by company connected to Malaysia. Malaysia was the site of the Jan. 2000 Al Qaeda summit that planned the 9-11 attacks. The CIA and Malaysia's Special Branch conducted surveillance of the meeting, which included future hijackers Khalid al Midhar and Nawaf al Hazmi, in a posh Kuala Lumpur suburb. The CIA sent the warning to the FBI, which ignored it.
According to European sources, N368CE had the following flight itinerary earlier this year:
Jan. 8, 06 -- Kabul to Frankfurt, Germany
Jan. 9, 06 -- Frankfurt to Baghdad
Jan. 06 -- Frankfurt to Baghdad and Baghdad to Frankfurt
Frankfurt to Kabul and Kabul to Frankfurt
Feb. 1, 06 -- Frankfurt to Kabul
Feb. 2, 06 -- Kabul to Frankfurt
N368CE also had an interesting itinerary just prior to the U.S.-backed coup against Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez in April 2002:
Mar.-Apr. 2002 -- Los Angeles to Toluca, Mexico; Caracas, Venezuela to New York City; New York to Managua, Nicaragua; Brownsville, Texas to Managua; Washington, DC to Shannon, Ireland; Gander, Newfoundland to Washington, DC; Washington to Houston; Houston to Washington.
Beginning in Feb. 2003, the Boeing made some other interesting stops: Miami to Managua; Miami to Wilmington, North Carolina; Wilmington, NC to Baltimore; Baltimore to Basseterre, St. Kitts; Atlanta to Gander, Newfoundland; Gander to Shannon, Ireland; Athens, Greece to Shannon; Shannon to Gander; Gander to Atlanta; Washington, DC to Santa Maria, Azores; San Juan, Puerto Rico to Washington, DC; Newark, NJ to Inverness, Scotland; Inverness to Gander; Gander to Newark, Newark to Wilmington, NC; Wilmington, NC to Houston; Houston to Gander; London to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Larnaca, Cyprus to Shannon; Wilmington, NC to Columbus, Ohio; Columbus to Pittsburgh, PA; Pittsburgh to Shannon, Larnaca, Cyprus to Shannon; Los Angeles to Brownsville, Texas; Brownsville to Port of Spain, Trinidad; Trinidad to Montego Bay, Jamaica; Montego Bay to Washington, DC; Wilmington, NC to Providence, Rhode Island; Providence to Mosstown, Great Exuma, Bahamas; Mosstown to Basseterre, St. Kitts; Basseterre to New York City; New York to Wilmington, NC. Some of these routes are known to be used by couriers transporting large amounts of cash from of-shore bank haven to haven (Larnaca, St. Kitts, Bahamas, e.g.). In April 2004, the Boeing flew from Wilmington, NC to Washington, DC to Guantanamo, Cuba and returned to Wilmington via Washington.