_ _ _ _ _ | | | | (_) | | | | ___ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ ___| |_ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __| |_| |__ / __| '_ \ / _` |/ __/ _ / __| __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \/ _` | '__| __| '_ \ \__ | |_) | (_| | (_| __\__ | || (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | | __| (_| | | | |_| | | | |___| .__/ \__,_|\___\___|___/\__\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| \___|\__,_|_| \__|_| |_| | | |_| ____________________ The Great Reset is a Rinse & Repeat Paul @spacestation Earth http://www.declarepeace.org.uk/captain/murder_inc/ April 5th (onwards) 2022 ____________________ The purpose of the Great Reset is to implement the 4th industrial revolution as assented by royalty and the oligarchical classes - implemented by the self serving political PR class. All of which is completely corrupt in nature & totally unanswerable to any democratic electoral system. __________________________ My Ukraine War conspiracy Scenario __________________________ You can bet your taxed bottom dollars, that money that would have been better spent on humanitarian assistance in feeding the growing needs of an already impoverished & increasingly poor lower & middle class after Covid, is being converted into killing machines & pumped straight onto the hands of Nazi battalions. The EU alone has sent €1.5 billion. https://www.thejournal.ie/von-der-leyen-kyiv-5733081-Apr2022/ Right now, these goons prepare for the final battle in their delusional defense of a region that looks to be set to be reconfigured. The Russians have a reputation for tenacity on the battlefield - they don't give up. Neither do the defense industry in terms of production. The reality of the biggest game in town, is those who run out of money to pay for it all first lose - But the funds seem to be endlessly invented by a corrupt global economic system - and so, ergo - wars must be endless & the people on the ground must be made to be aware they are making sacrifices as sufferage for it all. For those saying "but sanctions are affecting Russia" - it says so in the cattle prod Mooooos media : I believe it is the perfect excuse for the region to re-allign their economic policy. The CIA have a history of Training & equipping / arming paramilitary units in far off dictatorships. There is always a plausable deniabilty in all the South Central American excursions, with the possibility of losing face publicly always considered. We only get to see these kinds of black ops mechanics when merchants of clusterfucks like Dan Quayle are present. This strategy invariably sees these groups hung out to dry eventually, when they have fullfilled a certain purpose. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1990-03-18-mn-1061-story.html My question - Is the Azov a pump and dump? If the rumours are true of ISIS/Daesh & mercenaries funnelled into the region too, will there be a mop up of politically embarrassing nasties? Or will the myriad of paramilitary operatives that former Blair Foreign secretary, Robin Cook famously noted in the newsrag the UK Guardian; as useful actors in the "database" (AL QUEDA) eventually dissappear back into the shadows to await further politically expedient orders? as you can see - i'm full of questions. Bear in mind 21st Century Fox warfare does not care about ordinary people at all. Deathtolls are but useful datasets to the psychopaths in charge. The notion that states fight, wearing the right uniforms using Geneva convention adhering tactics for the honour of the freedom of their inhabitants is useful for Public Relations spin, either way, on either 'side'. Massacres are now being reported for public consumption in a hybrid Information war. Yes I hold them all in that much contempt. "The West" IE; The EU / NATO will probably need to, at least cosmetically, get rid of their Nazi problem in Eastern Ukraine - Did the Russian elite say ok, we shall gladly rid them from the region? Now Ukraine wants to enter the EU nice & modern & Nazi free - will it be acheived in exchange for Russian speaking regions? The Russian army are pulling out of the north, to their real goal all along - Nazis committed to havoc in the south east - which after all was the initial escalation that kicked it all off. Azov were shelling Donbask indiscriminately and civilians were, & still are dying. One has to ask how Nazi infiltrated is Zelenskkys central power structure, and how much power do fascist bully boys have in the local municipalities? Nazis are not shy politicians - they get what they want with threats & violence. An aside: Quite where this places Canadas Justin Trudeuax on the political map is anyones guess, but if i were to take a cursory glance at Chrstyia Freelands grandfather - all makes perfect sense. I mean lots of us are a little