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Alien Agenda?

The Alien Myth - a religion? a cult?

Note: this author is not trying to suggest that Dirk Vander Ploeg is racist in any way: but it is illuminating to examine the conceptual / linguistic structure of the following article in the context of todays current political situation [Terror Vs freedom] , and in the light of the ever pervasive cultic elemants within Mystical / Alternative culture which initially, at least, appear polarised against a traditional theological architecture of belief.

Examining The Alien Agenda

Dirk Vander Ploeg

Dirk Vander Ploeg is the editor and publisher of UFODigest.com and PsiTalk.com. He has worked as a publisher and writer for travel related and other magazines. He has written the non-fiction book 'Quest for Middle-earth' which compares Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings' to ancient Earth history. He graduated from Mohawk College majoring in Communications.

April 22, 2006 -

Thousands of Americans are being told by the established media that millions of Mexican, Central and South American economic refugees will soon be flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border. This fear is amplified by the knowledge that the actual number of illegal immigrates already in the United States is estimated at 12 million.

These interlopers only want your money, jobs and lifestyle. There are those that claim that other aliens have also infiltrated the U.S. and other countries. And these aliens don't want your money, they want you.

There are those who claim contact with these aliens and who in their words have become 'enlightened". Depending on your source these aliens are either benign or the worst nightmare you can possibly imagine.

Alien abductions and cattle mutilations are clues to a breeding process that is creating a human-alien hybrid. It is alleged that the creation of this hybrid is an attempt to prevent extinction of an alien race, known as the Greys.

They have been portrayed as benevolent creatures in Steven Spielberg's movies 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and "ET: the Extraterrestrial". Last year's hit movie "War of the Worlds" and previous movies like the "Alien" and "Predator" series describe the aliens as monsters, bent on killing and the destruction of the human race.

As the webmaster of www.ufodigest.com, I am in the unique position of being contacted by individuals who claim to have first hand knowledge of the alien agenda.

Which of these descriptions is most accurate. Recently, I have been in contact with two individuals who claim to have had personal contact with members of alien races living and monitoring our planet. What is really interesting about the dialogues with these creatures is their interpretation of the purpose of the so-called Greys.

The first description is being offered by one of the Greys themselves, the second is by a spirit guide, a member of another alien race that claims first hand knowledge of the Greys.

The two entities conveyed their information using different methods. The Grey physically met the person that gave me the information six times over a period of weeks and actually dictated, telepathically, the message. The spirit guide sends her information through dreams or meditations. This is often referred to as channeling, which is when the medium, through which a spirit guide purportedly communicates with the physical world.

For the purpose of this article I have decided to focus only on the following areas: alien abduction, governments interaction and the alien agenda.

Alien Abduction

The Grey: They call their race Magnuss and claim they have been watching humans from their gravity crafts for thousands of years. They admit that they abduct humans, but only do so for the purpose of research, hoping to develop a procedure to continue their existence. They only reproduce through cloning and realize that theirs is a dying race. They claim that they never injure the abductees and always return them safely to their originating location.

They admit to inserting implants into their subjects. These implants are attached to the nerve endings and transmit location and biological data to a master computer. They call this procedure "tagging". Once an implant is surgically removed the implant becomes dormant and the master computer is alerted.

They also claim that they also abduct females within six days of being impregnated. The embryos are removed and genetically altered to produce human-alien hybrids. They claim that these fetuses would have been aborted and they were only saving the children's lives. The Magnuss that has conveyed this information says that he was created in a Petrie dish and was in fact a human-alien hybrid.

Spirit guide: An alien claiming to be a messenger of the Supreme Spirit, channels information to the person receiving the message. This is accomplished when the receiver (person being contacted) is in a dream state or in a subconscious state. The spirit guide claims that there are many races of guides, some come from other planets and dimensions. There are light and dark (good and bad) guides throughout the Universe seeking followers.

The spirit guide claims that the Greys are from a planet called Zeta Riticulan, which is near the Barnard's star in the system near Orion. Zeta Riticulan is a (two) binary star system. They state that the Greys are a very old race and cloned themselves for thousands of years. They were originally created through genetic manipulation by two other alien races, the Reptilians and the Insectoids.

Apparently, they are conducting experiments with livestock and are responsible for all cattle mutilations. By dissecting the animals they obtain DNA information and also derive some type of nourishment.

They are also responsible for many of the alien abductions. In fact, many missing persons are abducted and never returned. Some of the abductees are sacrificed for medical knowledge. The Greys are unemotional and uncaring concerning the human abductees. The Greys have no reproduction or digestive systems and feed on physical and mental human energy. They state the Grey's absorb nutrition through their skin and emit their bodily wastes the same way.

Government Interaction

The Grey: They had two crashes: the first at Aurora and the second at Roswell.

The Aurora incident happened in 1897 and details of the crash of an unknown object were published in the April 19th edition of the Dallas Morning News. According to reports early in the morning residents of Aurora were shocked by the sudden appearance of the airship overhead. The object appeared to be malfunctioning and was traveling only ten or twelve miles an hour and was descending slowly. It couldn't navigate properly and collided with the tower of a windmill and exploded, sending pieces of the wreck everywhere. The pilot of the ship was killed in the collision and appeared to be the only occupant. While his body was badly disfigured, the remains did not appear to be from this planet.

The Roswell Incident is the most famous and widely publicized UFO sighting in the world. Something crashed, was in a collision or was shot down in 1947 in New Mexico. Rancher Mac Brazel reported finding portions of a crashed UFO on his ranch. The sheriff of Chaves County passed this information along to officials at Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) and an investigation was begun by Maj. Jesse Marcel, an intelligence officer. A press release was issued by RAAF about the flying saucer on July 8, 1947. The following day, the official story was changed by Army Air Force officials. UFO lore suggests that as many as two crafts crashed and that the bodies of four aliens were found at the crash site. One of the aliens may have been only injured. The Air Force claims the incident never happened and has repeatedly issued official and differing versions of what occurred and was found.

The Greys admit that they were not immediately aware of the crashes and would have cleaned the crash areas of all debris and casualties. Although, the crash was accidental it resulted in the U.S. obtaining advanced technology and extraterrestrial bodies. The crashes could have been avoided if they had used their weapons, which they refer to as Thor's Hammer, to shoot down U.S. planes. This way the occupants could have parachuted to safety, but because of the their non aggression policy no shots were fired.

They claim it was their ship that flew over Los Angeles on February 25, 1942 causing the U.S. military to launch a barrage of cannon fire and send fighter jets racing toward the unknown craft. They state that although they could easily have shot down the jets and destroyed the cannons with lasers they simply defended their craft and did not fire back.

The following is a brief description of the encounter: It was reported that the sudden appearance of the enormous round object over LA caused dozens of gun crews and searchlights of the Army's 37th Coast Artillery Brigade to target the huge ship which hovered in the winter sky. The city was awakened by the hundreds of rounds fired at the glowing object. Fighter planes, flying in group formation, attacked the ship, silhouetted by bright beams from the searchlights, but had little effect and after a brief encounter returned to their airstrips. The appearance of the object and the ensuing battle only lasted a little over 30 minutes.

They state that they are no threat to mankind but claim there are other alien species on the planet that are.

They advise that we be aware of UFOs that appear like a vertical cylinder or a baker's pie with a cherry on top. Run, like they did in Colares, Brazil. During a three-month period from July to September 1977 fishermen witnessed objects in the sky and a doctor treated dozens of people hit by the light from an unidentified flying object. One patient died and several witnesses stated that they observed two teams of Brazilian military filming the objects. Every evening UFOs appeared, In some cases they flew down from the sky, in others, they emerged out of the ocean. The UFOs flew at low altitude, circling and descending. They looped and suddenly accelerated; they hovered over houses probing inside with beams. They emerged from larger objects and then reentered them. This happened every night for three months.

Spirit guide: The Greys have interacted with the U.S. government for many years. There are underground bases in both New Mexico and Nevada that are jointly maintained and manned by humans and aliens. They are working with the government to develop a human-alien hybrid. Ironically, they have been sharing cloning technology with the military for decades.

The incident at Roswell did happen and was the genesis for first contact by aliens.

The Alien Agenda

The Grey: They are a totally peaceful race that is very interested in the development of mankind and wish to work with humans in the hope of developing a hybrid species that would ensure the continuation of both races.

The Greys also claim to be very religious and followers of Christ.

Spirit guide: The Greys are controlled, enslaved by a race of Reptilian aliens. One of their goals may be to develop a superior genetically enhanced hybrid that is capable of rebelling against their slave masters. On the other hand they may be working hand-in-hand with the Reptilians to enslave mankind.

