Christmas Day

Capt Wardrobe Dec 25th 2020

Pretentious moi? fuck it!

its been shitty year...

and what would it be without the

Capt wardrobe xmas message -
im the real Queen darlings!

wrap up your noodles

drink your sherry and load your pipes...

stoke the fire -

massage the baubles on the tree and

put Grandad to bed.

here it is;

Its a funny one, Christmas.

I see lots of people, expressing how, it's not something they choose to celebrate and i also see others engaging for the pure love of the idea of celebration. Also let's not forget this is a holy day for many.

and why not?

wouldn't it be nice for humanity to share in all celebration?

Diwali? Hanukkah? olden mystical rites of Pagan tribes?

as we see more and more control over the belief of what is science during this very strange outbreak of a disease globally...

it has become apparent that the doctrine of belief is a very useful tool for some.

As we see the veil of the aim of control being lifted into the final, as many believe new world order.

We should not forget that it is our humanity that makes us better than the political use of fear.

I want and imagine a world where there are many different beliefs - all working their chosen magik on whoever wants or is born into it. This is cultural beauty. It needs to be beyond a shopping mall of adhered to, sets of structural obedience. Into a celebration of life day by day on any given day - every day.


Imagine a world of tribal excellence and exchange ...of food and dance..of art and music...of culture. All happening because we, as humanity make it happen. A weird colorful place of delight and amazement. Not some insipid fairground ride on a consumer politic trip - but a place we are all both familiar with and not sure what is happening. Dangerous and reassuring in it's intent.

A market that sell humans its own idea, and a broad church of every creed where people can join together. we can do this, again.

instead of counting yourself out...

Count yourself IN!

Because if the people who want a homogenized dogmatic soul desert, already evidently being formed, get their way... We won't get another shot.

We will be sentenced to a life in a global prison system where the continuous life of 'shots they prescribe' as a dose, are of normality culture. Vapid, grey, and profoundly anti human.

or is that happening already?

Imagine having a child only to find the world they are being born into has nothing to offer in terms of imagination, beauty ...culture...difference & the ever growing challenges that brings as a sentient learning experience.

love to you