confused how one minute the Canadians are calling Truckers who oppose authoritarian measures "far right supporters with Nazi regalia" while Canada helps pump out the rhertoric supporting a regimes Nazi rooted battalions calling for a takeback of Crimea in March 2021. All Knowing full well what it would lead to. That set the pace for the latest round of heightened shelling just before the "Putinistas" decided enough was enough. Conversely - 14,000 does seem a lot of people to have to die before you intervene. Could you imagine that happening in Northern Ireland? Can you see why that bothers me? It's a made for TV movie. The answer of the Paramilitary-Ukrainian mindset lies with a recently leaked video of Zelenskkys top advisor Oleksiy Arestovich, praising the tactics of ISIS/Daesh in Syria - for those with short memories - That would be beheadings, rape Torture & mass executions. http://www.declarepeace.org.uk/captain/murder_inc/images/war/isis.mp4 ________________________ see here; compelling evidence that an Alleged Russian Army Massacre of Civilians at Bucha was Actually a False Flag Event Staged by Ukrainian Nazis https://covertactionmagazine.com/2022/04/06/was-alleged-russian-army-massacre-of- civilians-at-bucha-actually-a-false-flag-event-staged-by-ukrainian-nazis/ ________________________ If Zelenskky, an obvious Pentagon puppet, has made a concession to Russia over the Donbass / Luhanst regions, so, essentially the country can enter the EU; will the Nazis of the Right Sector & Svoboda et al accept it? or will they, as the penny drops, go rogue causing chaos - and even turning on the comedian in charge in the form of a very violent insurrection? Listening to the rhetoric of the nazi contingency in many cases they see Ukraine as slighted & disregarded, and subsequently, as a birthplace of a "new order" which wants to spread white national "European pride" to neighbouring former eastern block countries Belarus, Poland, right up to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania & Finland - If you want to be shocked at the levels of anti-semitism openly displayed in Ukraine Go here: https://twitter.com/edolinsky/ School plays, Art museums, Christmas Nativity Scenes depicting ugly and greedy Jews in contrast to beautiful Ukrainian Christians. Deeply disturbing. Many of these countries have a long legacy of Neo-Nazi useful paramilitaries, that Nato have, since the end of the second world war, used to their own ends in the cold war anti-soviet era. With that in mind I find myself rooting with a certain sense of reticance, for the proposed Russian dismantling of the "Stepan Bandera" hero worshipping Nazi infiltration of Ukrainian paramilitary led politics & simultaneously concerned of the nature of Ukrainian technocracy further developing in tandem with the EUs 4th lockstep industrial ambitions. It has also to be remembered that the Russian Nation has itself a Neo-Nationalist problem in the form of several groups alligning to the glorification of 'good old days' Imperialism. These groups consist of Russian National Unity Party, Russian Imperial Movement, Shield of Moscow, Russian Orthodox Army, and Rusich. Noted also is the former head of Chechnyas military force Ramzam Kadyrov - involved now in the conflict. There is a free for all from Syrian fighters to ex Kosovo - Bosnia forces all in the region. Also mercenary elements may well be the cover excuse for NATO backed manoeuvres. Trying to find anything objective or neutral in the form of study papers about any 'sides' Paramilitary / Neo-Nazi / Ultra Nationalist problems is nigh on impossible. Papers highlighting the Russian Far right invariably positon themselves as labelling Ukrainian infiltration & promotion of deeply concerning history & values simply - "Russian Propaganda" - and visa versa. see the Soufan group report, which was used by the FBI to claim the Russian Imperial Movement posed a credible terror threat in the USA https://thesoufancenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/TSC-Special-Report_Ukraine_April-2022.pdf and this report by Oleksiy Kuzmenko Far-Right Group Made Its Home in Ukraine’s Major Western Military Training Hub https://www.illiberalism.org/far-right-group-made-its-home-in-ukraines-major-western- military-training-hub/ It must be noted that all of the rhetorical ambitions for such de-nazifiaction By Russia, as I have previously alluded to; may be a cover for real aim of the entire Special operation - or Net-info-war as a REAL deaths in real time 'Wag the Dog' scenario enabling the setting into play of the Build back better drive when the dust has cleared. The objectives being set to recreate Ukraine as an EU friendly technocratic state, while leaving the South Eastern regions either as a part of Russia itself or as separated federations recognised in international law. The