The spirit guide believes that the Greys are attempting to gain control of the government, thereby securing their freedom from the Reptilians. One race of the Greys are working with the government officials and seeking an alliance to defend themselves against future attacks from the Reptilians.

When I began this article I was hoping to clarify the alien agenda but seem to have made it even more complicated. Our alien "experts" differ wildly on the agenda of the Greys, but disturbingly agree with the following:

1. There are alien races presently on the planet

2. They are responsible for the kidnapping and experimenting on humans

3. They are responsible for cattle mutilations

4. They are conducting DNA experiments to develop a human-alien hybrid

5. There has been interaction between world governments and extraterrestrials

6. Alien craft with their occupants have crashed and been recovered by government agencies.

Either way you look at it, there is an alien presence in our midst. Regardless of which side you choose to believe there is one point that must be made: all races have their agendas and the truth is we won't know the aliens' agendas until they act on them.


oh dear oh dear: The start of the above alien agenda article is a dead giveaway:

"Thousands of Americans are being told by the established media that millions of Mexican, Central and South American economic refugees will soon be flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border. This fear is amplified by the knowledge that the actual number of illegal immigrates already in the United States is estimated at 12 million.

These interlopers only want your money, jobs and lifestyle. There are those that claim that other aliens have also infiltrated the U.S. and other countries. And these aliens don't want your money, they want you."

where do i start with that one...?

now people come to different parts of the world to work: The notion that someone from abroad would deliberatly come to 'your country' to steal an individuals actual job ...hmm er...well that seems a tad unlikely...The fact is that if you want to survive today you need a job...why blame them? why not blame the corporate C/O's for all those labour saving devicess / cutbacks / downsizings they make! You would think that a UFO researcher would have an open mind...hmmm?

Then we have the notion that Foreigners want your money!

HEY! if anyone takes your money then thats a crime...but if they earned their own...well i'd say that was their business wouldn't you?

...and then we have the last but most intriguing...the ...stealing of your lifestyle

would the Lifestyle that this Alien Agenda article perchance be referring to 'The American dream'?

what are these immigrants going to do - bodysnatch you?!!! a mindmeld?...what makes you think anyone would want that shitty lifestyle that you have...? Many people emigrate to build a new life...[some of those were called The Pilgrims & Founding fathers...bear in mind NO aborigianl people set up the corporation that is known as America!]

Van der Ploeg is using the fear of immigration, xenophobia based on economic drivers to drive home another fear...that of abduction, assimilation, and abuse by an alien race


  • You make an appointment to see a vacant apartment but the manager takes one look at you and says it is no longer available. A week later the sign is still up.
  • While speaking with friends in your native language, another student hisses "Go back where you came from." His buddies give him high-fives.
  • Your co-workers use racial slurs as though they are a harmless form of slang. You want to speak up but are afraid of being ostracized.
  • The police pull you over in a neighborhood where no one looks like you. They're suspicious, they say, because "this car is too nice to be yours."
  • Your new braids draw stares and snide comments from other employees. Your boss says to get rid of them or lose your job.
  • You are dining out and wonder why no one has come to take your order. You don't want to over-react, but then you see the waiter serving people who arrived after you.
  • Cab drivers refuse to drive to your neighborhood at night- and you can forget about ordering a pizza.
  • You are a woman, you're not white and you're a lesbian. In our society, that's triple jeopardy and it's not a game.
  • so alien races are an advanced intelligence?

    a little further down the alien agenda article we read that one alien race, The Greys:

    "conveyed their information using different methods. The Grey physically met the person that gave me the information six times over a period of weeks and actually dictated, telepathically, the message. The spirit guide sends her information through dreams or meditations. This is often referred to as channeling, which is when the medium, through which a spirit guide purportedly communicates with the physical world. "

    these highly advanced aliens:

    "...admit to inserting implants into their subjects. These implants are attached to the nerve endings and transmit location and biological data to a master computer. They call this procedure "tagging". Once an implant is surgically removed the implant becomes dormant and the master computer is alerted."

    think about it...if a higher intelligence were at play here...

    1.you wouldn't even KNOW you were being subjected to this...

    2. These beings supposedly communicate via telepathic channeling
    so all tagging and tracking would be done by Alien lifeforms utilising this Telepathy

    it would negate the need for such technology...

    ID Smartcards...DNA databases & Radio Frequency satellite tagging & tracking are being introduced globally

    Question: is this is being done by your government...right now...?


    racial pre-determinism:

    read that last sentence in the alien agenda article from UFO digest [top of page] again

    "Either way you look at it, there is an alien presence in our midst. Regardless of which side you choose to believe there is one point that must be made: all races have their agendas and the truth is we won't know the aliens' agendas until they act on them.

    er! Hang on a moment...!

    because Dirk Vander Ploeg is discussing Aliens...is this a cart-blanche to polarize the concept of Alien against Humanity

    does it not strike you as odd, that all these alien races are humanoid / Biopeds in form? an entire racial map has been developed which resembles a role playing game list: ...

    as can be seen on Burlington UFO and Paranormal Research Centers huge list of Aliens

    So...are we to believe that a beings genetic make up totally dictates it's behavior? Is this a giveaway to the real Psychological programming behind such reasoning?

    The following piece accuses JRR Tolkien of racism within his trilogy:

    Wraiths and race

    What with the dark skin, broad faces and dreadlocks, it's a wonder Tolkien didn't give his baddies a natural sense of rhythm, says John Yatt, examining Middle Earth's suspect racial undertones

    Monday December 2, 2002 - The Guardian

    It was the same with The Phantom Menace - I had no choice. When part of your childhood is playing down the road on a big screen with surround sound and popcorn, there's no escape. But as the wonder of discovering that there was more to New Zealand than sheep wore off, something began to worry me.

    Maybe it was the way that all the baddies were dressed in black, or maybe it was the way that the fighting uruk-hai had dreadlocks, but I began to suspect that there was something rotten in the state of Middle Earth.

    Perhaps Dubya's war on terror is making me a bit uneasy, or maybe it's just good old-fashioned Guardian-reading imperial guilt, but there was something about watching a bunch of pale faces setting off into the east to hack some guys with dark faces into little bits that made me feel a little queasy.

    When I got home I dug out my copy of The Lord of the Rings from a box somewhere - okay, so I pulled it straight off the shelf - and found there was worse to come. The Two Towers is the story of the battle between Isengard and Rohan. In the good corner, the riders of Rohan, aka the "Whiteskins": "Yellow is their hair, and bright are their spears. Their leader is very tall." In the evil corner, the orcs of Isengard: "A grim, dark band... swart, slant-eyed" and the "dark" wild men of the hills. So the good guys are white and the bad guys are, erm... black.

    This genetic determinism drives the plot in the most brutal manner. White men are good, "dark" men are bad, orcs are worst of all. While 10,000 orcs are massacred with a kind of Dungeons and Dragons version of biological warfare, the wild men left standing at the end of the battle are packed off back to their homes with nothing more than slapped wrists.

    We also get a sneak preview of the army that's going to be representing the forces of darkness in part three. Guess what: "Dark faces... black eyes and long black hair, and gold rings in their ears... very cruel wicked men they look". They come from the east and the south. They wield scimitars and ride elephants.

    Perhaps I'd better come right out and say it. The Lord of the Rings is racist. It is soaked in the logic that race determines behaviour. Orcs are bred to be bad, they have no choice. The evil wizard Saruman even tells us that they are screwed-up elves. Elves made bad by a kind of devilish genetic modification programme. They deserve no mercy.

    To cap it all, the races that Tolkien has put on the side of evil are then given a rag-bag of non-white characteristics that could have been copied straight from a BNP leaflet. Dark, slant-eyed, swarthy, broad-faced - it's amazing he doesn't go the whole hog and give them a natural sense of rhythm.

    Scratch the surface of Tolkien's world and you'll find a curiously 20th-century myth. Begun in the 1930s, published in the 1950s, it's shot through with the preoccupations and prejudices of its time. This is no clash of noble adversaries like the Iliad, no story of our common humanity like the Epic of Gilgamesh. It's a fake, a forgery, a dodgy copy. Strip away the archaic turns of phrase and you find a set of basic assumptions that are frankly unacceptable in 21st-century Britain.

    But it's the same with The Attack of the Clones - I've got no choice. Maybe the fizzy pop will go to my head, maybe the Pearl and Dean music will be able to work its magic, but I'm worried that the popcorn is going to taste a bit wrong - I'm worried that childhood isn't going to be quite so much fun the second time around.

    interestingly, Dirk Vander Ploeg - the author of The Alien Agenda has written the book 'Quest for Middle-earth' which compares Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings' to ancient Earth history...

