[–] 22139160? 0 points 1 point (+1|-0) ago 

Thank you for doing this. I started down this road myself. Great compilation.

At first I was finding grounds for validity. Dates on posts lining up with the events they allude to controlling etc. I knew these could be manufactured. When I saw the Q dates for the heads up then Q activating I was bummed, baffled and doubting all at once. It wasn't long before I put my trust in the speculation that they wouldn't post this stuff in the first place without security and once exposed the site would be gone shortly. The effort and cost behind this would bode well for this being a defensive, deflecting, distracting initiative. If Q is not a threat no matter who is involved this would possibly be un needed. When did you first see this content?


[–] 22139264? [S] ago 

First saw it late Sunday/ early Monday. Tuesday spent a few hours reviewing pages and finding links to disprove most of it. Writing it took 2/3s of the effort.

Favorite part of the research was finding the Donald Trump quote. In a few minutes found a WaPo clip of July 2018, President Trump praising UK PM May at a press conference in the UK. Almost verbatim. KEK



[–] 22137636? 0 points 1 point (+1|-0) ago 

Is this real or a distraction? It just seems odd that this was not researched before. At least, I did not see it.


[–] 22137688? [S] 0 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

I would say Belenoff is 100% FAKE. They provide no verifications.


[–] 22139249? 0 points 1 point (+1|-0) ago 

That’s what I was thinking. I started to read, but felt like I was reading a novel.


[–] 22334038? ago 

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[–] 22151875? ago 

Try doing Germatria on their posts. They told Ecuador to kick out Assange, they shut down AJ, they had Trump pull outta Syria and they talk about the Storm and Q in 2017.

The Yig found this site.

Germatria is necessary to decipher many of their posts.

They are underground usually.


[–] 22150435? ago 

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[–] 22150417? ago 

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