civilian deathtoll in Ukraine since Feb 24th 2022 - is now significantly higher than 911 - that is, if you don't count Afghanistan & Iraq, both directly stemming from the pure bare faced manipulation, lies & spin is in no way (sarcasm alert) reflected in the current media reporting that borders on lunacy. It has a collectively suicidal black mass chant of a no-fly-zone nukewar deathwish. The deathtoll from the 8 years of conveniently memory holed shelling in Donbass-labelled by the western media as "skirmishes", is said to be as high as 14,000. But this is Hybrid war. Nothing is true unless it is permitted. The history books now have another nice little proxy world war scenario logged with consequences that amplify arms sales to scared non-Nato countries in the region see: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/finland-clarify-next-steps-possible-nato- entry-within-weeks-foreign-minister-2022-04-07/?utm_source=reddit.com with the added bonus of defense intelligence & security FutureTech development markets opening up. This is the power junky fix, the "shot in the arm" the Elite crave, and everyone else not lucky enough to be in the club, but savvy enough to notice years of Minsk accords being ignored & broken, feared would happen. After all 911 enabled a entirely "justified" security industry to develop in it's cancer causing dust cloud. The "war against terror" gave humanity the gift that keeps on giving, an entire industry built on paranoia & fear of bogey men from the Middle East lurking behind every Bush. Rinse & repeat. Now Russians are the bogey people - Every Russian is an enemy apparently. Of course one could be very cynical about this and suggest that, instead of doing a mad invasion which proved NATO right for once in it's warnings about the build up at the borders. All Putin really had to do was reveal the Pentagon funded bioweapon labs in the Ukraine at a specially convened U.N.security meeting while showing maps & blurry satellite photos while waving a viall of unidentifiable white powder, just like Colin Powell did in 2002. see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhWlPo3qxak To really get everyone on-side - the Russians should have invented an intelligence agent - called swerveball - to reveal all the juicy details on a bad xerox from well placed Italian P2 masons. The Russians did go to the UN eventually - but it was a week or so after the incursion began. Maybe some wag in their intelligence agency stumbled across the excellent investigative journalism of Bulgarian Dilyana Gaytandzhieva & figured it would be good for a punt. https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/02/17/2387259/0/en/ Open-Europe-Expert-Congress-Has-Awarded-Dilyana-for-Her-Outstanding- Performance-as-an-Investigative-Journalist-to-Encourage-Her-for-New-Research.html The UN Bio labs presentation, although possibly accurate, was Badly timed & ill thought out. As a bonus, Victoria Nuland even had to admit to the fact there were labs. But then she did a NeoCon switcheroo "Those pesky Russians could release a bioweapon from them at anytime." (cue Dr Evil mwaahaha) Don't the Russians have a long history of working with the Israelis & South Africans, on such matters? This all proves the script is being written on the fly. But we have that little fun video of Nuland squirming in her damp seat to keep for posterity. South African Chem/BioWar Project Coasts director; Wouter Basson was recently found to be practising medicine in a private clinic outside Cape Town _______________________ from 1981 until the mid-1990s, Basson was the all-powerful leader of Project Coast, a chemical and biological weapons programme set up by the apartheid regime to develop substances that could poison, sterilise or kill South Africa’s black citizens. https://www.theafricareport.com/63661/south-africa-dr-death-discovered- to-still-be-practising-medicine/ _______________________ ah, there's nothing like a lovely cheerful family Doctor in the local community Someone should ask him about Covid 19. Are we looking at a prolonged regional conflict as a Military industrial Defense corporation sponsored Ukraine WAR(TM) rinse and repeat of whats just happened with the Bio-Pharma industry? It sure looks like they just saddle one of the four horsemen when they feel it is strategically appropriate... - as usual the only winners in town are the stakeholders. The word "Emergency" - observe; evil entity "emerges" from the shadows IE; Global Emergencies makes profits for Post-Industrial complex. Are we quite sure of what century we are supposed to be living in? In 2000 Thomas Donnelly for The Project for The New American Century released "Rebuilding Americas defences" propagandising the New China threat - suggesting a new era of Full Spectrum Dominance - https://cryptome.org/rad.htm The Linking of