    Quest for Middle-earth - BOOK TWO - Chapter 10 [excerpt]

    by Dirk Vander Ploeg - ufodigest.com

    One Ring to Rule Them All

    One Ring to rule them all,
    One Ring to find them,
    One Ring to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them. 1

    The above quote is very familiar to everyone who has either seen any of the three movies or has read Tolkien's ring trilogy. The one ring binds all the other rings to the Dark Lord Sauron, who as Gandalf cautioned Frodo, "The rumors that you have heard are true: he has indeed arisen again and left his hold in Mirkwood and returned to his ancient fortress in the Dark Tower of Mordor."

    Where did Tolkien get the original idea for the rings in his saga? Did he have a dream about the rings, did he have a true inspiration or a deeply religious epiphany, or was there some other source?

    Remember that Tolkien's daytime job was as an Oxford University professor of Anglo-Saxon and English language. As such he was aware of ancient myths, especially the tales of the North featuring the Norse God Odin, king of the Vikings. Odin is the same God as the Saxon's God Wotan. Odin was a Ring-Lord and governed as president over nine kingdoms. Each ruler of the individual kingdoms was given a ring from Odin, and note that it was Odin's ring that bound all of the other rings and their wearers to him.

    Tolkien was so taken by the myths of the North that he learned to read Finnish perfectly, in order to understand the history and myth of Finland in their original language. Titles of some of Finnish myths seem familiar, including The Saga of the Ring and The Kingdom of the Circle.

    When Tolkien was asked about his setting for Middle-earth, he stated that he believed the historical period of the story to be approximately 4000 BC. He added, "The pot of soup (the caldron of the story) has always been boiling and to it have continually been added new bits."1

    Geographically, Tolkien suggested, that Middle-earth's homeland was to be found in the Nordic countries, especially Finland. Later, we will explore this Norse myth known as the Volsunga Saga and the composer Wagner's The Ring of the Nibelungs and see how they relate, inspire and mirror The Lord of the Rings.

    If we look back in history for evidence of the ring's origin we must once again transport 6000 years to ancient Sumer, and rely on the lost, now found and finally translated clay tablets and copper cylinders of the God-kings.

    These were the original God-kings of Mesopotamia who kingly power was given them from heaven! Once translated, this pictorial history of the Anunnaki overlords, demonstrated that they ruled their earthly kingdoms through the creation of a Grand Assembly (parliament).

    This Grand Assembly was consisted of eight councilors: one for each kingdom or region. The eight members included seven males and one female. They were given and ruled by their rings, which were reported to be of divine power. It was Ring power that was responsible for the establishment of municipal government and kingly rule.

    The president of the Grand Assembly held the One Ring that bound the member councilors to the president.

    This knowledge of ancient history is communicated centuries, millennia later, by means of oral and written folk tales and myths! Are we all simply receptacles of genetic memory, and now remembering vicariously our forgotten heritage, through Tolkien's finally detailed characters transposed to the big screen or within the printed word!

    here is Laurence Gardners take on the origins of Tolkiens Rings Mythology

    NOTE: Sir Laurence Gardner, Kt St Gm, KCD, is an internationally known sovereign and chivalric genealogist. He holds the position of Grand Prior of the Celtic Church's Sacred Kindred of Saint Columba, and is distinguished as the Chevalier Labhrà n de Saint Germain. Sir Laurence is also Presidential Attaché to the European Council of Princes, a constitutional advisory body established in 1946. He is formally attached to the Noble Household Guard of the Royal House of Stewart, founded at St Germain-en-Laye in 1692, and is the Jacobite Historiographer Royal.

    The Hidden History of Jesus and the Holy Grail

    STAR FIRE - The Gold of the Gods

    From the earliest of Sumerian and Scythian times, over 5,000 years ago, the abiding symbol of wholeness, unity and eternity was the Ring. In those days, the kings-of-kings were also styled Ring Lords by virtue of their Rings of office which symbolised divinely inspired justice. They were golden circlets which, as time progressed, were often worn as head-bands - ultimately to become crowns.

    As depicted in numerous reliefs, the Ring was a primary device of the Anunnaki gods, who were recorded as having descended into ancient Sumer and were responsible for the establishment of municipal government and kingly practice. In view of this, it is of particular relevance that, when the author J.R.R. Tolkien was asked, in the 1960s, about the Middle-earth environment of his book trilogy The Lord of the Rings, he said that he perceived its setting to relate to about 4000 BC.

    Tolkien was an Oxford professor of Anglo-Saxon language and, in this regard, the root of his popular tale was extracted directly from Saxon folklore. Indeed, the early Saxon god Wotan (Odin) was said to have ruled the Nine Worlds of the Rings - having the ninth (the One Ring) to govern eight others.

    As the generations passed from those ancient times, the ideal of dynastic kingship spread through the Mediterranean lands into the Balkans, the Black Sea regions and Europe. But, in the course of this, the crucial essence of the old wisdom was diluted and this gave rise to dynasties that were not of the original kingly race. Instead, many were unrelated warrior chiefs who gained their thrones by might of the sword.

    The oldest complete version of the Ring Cycle comes from the Norse mythology of the Volsunga Saga. Compiled from more than forty separate legends, this Icelandic tale relates to the god Odin, to the kingdom of the Nine Worlds and to a dark forest called Mirkwood - a name later repeated by Tolkien in The Lord of the Rings. It tells of how Prince Sigmund of the Volsung dynasty is the only warrior able to pull the great sword of Odin from a tree in which the god had driven it to its hilt - as replicated in the Arthurian story of the sword and the stone. Additionally, we learn of the water-dwarf Andarvi, whose magical One Ring of red-gold could weave great wealth and power for its master - precisely as depicted in all related Ring legends.

    - graal.co.uk

    is Laurance Gardner a member of the self aggrandised & promoted Elite? The Nephalim? The Anunnaki?

    The Reptilian Race and the Nephilim Progeny Still Amongst Us


    "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown." Genesis 6:4

    The Hebrew word "Nephilim" translates as 'those who have fallen', which could also be interpreted to mean spiritually dead. Robert Graves mentions in his book, "Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis" that the Nephilim "bore many other tribal names, such as Emim, Repha'im, Gibborim, Zamzummim, Anakim and Awwim."

    There is a very real possibility that the fallen "angelic bloodline" could have been carried over into the postdiluvian world via one of the wives of Noah's sons, and we do know that the line that passed through Noah's son, Ham, became corrupt because Ham's son was Cush and Cush's son was Nimrod (Genesis 10:1-8). Cush was cursed by Noah, who told him, "Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers." - Genesis 9:25. Nimrod appears to have been affected by this curse:


    "As the founder of both Babylon and Nineveh, both of which were noted for their rebellion against God - Babylon, in fact, having come to stand in all ages as the great symbol for opposition and rebellion against God, Nimrod must be considered to have exhibited the same evil qualities...

    The unreliability of tradition is, of course, notorious; but there seem to be good reasons for accepting it in the case of Nimrod. Under his power there rose the first of the godless states that were to plague the existence of the human family throughout its whole sojourn on earth. The very name, Nimrod means "We will revolt." (H. C. Leupold, op. cit., p.366) and the expression "mighty hunter" likely means, "one who hunts men to enslave them." (H. C. Leupold, op. cit., p.366) Some scholars have translated it "tyrant" or "despot." (Coffman Commentaries on the Old and New Testament)

    It's highly likely that Nimrod would have known about this curse, causing him to feel vengeful, and this would be a good motive for him deciding to be in opposition to the God of his forefather Noah.

    Nimrod built many cities related to the cradle of our modern day civilisation. Albert Mackay, one of the foremost authorities on Freemasonry puts forth in his book, "The History of Freemasonry", a very strong case that Nimrod was the first Grand Master of modern Freemasonry. The Craft of Freemasonry is known for civilisation building and as our civilisation has many of its deepest roots in ancient Babylon, Mackay's findings make perfect sense. Following the death of Nimrod, the heathen form of worship he upheld was continued by his wife, Queen Semiramis.

    The above therefore shows how the antediluvian Nephilim line may have survived the Flood through Ham, who was safe in the Ark, and then on through Cush, Nimrod and beyond into the regions, subsequently splitting off into the individual Nephilim tribes of the giants by the names of Emim, Rephaim, Gibborim (the giant ones), Zamzummim, Anakim and Awwim, just as Robert Graves describes in his book, "Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis".


