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Synarchy is an intellectual movement, which has its origin in the mysticism of Joseph Alexandre Saint Yves d'Alveydre (1842-1909).
Under the influence of the esoterics of Claude de Saint Saint-Martin, synarchy finds large resonance in the 1920's - particularly in the universities in France. The synarchists see themselves as a conspiratorial, exclusive circle of "inaugurated brothers" (Collège de Grands Initiés), which wants to care for the promotion of the technical authority of its members and to bring them into the highest political positions. Technique fascination and
progress optimism are apart from conspirational working the substantial characteristics of the circle. The goal of the union should be the creation of a policy, which is fair for all classes. Synarchists do not want to orient themselves by existing political models, but they define their political position "neither on the left of nor right".

The Parti Populaire Français (PPF) raised this slogan to its motto, too. In contrast,
a part of the synarchists turned in the 30's to the national oriented part of the communist ideology. Most of these could be found at the École Polytechnique, where
they created the group "x-Crise" in 1931. Concerning the world economical crisis, Jean Coutrot (x-Crise) was of the opinion that the only solution was by the method of planned economy. However, synarchists think that hierarchical structure of society is a fundamental precondition for wellfare of the weakest people in the society.

During World War II, the synarchists had come into posts of the Worms Banque, and influenced politics as Lobbyists of the fascist Vichy Regime. Some found relationships and congruences of Philippe Petains ideology with the ideology of their own elitist circle, and they held key positions within the buraucracy of this system. They justified their behaviour by the statement that they have ro provide the "continuity of the state" in order to keep enough influence onto other political fields.

But in fact, the right-oriented technocrats had large political influence
for the first time, and finally all political lobbies in Vichy mutually
accused each other for conspiracy. That's where the legend of "synarchist conspiracy" originated.

After war, synarchists were responsible for the foundation of the french "commmissariat pour les plans economiques" and the elite business school "école nationale d'administration", and some similar elitist institutions. With these institutions, one of the main aims of the synarchists was fullfilled: the training and reproduction of the elite which should form the government and the top of the national economy. The most important organizations of the Synarchisten in the post-war period were Patrie et Progrès ("Homeland and progress "] and Alliance population et Avenir ("alliance future and population"), both organizations directed by Philippe Rossillon. Patrie et Progrès were created on 16 May 1958. The former minister of interior and defense, Jean-Pierre Chevènement, was during his studies at the ENA rather in favour of this national-communist group. He kept contact with Alliance population et Avenir alive afterwards. Alfred Sauvy was coworker of the 1941 created "Fondation Française pour l'Étude of the Problèmes Humains" ("french fund for the study of the human problems"), under direction of the Eugenicist (? german:Eugeniker) and winner of the nobel award for medicine (1912) Alexis Carrel. Sauvy got later chairman of the Alliance population et Avenir.
Top positions in administration and economics are usually occupied by graduates of the E.N.A., also referred to as enarques ("ENArchs").

translated from www.igdr.de, beware of errors.


Originally posted at http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2003/09/276381.html