
silent disco

the place was packed
rafters echoed
nothing but pidgeons
fighting for space
like the daft below

the place was almost vacuum
'cept for dancing fools
pluggin in to the vibe
the joint the feeling
the trip the edge
the knowledge of the power
3d pac man powered
endless dancing

like the old days
but no no no...

i walked about
in strange joyous abandon
mimicking moves but hearing
nothing but hooves
on scracthed up dancefloor
chickens have better

i thought

they all look happy
i condescend a stairway
to rational thought
then bolt from that decision

as i leer & peer into
the backlit back rooms
to bags & jackets
plundered of wealth
coatroom ransacked & pillaged

i smile a guilty smile again.

yeah, i'm sound!