    The Nephilim eventually retreated off into the background and out of sight of humanity and out of 'officially' recorded history, but their progeny could still be around today! This would neatly and comfortably explain most of the countless eyewitness accounts from the young and old, in all walks of life and from all round the world and in many previous generations. Most notably, even before knowledge of shape-shifting Reptilians reached public awareness in the 1990's, there have been reports and visual sightings of Reptilian shape-shifting beings from people who had never before heard of this phenomenon, which makes these similar accounts from all round the world even more believable - it's more difficult to make something up about which one knows nothing about.

    Of course, the arrival of computers and the Internet to a lot of homes in the mid to late 90's has allowed this knowledge to become common public knowledge. It was also around this time that a household name began to grab peoples' attention. David Icke and many other authors have published a gold mine of very supportive evidence to support the view that descendants of the Nephilim are still in our midst, but first, before the conclusion of the evidence, a necessary but breathtaking and flowingly brief synopsis of some of the chief dramatis personae and organisations who can help us understand because we need some insight from those watching the stars... Shhhhh!, come closer now.... we can almost hear their thoughts.....

    Lawrence Gardner and Nicholas de Vere

    Authors like Lawrence Gardner and Nicholas de Vere, who is a member of both the Merovingian bloodline and the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and Order, have written voluminously on this subject and are far more knowledgeable than most academics who don't move in elite circles because people like this have many of the records of who did what, where, when and how, throughout history that people who don't move in these circles obviously don't always see.

    According to the Grand Masonic Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon's official Website, Nicholas de Vere is "a self-styled occultist and satanist who claims to be a member of the Grail bloodline..." (source - see Question 16, "What is the Royal Dragon Court?")

    The rulers of our world and especially the shadow elite, who guide them, are in ideal positions for having even greater knowledge and insights into the make-up and nature of the pyramidal power structure of our world for obvious reasons, but I'm sure even these are deceived in some aspects, just as Nimrod was deceived for rebelling against God.

    Individuals such as Nicholas de Vere and Lawrence Gardner and those above them in the elite, live in a world far removed from the common reality of most peoples' lives. They live in a fantasy world of Royal Courts and Orders of Knights. Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg, for example, is the Sovereign Grand Master of the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and Order. Godfroi de Bouillon, the first Grand Master of the Knights Templar who captured Jerusalem in 1099, was a member of the Merovingian Nicholas de Vere bloodline.

    The European Council of Princes and Prince Michael of Albany

    H.R.H. Prince Michael of Albany is referred to by some as the Grand Protector of the Order of the Dragon for Great Britain and the English-speaking world. He's also the 7th Count of Albany, Grand Master of the Order of Knights Templar of Saint Anthony, the Knight Grand Commander of the Chivalric Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, the Grand Master of the Noble Order of the Guard of St. Germain, and the Sovereign Head of Scotland's Sacred Kindred of Saint Columba.

    Additionally, Prince Michael of Albany is or was the elected President of the European Council of Princes, a constitutional advisory body within the European Union. Regarding who's sits on the European Council of Princes, Prince Michael says:

    "Well, there's 33 of us, you know, 33 Royal Houses represented on the Council. Most of us are connected to one another at one point or another. So yes, most of us are of Grail families." (Interview with Prince Michael by Tracy R. Twyman)

    The Bilderberg Group and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands

    The European Council of Princes was co-created by Prince Bernhard, who also, in 1954, co-created the Bilderberg Group, made up of the world's elite in banking and industry (it was quietly forgotten that as a German-born aristocrat, Bernhard had been an honorary member of the SS in the 1930s). The first meeting took place under the chairmanship of Prince Bernhard, at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland. Each year since its inception, Prince Bernhard has been the Bilderberg chairman.

    The Trilateral Commission

    Prince Bernhard is also a leading member of the global affairs think tank known as the Trilateral Commission. Both the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission have stated aims for a New World order, one world government.

    The Nephilim and the Red Haired, Green Eyed Ayrian Race

    These semi-celestial but fallen human-hybrid offspring have been variously identified with Dragons, Elves (whom Sir Lawrence Gardner describes as being very tall!), Fairies, Gnomes, Leprechauns, Sprites, Nymphs, Pixies, Angels, Demons, Devils, Witches, Giants, Vampires, Werewolves and just about every mythical being you can imagine. Some, like Gardner, claim that they come from another planet. Others, like Nicholas de Vere, say they're multidimensional, or they're from Hollow Earth.

    This human hybrid offspring, forming the royal/priestly caste is, according to many, the Aryans, who usually had red hair with green eyes, contrary to the traditional Hitlerian vision.

    According to Dagobert's Revenge (a well established online and hard copy journal, closely keeping abreast with the Merovingian bloodline), the descendants of the original 'ones who came down' can be found amongst the segment of the population with the RH Negative blood type, roughly 5% of the Earth's population, most of them Europeans. These people are often born with an extra vertebrate, have a lower than normal body temperature, and can rarely mate with one another successfully, suggesting that they may indeed be a hybrid species.

    The Anunnaki

    Sir Laurence Gardner, historian, Knight and Jacobite genealogist, claims that a 'Dragon Bloodline', a 'Graal', was created in ancient Sumeria when reptilian aliens called "Anunnaki" descended upon the region and created a royal bloodline through genetic engineering.

    Laurence Gardner is the son of Gerald Brosseau Gardner. He's considered the father of modern Wicca and was author of books such as "High Magic's Aid", "The Book of Shadows" ("Ye Bok of Ye Art Magical") and "Witchcraft Today". See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Gardner

    The Reptilian Race is Still Amongst Us

    Many highly regarded shaman are also on record as supporting the view that the progeny of 'those who have fallen' are among us and still able to shape-shift.

    Shaman Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa

    Credo Mutwa, the most famous shaman in Africa, and the official historian to the Zulu nation, says 'Zulu' means 'People from the Stars'. Credo also states that the Reptilian Race contributed to the development of the human race and to civilisation, as we know it today. He also states that the earliest human beings did not communicate through the use of the spoken word but rather through telepathic communication. Zulu words which refer to the Reptilian peoples translates as "those who are the illuminated ones", according to him.

    Beginning to Draw it all Together

    The amount of evidence that has become available to the wider public in recent years is abundant and surprisingly astonishing. All this evidence provides more than enough foundation that there are generational elite families stretching back to beyond ancient antiquity to the Nephilim and 'those who have fallen'. The evidence provides the perfect canvas upon which to paint a convincing picture who is at the top of the world's numerous secret societies and economic institutions and who is behind the world's major organised religions - not everything that glitters is gold!

    H. P. Lovecraft and "The Call of Cthulhu"

    In H. P. Lovecraft's esoteric short story, "The Call of Cthulhu", secret societies were established after the Great Flood that incarcerated many of the original 'fallen ones' in an abyss in the earth, and from there they guide and control illumined adepts on the world's surface through the secret societies, to carry out the structuring and restructuring of civilisation toward the goal of a global New World Order. When the 'stars are right' they wish a star-gate be opened, for those angry fallen spiritual beings imprisoned by God in the bowels of the Earth at the Flood, for them to re-emerge as Lord's of the Earth, as they once were in antediluvian times. Cthulhu, in the esoteric story by Lovecraft, was the Lord or Prince of the Underworld, a belief echoed throughout the mythologies and religions of many differing cultures, and ancient civilisations, throughout the world.

    Shambhala and Camp David - the Presidential Retreat

    Alice Bailey and her Masonic husband, Foster Bailey, a 33rd degree Freemason who, together, founded the Lucis Trust (formerly officially named the Lucifer Trust), which forms the foundation for the large spiritual wing of the present day United Nations, along with Madam Blavatsky and many others alive, even today, all believe or believed that the universal Great White Brotherhood have links with Beings in the abyss of the Earth, which has its main centre in Shambhala (also known as Shangri La, which was the original name for Camp David, the American Presidential retreat), located somewhere underground in the regions of Tibet, the Himalayas and the Gobi Desert, and from there they are spreading forth into the world to take over more and more control of the global religious, economic and political levers of power, in preparedness for the return of the Great White Brotherhood's rule in the New World Order that the Vatican and elite figures in the United Nations and the American administration are behind, not to mention many elite figures from many other countries. These Brotherhoods are awaiting the return of the Horus Messiah, the Anti-Christ. Wake up! This is what these secret societies are all about, with all their spiritualism, channelling and deep trance rituals!

    Jerusalem and 'Moriah Wind'

    Jerusalem features very significantly as the object of the agenda because, according to the Bible, this is where the spirit of the anti-Christ shall attempt to ascend, above the Throne of God in the sides of the North on Mount Moriah - Masonic Lodges throughout the World are modelled, to varying degrees, on Solomon's Temple that was once situated on this location. This is only one of many reasons why some in esoteric circles refer to the 'illuminati' as 'Moriah Wind'.

