
The Last Vagabond

The man in rags
is sitting on
curbing appetite

side walking
people peer
at mirrored

but he just stares
up at the Olympians
his thousand yard
smile taken
as that of
an imbecile

doesn't want to live
in a house
on street
in a box
with a number
stamped on it's face

can't see
the point
of being
a demographic
in ordered
systemic society
transmitting data disease
receiving signals as services

he won't wear
your stinkin' badges
your legacy of ideology
pinned to a soldiers chest
shellshocks & restocked
labeled tin man

canned & stacked
barcoded & tracked
faces stare out of
train on a track
never ever coming back

this is not lifes journey
from cradle to grave
conveniently forgetting
the shackle burns of
a poor brave slave
back in the day

Our mans hands are
not reaching for coins
in some hopeful grasp
for civil tellers tinkle
coins heft weighs down
pockets of hope
in wealths decepticon

instead he binds his feet
for the road ahead
is a trinity
3 points shine down
in space & time

the road beckons
with a grubby
gloved finger
vagabond puts out
the thumb

ear to ear
he's a
thousand yard

one more...
for the road
i say
one more

for the road
my friend