
Big deal

something struck me
as i gazed upon the landscape

and note acting in a

like a professional journaist
paid by the universes guilt system

something is not right

the land is all barren the outlook is presented as worse
why would people need to
go out into
litter dogshit smelly real
the cans the dumps the ocean dead life

all killed.

when they can consume ideas
in the privacy of their domiciled
marked outcubes filled
with trinkets
made real
by historys torment

its the game.

the one we all play.
masturbating ideologically
all the time
we find ourselves
staring at this
thing in front of us

screen burn learning behaved
repeater mentality

the essence of control
the marker
placed us in a zone of freedom
shouting out doesn't matter now.

climate appears failed
when humans could not make
it's own mind up

in glorious invented
stab in the dark

allowed is not free

its is a penitentiary of battery acid stink
DNA nucleotide
makes decisions beyond the thought

apparently this makes us cattle

battle on human monkey

battle on.