    Synarchy: rule by secret society, or government by Initiates who derive their power from a spiritual source.

    A World Map of Freemasonry

    Much can also be placed on the foundations of knowledge that these Nephilim progeny are behind the special interest groups like the Bilderberg Group, which incidentally, it has recently been discovered is linked directly to the very top of the Masonic hierarchy of the United Masonic Grand Lodge of England!

    Other Groups the Watchers could also be behind are, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Zionism, PNAC, the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, the Carlyle Group, Royal Institute of International Affairs (more commonly known as Chatham House - formerly the private home of three former British Prime Ministers), the Royal Society, the Royal Institute on International Affairs, the Club of Rome, the United Nations/World Bank and International Banking system, the Rockefeller Commission, and the Order of Skull and Bones, which had links to secret Lodges in Bavaria, in Germany, in the 19th Century.

    The Nephilim's Pyramid of Power

    There's a veritable pyramidal mountain of evidence that the Nephilim are ultimately at the apex of the now global power structure, carefully concealed and hidden from the public eye and that they are manipulating world events, preparing the ground for a Big Brother style World War III, which many are claiming has already begun, as our rulers are eroding our civil liberties, presenting us with a phoney "War on Terror", and instituting a Big Brother police state, which all indicates that 'those who have fallen' are circling in.

    Return of the Nephilim to Public Life

    This drive for a virtual reality, new world order global enslavement camp for the masses at the bottom of the global pyramid structure, is more than likely being driven by the Nephilim, because I honestly and sincerely do not hold the view that ordinary, everyday human beings, like you and I, could ever possibly be capable of a such a serious and complex project, spanning such a great span of time. This virtual reality, new world order, psychotic vision is designed to be a substitute for the Kingdom of God promised around 2,000 years ago, by Christ and many other Prophets and it comes humbly, from within our hearts. Without God, humanity is facing a very uncertain medium term future at the hands of the returning Nephilim to public life - many will be feint out of fear as world events escalate as they will.

    Non-Biblical Sources

    However, the collapse of this towering NWO, modern day Babel fortress that forms the apex of our civilisation, which has its deepest roots in the regions of ancient Babylon and Sumer, is predicted in many non-Biblical sources. The collapse of the project has now become the fairly well established discipline of eschatology, a subject not to be taken lightly, while at the same time, keeping an eye on the very valuable and indispensable spiritual knowledge that can protect us by giving us a solid and reliable shield against anything spiritually detrimental or harmful.

    "Everything is Under Control" - God!


    one can observe a direct link from Ancient History/Mythology to UFO mythology

    Sumerian Culture and the Annunaki

    01.19.06 - Neil Freer - ufo.whipnet.org

    Working from the same archaeological discoveries, artifacts, and recovered records as archaeologists and linguists have for two hundred years, Sitchin propounds – proves, in the opinion of this author -- that the Anunnaki (Sumerian: "those who came down from the heavens"; Old testament Hebrew, Anakeim, Nefilim, Elohim; Egyptian: Neter), an advanced civilization from the tenth planet in our solar system, splashed down in the Persian gulf area around 432,000 years ago, colonized the planet, with the purpose of obtaining large quantities of gold. Some 250,000 years ago, the recovered documents tell us, their lower echelon miners rebelled against the conditions in the mines and the Anunnaki directorate decided to create a creature to take their place. Enki, their chief scientist and Ninhursag their chief medical officer, after getting no satisfactory results splicing animal and Homo Erectus genes, merged their Anunnaki genes with that of Homo Erectus and produced us, Homo Sapiens, a genetically bicameral species, for their purposes as slaves. Because we were a hybrid, we could not procreate. The demand for us as workers became greater and we were genetically manipulated to reproduce.

    Eventually, we became so numerous that some of us were expelled from the Anunnaki city centers, gradually spreading over the planet. Having become a stable genetic stock and developing more precociously than, perhaps, the Anunnaki had anticipated, the Anunnaki began to be attracted to humans as sexual partners and children were born of these unions. This was unacceptable to the majority of the Anunnaki high council and it was decided to wipe out the human population through a flood that was predictable when Nibiru, the tenth in our solar system and the Anunnaki home planet, came through the inner solar system again (around 12,500 years ago) on one of its periodic 3600 year returns. Some humans were saved by the action of the Anunnaki official, Enki, who was sympathetic to the humans he had originally genetically created. For thousands of years, we were their slaves, their workers, their servants, and their soldiers in their political battles among themselves. The Anunnaki used us in the construction of their palaces (we retroproject the religious notion of temple on these now), their cities, their mining and refining complexes and their astronomical installations on all the continents. They expanded from Mesopotamia to Egypt to India to South and Central America and the stamp of their presence can be found in the farthest reaches of the planet.

    Around 6000 years ago, they, probably realizing that they were going to phase off the planet, began, gradually, to bring humans to independence. Sumer, a human civilization, amazing in its "sudden", mature, and highly advanced character was set up under their tutelage in Mesopotamia. Human kings were inaugurated as go-betweens, foremen of the human populations answering to the Anunnaki.

    A strain of humans, genetically enhanced with more Anunnaki genes, a bloodline of rulers in a tradition of "servants of the people" was initiated (Gardner). These designated humans were taught technology, mathematics, astronomy, advanced crafts and the ways of advanced civilized society (in schools, called now "mystery schools" but there was no mystery about them). Gardner has brought to light the fact that there exists a robust, highly documented, genealogical, genetic history carrying all the way back to the Anunnaki, possessed by the heterodox tradition of Christianity, which is only now coming forward, no longer gun-shy of the Inquisition.

    This tradition, preserving the bloodline, is the one branded "heretical" and murderously persecuted by the Roman Church. There were no Dark Ages for this tradition, only for those whom the Church wanted to keep in the dark about the real nature of human history and destroy the bloodline, a direct threat to the power of the Bishops.

    one can further observe a direct link to the Nation of Islam & Scientology cults

    Nation of Islam: UFO cultic steering as a tool of racial division

    Loius Farrakhan takes his messianic beliefs to new levels of absurdity. Farrakhan has said that the white 'race' was created by an evil wizard, called Dr Yacub, as an experiment on a remote island, 6,000 years ago. He has said that he met his former leader, Elijah Muhammed, on board a flying saucer orbiting the Earth and that his body will be conveyed to heaven on a UFO.

    revolutionary communist

    The NOI's origins are found in

    (a) two black self-improvement movements that began shortly before World War I: the "Moorish Science Temple of America," founded in 1913 by Timothy Drew, and the "Universal Negro Improvement Association," founded in 1914 by Marcus Garvey.

    (b) the NOI was also shaped by a Depression-era con-man, and convicted drugdealer, Wallace Dodd Ford. Upon Ford's 1929 release from California's San Quintin Prison, he moved to Detroit to start a new life. Ford used a number of names, including Wali Farad and Master Fard and claimed to be from Mecca, Arabia. Being that Ford's parentage was a mixture of white and South Pacific Maori, he used his skin color and his prison con skills to pass himself off to blacks as a "mystic" and a "prophet" from the Middle East.

    Working as a door-to-door rug salesman by day, Ford blended the ideas of Garvey and Drew along with a smattering of Islam, to form what would later become the Nation of Islam. Among his first students was an unemployed Georgia migrant worker, Elijah Poole, who Ford renamed "Elijah Muhammad." In later years, Ford disappeared and Elijah assumed leadership of the NOI which he held until his death in 1975.

    Elijah developed an convoluted belief system based on ideas extracted from everything from Christanity to Masonry to Islam. He elevated Ford's status to that of the Creator of the heavens and earth, and he developed a myth which he dubbed, "Yacub's History." This racist doctrine is still maintained by Louis Farrakhan.

    In brief, the doctrine states that the first humans, a race of black people, whom the NOI calls 'the Original Man,' created white people in a genetic experiment 6,000 years ago. Elijah claimed that they (the whites) would rule the world for 6,000 years and then be destroyed at the 'end of their time' by the blacks. He said that 'Judgement Day' means that at the 'end of time' the Gods (i.e., blacks) would destroy the entire white race (devils) and then establish a Paradise (nation) on this earth ruled forever by the blacks (i.e., Gods).

    For a number of years, Farrakhan has managed to present himself as a champion for the oppressed masses, this also is a distortion. Like his teacher, Farrakhan has for more than 35 years engaged in hoodwinking blacks out of money in the name of black self improvement. The only self-improvement however, that has taken place has been for Farrakhan's family and their associates.

    Additionally, his entire inspiration for the "Million Man March" is based on his alleged, "vision of being swept into a UFO that took him to a larger mothership." While in the UFO, he claims to have spoken to the late Elijah Muhammad before being beamed back to earth. (The Washington Post, Sept. 18, 1995, p. D3).

    What many do not realize, is that Farrakhan has repeated this doctrine for more than 35 years! Indeed, Farrakhan's UFO "vision" is an inseparable, doctrinal link to the heretical claims of Elijah Muhammad. Elijah explained that blacks were originally, "moon people" and that the UFO "mother wheel" was piloted by 13 youths who perpetually orbited the earth, waiting to unleash global destruction on whites, while rescuing all blacks. - source

    Cruise is a
    Major scientologist

    The Church of Scientology

    The Church of Scientology is a vicious and dangerous cult that masquerades as a religion. Its purpose is to make money. It practices a variety of mind-control techniques on people lured into its midst to gain control over their money and their lives. Its aim is to take from them every penny that they have and can ever borrow and to also enslave them to further its wicked ends.

    It was started in the 1950s by a science fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard in fulfilment to his declared aim to start a religion to make money. It is an offshoot to a method of psychotherapy he concocted from various sources which he named "Dianetics". Dianetics is a form of regression therapy. It was then further expanded to appear more like a religion in order to enjoy tax benefits. He called it "Scientology".

    Scientology is a confused concoction of crackpot, dangerously applied psychotherapy, oversimplified, idiotic and inapplicable rules and ideas and science-fiction drivel that is presented to its members (at the "advanced" levels) as profound spiritual truth. Operation Clambake present: What is Scientology?

    Xenu and the space aliens:

    The lies and deception behind the Scientology space opera If you are interested in learning about the lies and deception that surround Scientology's beliefs, this pamphlet is for you. If you are one of the few people who are considering Scientology, this will give you a brief view of their cosmology and help you decide if this is a group you wish to be associated with. And, if you are already a Scientologist planning on moving up the "bridge to total freedom", this document will give you a heads-up on what to expect.

    L. Ron Hubbard was a mediocre writer of science fiction and westerns who decided that real money could be made in religion.

    Scientologists might say that the story that follows came about by something like divine revelation but others would contend that it came about from the over-active imagination of a poor and struggling science fiction writer. Whatever you believe about the stories origin, it is the core belief in the group known as Scientology. This story is only revealed to Scientologist after they have paid a lot of money over several years and reached a "higher level of awareness". If the people in Scientology at the lower levels knew about this story, maybe they would question why they are staying on the Scientology treadmill. The story goes like this:

    75 million years ago, there was an alien galactic ruler named Xenu who was in charge of 76 planets in our sector of the galaxy, including planet Earth, whose name at that time was Teegeeack.

    All of the planets Xenu controlled were over-populated by, on average, 178 billion people. Social problems dictated that Xenu rid his sector of the galaxy of this overpopulation problem, so he developed a plan.

    Xenu sent out Tax Audit demands to all these billions of people.

    As each one entered the audit centers for the income tax inspections, the people were seized, held down and injected with a mixture of alcohol and glycol, and frozen. Then, all 13.5 trillion of these frozen people were put into spaceships that looked exactly like DC8 airplanes, except that the spaceships had rocket engines instead of propellers.

    Xenu's entire fleet of DC8-like spaceships then flew to planet Earth, where the frozen people were dumped in and around volcanoes in the Canary Islands and the Hawaiian Islands. When Xenu's Air Force had finished dumping the bodies into the volcanoes, hydrogen bombs were dropped into the volcanoes and the frozen space aliens were destroyed.

    However, Xenu's plan involved setting up electronic traps in Teegeeack's atmosphere which were designed to trap the souls or spirits of the dead space aliens. When the 13.5 trillion spirits were being blown around on the nuclear winds, the electronic traps worked like a charm and captured all the souls in the electronic, sticky fly-paper like traps.

    The spirits of the aliens were then taken to huge multiplex cinemas that Xenu had previously instructed his forces to build on Teegeeack. In these movie theaters the spirits had to spend many days watching special 3-D movies, the purpose of which was twofold: 1) to implant into these spirits a false reality, i.e. the reality that WOGS (Hubbard's derisory term for anyone not a Scientologists) know on Earth today; and, 2) to control these spirits for all eternity so that they could never cause trouble for Xenu in this sector of the Galaxy. During these films, many false pictures were implanted into these spirits, which resulted in the spirits believing in all the things that control mankind on Earth today, including religion. The concept of religion, including God, Christ, Mohammed, Moses etc., were all an implanted false reality that to this very minute is used to control WOGS on Earth.

    When the films ended and the souls left the cinema, they started to stick together in clusters of a few thousand and remained that way until mankind began to inhabit the Earth. Today on Earth all the spirits of these aliens have attached themselves to our bodies and are the root cause of the false reality that all but Scientology's "Homo Novis" or OT 8's on earth experience. It is the job of all Scientologists to remove this false reality from the world by auditing each and every space alien spirit and human on earth to CLEAR not only this planet but the universe. For those who oppose Scientology and stand in their way like the Lisa McPherson Trust and all Scientology critics, Scientology promises to do away with them "quietly and without sorrow".

    We have calculated that on average, each person on planet earth has 2,209 of these Body Thetans (BT's for short), Hubbard's term for the alien spirits, attached to you causing you and all mankind to be constrained by Xenu's false reality. The average cost for Scientology to OT 8 is a mere USD 360,000, meaning that each BT only costs USD 163 to clear. Now that is a bargain if there ever was one.

    Hubbard never said the overall cost to the planet would be cheap, but let's examine it. The planetary cost equation is as follows: 13.5 trillion spirits times USD 163 equals a mere USD 2,205,000,000,000,000.

    Just think about it -- USD 2.2 quadrillion -- WOW!, that's enough to keep Rear Admiral Miscavige, the current head of Scientology and Marty, his number two, in casino chips for a long time.

    To finish the story, the Loyal Officers of the Marcab Confederation finally discovered how evil Xenu was and overthrew him. He is now locked away in a mountain on one of the planets and kept in by a force-field powered by an eternal battery. Several of Xenu's relatives can often be found on the internet newsgroup called alt.religion.scientology or ARS for short battling Scientology daily.

    Many Scientologists who have left from the highest levels of Scientology have told us that they have sat in a room at Scientology's Sandcastle building in Clearwater, Florida for 5-7 hours per day for up to 10 years, holding two asparagus cans together, attached to a primitive lie detector, talking all day to these dead space aliens. And guess what? You'll never ever finish talking to dead space aliens until you leave Scientology.

    Bob Minton

    The Harm it Does to a Person

    The results of applying their crackpot psychotherapy (called "auditing") is to weaken the mind. The mind goes from a rational state to an irrational one as the delusional contents of the subconscious mind are brought to the surface and are assumed to be valid. It also makes a person more susceptible to suggestion since it submerges the critical thinking faculties of the mind into a partial subconscious state. It results in a permanent light hypnotic trance and so from thenceforth that person can be more easily controlled. The person will, to a much greater extent, believe and do whatever they are told. And of course this is used to the full in persuading them to hand over further money and dedicating themselves further to the cult.

    The results of applying their oversimplified and inapplicable rules in life is to lose the ability to think rationally and logically. A person loses the ability to think for themselves and so they lose the ability to challenge incorrect ideas. This makes them easier to control. It also isolates and alienates the person from society so that they withdraw from normal society and into their "Scientology" society. This further increases their susceptibility to the influence of their group. They end up being afraid of society, believing all society to be controlled by a group of drug companies, psychiatrists and financiers all of whom report to more remote masters. In other words they are in a state of mass paranoia. They therefore avoid reading newspapers and the like since they fear it will disturb their safe Scientology world. It is a downward spiral into madness.

    The science fiction content of Scientology is revealed to them after they have reached the state they call "Clear", meaning freed from the aberrations of the mind.

    However, perhaps "brainwashed" would be a more applicable word to describe the mental state of someone who has survived the near entire delusional contents of their subconscious mind brought to the surface and presented to them as "truth".

    On the "advanced" levels (called OT levels) above the state of "Clear" they encounter the story of Xenu. Xenu was supposed to have gathered up all the overpopulation in this sector of the galaxy, brought them to Earth and then exterminated them using hydrogen bombs.

    The souls of these murdered people are then supposed to infest the body of everyone. They are called "body thetans". On the advanced levels of Scientology a person "audits out" these body thetans telepathically by getting them to re-experience their being exterminated by hydrogen bombs. So people on these levels assume all their bad thoughts and faulty memories are due to these body thetans infesting every part of their body and influencing them mentally. Many Scientologists go raving mad at this point if they have not done so already. - Operation Clambake present: What is Scientology?

    are we witnessing the steering and appropriating of mythology to further an agenda? if so what is the purpose...?

    I believe that these 'mystery' authors are paid agents of the Elite whos purpose is to legitimize the concept of Royal Bloodlines & Heritage...The notion that one 'races' blood is more 'holy' or 'pure' than anothers...THIS BELIEF SEEKS TO LEGITAMIZE THE POWER HELD BY ROYALTY

    You see... there was me... hoping the major achievement all beings could have was free will...the choice to make up our own minds of what our identity represents to us...and more importantly that life is a constant journey into the unknown future to discover possibility...

    [then again...maybe that's just a human trait that I am unwittingly polarising against these aliens!]

    IE that of cold / obedient / deviant / warlike / manipulative / hive-mind / insectoid / fascist / predatory / invader / foreigner

    polarised against: Pure of heart / Human / warm / loving / free / open minded / peaceful / etc etc...

    ask yourself who is being held up as racially & technologically superior...? The Aliens or Humanity? This device helps us make an enforced decision based on self-preservation...a typicle racist psychological tool to drive a fear of invasion [observed previously in my SIGNS movie page]

    This within such a polarisation also supposes that Humans, collectively or individually, would never be capable of such acts...mutilation & abduction...DNA experiments... abuse of our fellow humans...and that it is these Aliens that are the culprits...[a quick check of history should tell you that holocausts genecide and human experiments are commonplace]

    UFO Abduction - mind controlled?

    Are some alien abductions government mind control experiments? Even if we decide all alien abductions are carried out by alien Beings, this information will still be helpful to our understanding of how humans might be controlled. If we decide some abductions are carried out by a nefarious force within our government, or that the alien abduction phenomenon is a "cover" for a covert project being carried out by other humans, understanding this information may help us terminate some or all of these activities. - Project Open Mind

    See :psyops for a theocratic fascist state

    Astronaut Reveals NASA Mind Control Program Involving Children

    By Andrew D. Basiago

    LOS ANGELES -- Astronaut Gordon Cooper, one of the original seven Mercury astronauts, has confirmed the existence of a mind control program administered by NASA in the 1950's and 1960's involving gifted American schoolchildren.

    The astronaut's revelation was made during a July 19th interview by host Mike Siegel on the popular, late-night radio program, Coast to Coast.

    During a discussion that primarily focused on Cooper's beliefs that extraterrestrial beings are visiting planet Earth and that some UFO's are alien spacecraft, Siegel asked Cooper: "Who were the space kids?"

    Cooper answered that "the space kids were children with exceptional mental abilities run through a kind of MK program, like the things that are coming out now."

    He went on to describe how NASA's mind control program emphasized cultivation of the children's psychic abilities and that it involved telepathy, remote viewing, and out-of-body-experiences (OBE's).

    Cooper's remarks generally support the claims of a growing cadre of Americans, now in their thirties, forties, and fifties, who are recovering memories of unusual classes that they were enrolled in as young children during the advent of the Space Age.

    These "study groups" included speed reading lessons that enabled students to comprehend entire passages at a single glance, the use of learning machines to teach them vast amounts of information, card games and other situational exercises involving clairvoyance, and seminars in the guided imagination that forms the basis of remote viewing.

    It is believed that NASA's mind control program was directed at preparing children who would later be able to communicate with the non-human intelligent species that humanity might encounter in space.

    This thesis is supported by the fact that one experiencer remembers being tutored in a hieroglyphic alphabet that author Fritz Springmeier has identified as a set of "intergalactic symbols" developed by NASA for the purpose of communicating with extraterrestrial civilizations.

    The accounts of some individuals suggest that in some cases, the children involved were given drugs to enhance memory and learning and were physically spun on table top-like devices to induce the altered state of consciousness associated with OBE's. - sightings

    more sinister is the idea that HYBRIDisation is a threat...this directly correllates to the issues within multi-ethnic diversity, the right to maintain racial identity...and also the fears of 'mongrelisation' within society that the Eugenicists preached at the turn of the 20th Century and the Neo-Nationalists preach today...The Racial Identity issue is another psychological warfare element, helping to concretize propaganda of normality upon us all. Such Normalisation helps to re-affirm notions of 'sticking to your own kind'...which further a divide & rule agenda...a sectarian them versus us polarity.

    Further: If there are REAL Alien hybrids out there [IE Bloodlines from Annunaki, Nephalim etc]...what would normalised Humans do with them? Segregate them from society? put them in camps? think about it...seriously...has that already happened?

    The psychology prevelent in the above article reveals what we often hear from those around us...for instance: how many times do you hear:

    "ooh...no I can't play a musical instrument. We're not musical in my family!"

    How could anyone [er take note: apart from Royalty!] hope to know everyone who is genetically linked to an entire family tree? And since when did having someone who could play an instrumant automatically give anyone the birthright to be a musical genius...what of the battle against adversity that we all face? what of application...learning...play...fun...enjoyment...satisfaction?

    Human reproduction demands diversity...as isolation leads to inbreeding and defects ..genetic imperialism is an control mechanism...as is the racism inherent within labelling a certain race with an emotional state, a mindset...or an agenda...

    This is why we can observe the political use of religion...being useful as tyrannical power crazy manipulators hide behind varying groups...and also hide behind the veil ofan enforced political correctness, which occurs after the racial agenda of a discriminitory mindset has been exposed or politically manipulated

    One could argue that the purpose of the elite Nazi-Eugenic/Royal/arch-Religious bloodlines have had an agenda to keep their bloodlines / group identity pure - in order to rule over the human race

    but that doesn't necessarily automatically mean that the human race has an agenda - just that it's self appointed leaders do...

    so we are faced with the very real possibility that over the thousands of years it has taken these elites to be here in their purest form, that such self appointed elites ...themselves are inbred and defective...mad & deranged...

    look around you at the state of this planet...there is plenty of proof that this is the case...!

    or am I falling into the trap of polarising them [elites...rulers...establishment] against the rest of us?

    whoever or whatever we are...

    or are those who believe themselves to be the Elite, brainwashed by an indoctrinated system of rules which defines their identity: via centuries of tradition / bloodline & selective breeding / heraldry / morals / etiquete /

    It seeks to assert that all culture of value = History = indoctrination of normality = tradition over time

    An EMPIRE which is obediant to God/s

    A clock is a piece of machinery whose products is minuites and seconds - Lewis Mumford

    Observe within much of the following:
    implicit acknowledgement of

    supreme being / God as Alien / higher intelligence

    Questions: Is God an Alien? Or are Aliens the new God?

    why is something, which supposedly has a higher intelligence,
    being regarded as a God which we should obey, love, adore, worship?

    Are humans really that base?
    Is it really the case that a few toys [technology / ability / energy / divinity]
    still manage to put humanity in a prone position in front of other beings?

    We often hear of God-fearing within Religion...

    is humanity enslaved to God or Empire, or both?

    Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. (Psalm 33:8)

    You, Yourself, are to be feared; and who may stand in Your presence when once You are angry? (Psalm 76:7)

    I know that whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him. (Ecclesiastes 3:14)

    Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water" (Rev. 14:6,7).

    Remember, those who are victorious over the beast will sing of the fear of God (Rev. 15:4).

    The small and great who fear Him will praise Him (Rev. 19:5).

    The Lord Almighty said, "I am a great king and my name is to be feared among the nations" (Mal. 1:14).

    The ones who fear Him and honor His name will be God's and part of His treasured possession (Mal. 3:16-17).

    The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever (Ps. 19:9). You who fear the Lord, praise him (Ps. 22:23).

    To fear God is to hate evil (Pr. 8:13)

    why is something, which supposedly has a higher intelligence,
    being regarded as a God which we should fear?

    why fear another supernatural entity?

    Has it promised to destroy us if we do not obey? well er...yes... well...that is just not nice! is it?

    I believe that Supernature should not be regarded as Godlike -
    it is just beyond what is labelled a Natural ability to sense ..
    for us Humans may have had many different abilities in the past, which have been neutered...

    ask yourself this - is the Sci fi channel on TV more intelligent than the God channel because it has more Computer Generated Imagery? or is it just Television?

    also what kind of God gets a prophet
    to write down everything nice and neatly...
    so that another possibly evil entitiy can
    basically know all our strengths and weaknesses
    within what can only be described as a gameplan?

    ridiculous isn't it?

    Have certain elements of Humanity deemed it fit
    to hide & control certain crucial knowledge
    throughout the aons of time?

    Is this an Alien agenda?

    one of Human slavery to
    advanced mind control programmes?

    or is the UFO/ Alien sub culture a variant on the worship of a God...?
    a new religion based on subservience & fear of the unknown

    so let's say for arguments sake that other beings / presences are out there...

    and we are all present within a realm which is both known & unknown...

    it is called proven & unproven existence

    Provable Existence now becomes a definable area, like a country...a colony...
    which owned [or learned] by our capacity for knowledge...
    This in turn is controlled & regulated, by a higher authority...[God / State]

    Thus one can observe the Empirical nature of the control of knowledge by use of fear of the unknown by a sect or cult which considers itself as having a belief it has a divine right to rule

    Royalty is a THEATRE:
    Organised Religion is a THEATRE:
    UFO cults are a THEATRE:
    The first rule of THEATRE is?

    assurance of a congregation / audience by getting those SEATS FILLED


    PUBLIC RELATIONS via the creation of MYSTERY

    Louvre: Already a must-see in Paris, fans flock to I.M. Pei's glass pyramids, which unlock a key part of the Da Vinci Code.

    Tourists get into 'Da Vinci' mode

    By Laura Bly, - USA TODAY PARIS

    Last summer, after American friends warned the Rev. Paul Roumanet that a new novel called The Da Vinci Code was going to cause him "lots of problems," the parish priest of Saint-Sulpice Church decided he'd better pick up a copy.

    "I can't really say I liked the book, considering the ideas that it tried to promote," says Roumanet, whose imposing Left Bank church figures prominently in Dan Brown's page-turning tale of Catholic conspiracy and chicanery. "But the author knows how to write a good story, that's for sure."

    And, as Roumanet learned, Brown also knows how to spark a tourist phenomenon.

    A publishing marvel with more than 10 million copies in print worldwide (an illustrated edition comes out next month, and Ron Howard will direct the film version), The Da Vinci Code has inspired thousands of literary pilgrims to retrace central character Robert Langdon's quest for the truth behind the bizarre murder of a curator at the Louvre.

    The novel's provocative, fast-paced blend of Renaissance art history, clandestine societies and religious bombshells takes shape in European settings from London's Westminster Abbey to the pope's summer retreat near Rome — where a new crop of walking tours highlight locations portrayed in Brown's earlier thriller, Angels & Demons.

    But much of The Da Vinci Code action, and acolytes, wind up here.

    If an already popular destination needed even more sizzle, "this book has provided that very thing: mystery, intrigue, romance," says local writer Barbara Pasquet James. The American expatriate offers two-hour Da Vinci Code discussions over tea at the Hotel Ritz, the gilded Place Vendôme landmark where Langdon, a visiting "symbologist" from Harvard, first hears of the curator's death.

    Real-life Harvard graduate Ellen McBreen leads private, 2½-hour "Cracking the Da Vinci Code" art history tours that focus on the life and works of Leonardo da Vinci, along with the history of Mary Magdalene and the concept of the sacred feminine as reflected in the Louvre's collections. They have become so popular that they now account for half the business of Breen's tour company, Paris Muse.

    Another American expat turned Da Vinci Code guide, Linda Mathieu of Paris Photo Tours, says she enjoys "seeing people's eyes light up when they talk about the book and the uncovered 'secrets' of the Catholic Church."

    Among the tidbits Mathieu dispenses on her three-hour walks: that French film legend Catherine Deneuve lives directly across from Saint-Sulpice Church.

    The Da Vinci Code's lofty position on French best-seller lists notwithstanding, many Parisians have been critical, dismissive or both.

    A staffer at the Louvre's information desk under I.M. Pei's glass pyramid — which Brown described as a "dazzling synergy of ancient structure and modern method" — says he has no advice for the daily trickle of curious fans. "After all," he sniffs, "the book is fiction."

    Indeed, despite the author's assertion that "all descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate," locals delight in exposing such Da Vinci Code howlers as placing Versailles northwest of Paris (it's actually southwest) and claiming that Langdon's getaway vehicle, the improbably tiny SmartCar, gets 100 kilometers to the liter. (A more typical figure: 19 kilometers a liter, or about 45 miles a gallon.)

    At Saint-Sulpice, Berliners Shannon and Stefan Xander are among an estimated 20,000 readers-turned-tourists who've admired the church's marble obelisk. The base of the shaft, which is actually an 18th-century astronomical sundial, supposedly hid a keystone sought by Brown's diabolical albino monk, Silas.

    "We read the book, and we wanted to know what happened here," Stefan Xander says. Not much, according to a sternly worded announcement posted in English and French.

    "Contrary to fanciful allegations in a recent best-selling novel," it reads, "this is not the vestige of a pagan temple. Please also note that the letters 'P' and 'S' in the small round windows at both ends of the transept refer to Peter and Sulpice, the patron saints of the church, not an imaginary 'Priory of Scion,' " the secret organization that Brown says ordered the formation of the military order known as the Knights Templar.

    But the vociferous debate over The Da Vinci Code's accuracy misses the point, says Dan Burstein, author of Secrets of the Code: The Unauthorized Guide to the Mysteries Behind The Da Vinci Code.

    "We have a lot of fun pointing out his errors, but that's all part of the game," Burstein says. "Anything that energizes more people to get into the Louvre and look at these paintings more deeply is valuable."

    Adds Burstein: "I've been to Paris 50 times, but I'd never been to Saint-Sulpice. Now, because of the Da Vinci Code, everyone wants to go — and they're getting benefit from it.

    "What Brown has done is give people a road map and rekindle a spirit of inquiry."

    Dan Brown is the author of numerous #1 bestsellers, including Digital Fortress, Angels & Demons, and Deception Point. His acclaimed novel—The Da Vinci Code—has become one of the most widely read books of all time.

    Da Vinci Code bestseller is plagiarism, authors claim

    Cardinal urges legal action against Da Vinci Code

    Historian attacks Rosslyn Chapel for 'cashing in on Da Vinci Code'

    GEORGE MAIR - scotsman.com

    A historian says Rosslyn Chapel is cashing in on the Da Vinci Code
    Dr Louise Yeoman has accused tourist guides of falsifying history
    Yeoman dismisses the idea of a Templars link or conspiracy theories

    Key quote "What really upsets me is that they know the Knights Templar connection is false, yet they still perpetuate the myth on their interpretation boards." - Dr Louise Yeoman

    A LEADING Scots historian yesterday criticised the keepers of Rosslyn Chapel for perpetuating "ludicrous" Da Vinci Code conspiracy theories.

    Dr Louise Yeoman said guides and information boards at the chapel should portray the real history of the 15th-century building, rather than attempt to cash in on the popularity of fictional works, such as the bestselling novel by Dan Brown. The author and academic said the medieval chapel in Midlothian was built by William Sinclair so that Mass could be said for the souls of his family.

    She condemned those who believed it was at the centre of a conspiracy and said the chapel, looked after by the Rosslyn Chapel Trust, perpetuated a false image to cash in on the popularity of The Da Vinci Code.

    Dr Yeoman said: "William Sinclair built this beautiful church for the saying and the hearing of Mass. "He built it for his soul and the souls of his family, yet it has been taken over by a rabble of conspiracy theories, many of them anti-Catholic and absolutely ludicrous. "The level of misunderstanding and ignorance you need to think this is some sort of pagan, occult conspiracy is huge. "It is like a biologist being faced by people who think you could actually get all the animals on Noah's Ark. "There needs to be some sort of proper interpretation telling people that this is a medieval Catholic church, and telling people more about Scottish medieval piety. "If people want to stuff the bookshop full of that rubbish, then fine, but it should not seep into the official guides or interpretation."

    Dr Yeoman said tourist guides and information boards within the chapel, seven miles south of Edinburgh, falsified its history.

    She said: "I was in Rosslyn Chapel recently and the first thing I heard was a guide telling people nonsense about Robert the Bruce and the Knights Templar. I wanted to tell people, 'Sorry, I hope you have not paid money for this; that's awful'. "What really upsets me is that they know the Knights Templar connection is false, yet they still perpetuate the myth on their interpretation boards."

    Dr Yeoman said Historic Scotland had done a lot to safeguard the chapel by scheduling the site and land around it. She called for the chapel to be preserved in its intended manner, as a place of piety.

    Stewart Beattie, the project director for the Rosslyn Chapel Trust, said it was sometimes difficult to persuade tourists that the building was not exactly as Dan Brown depicted it. He said: "Dan Brown has caused us a few problems, because the book mentions specifics which are not here. "People come along and say we have put a carpet down to disguise a star of David on the floor, because the book says it is there and so it must be. "On occasion we have actually had to lift the carpet to show it is not there."


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