China to the North Korean totalitarian experiment, I suspect, was like Iraqs Bioweapons & torture program; funded by all sides & dismantled by way of TOTAL WAR coming directly after the convenient 911 attacks. North Korea was labelled axis of evil rogue state by Bush Jr along with Iraq, Syria & Iran. Can you think of a more expensive way to burn all the military receipts that prove you were directly involved with developing & testing on live subjects the weapon used in Halabja? There is a possibilty that rogue states are actually Elite funded totalitarian zones, useful in experimenting on torture technology, bioweapons development, & testing out authoritarian population control techniques; later useful in the Covid lie. It may also explain why China & Russia abstained from the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441. On one hand -they could also have been reaping the benefits of the knowledge gained, via intelligence back channels. On the other they could keep the alliance busy by way of total war in the region in a resource draining occupation that saw the wests focus of attention move away from Eurasia. This all came to a sticky end when the Neocon-lib war machine pushed it just a little too far in Syria, as Russia came to Assads aid. North Korea still exists. why? But I digress. Back to Ukraine Neocon, Victoria Nuland, wife of PNAC member Robert Kagan, was directly involved with regime putch in Ukraines Maidan revolution. Imagine the Pillow talk between Nuland & Kagan. (sorry to lay that mental image on you!) That must be a hoot. Victoria Nuland and Robert Kagan apparantly fell in love “talking about democracy and the role of America in the world” https://www.brookings.edu/opinions/the-politico-50-robert-kagan-and-victoria-nuland/ A revolution of Dignity? I don't fucking think so. See the present situation, Nuland is still hovering around like a demonically possessed old Vampire Bat spouting shit & bile. Nuland, as Bidens Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs just paid a little visit to Turkish region of North Cyprus, where I currently try to live. I felt a collective shudder run down the spine of the Island. Shutters closed on old Cypriot houses, and the children were ushered inside. Cyprus desperatly needs to sort out it's enegry infrastructure problem with explosions at the main station in the South a few years ago - and Power supply in the North at best intermittent & stations decrepit & run down (accidently on purpose) The whole Island needs the EastMed GAS pipeline. Nuland gave us all nothing but hot air. Telling both sides that a new Israeli led initiative would be too long & costly to develop. https://northcyprusdailynews.com/headlines/ nuland-says-eastmed-is-not-economically-viable-and-will-take-too-long/ Now that remark should tell you who is paying for it. Our geopolitically influencial fuedal overlords. The island has been divided since a 1974 conflict between the Greek & Turkish states. Spheres of influence stem from the Eisenhower regime - which famously saw the President call the island "a flea on an elephants back" & UK military interjection - Cyprus has seen several bases placed here - geo strategically essential to air & sea power projections & intelligence gathering in the Middle East region via it's huge radar at Troodos listening station. The South Cyprus Five eyes operations, as UK-US military co-operation was essential in both Iraq wars. Today, the quite frankly alarming situation in Ukraine we see today, is what happens when you let the NeoCon Nutty brigade, as they were known, in the Whitehouse for many years, directly influence foreign policy for 20 years. How long before China are dragged, or set into action, a clone of the Ukraine situation in Taiwan & The South China Seas? We have seen 22 years of planted foreign policy stories in the incessant build up. Recently the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian called the new AUKUS partnership, a new NATO: "Their ultimate goal is to create the Asia-Pacific version of NATO and serve the US hegemony outright. Asia-Pacific countries are of course firmly opposed to this." Zhao described the group: "an Anglo-Saxon clique" that followed "the mentality of Cold War and bloc politics, We urge them to abandon the Cold War mentality and zero-sum games". https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-07/china-accuses-aukus-of- buiding-asia-pacific-nato-hypersonic/100972336 Rinse & Repeat? and so... There is the question of whether economic sanctioning of Russian is actually helping them develop a fully digital CBDC based social credit economy, perhaps in tandem with the BRICS block, setting the ball rolling by trading in gold backed roubles. The sanctions are set to threaten anyone who does not allign with the NATO stance essentially trying to break up the BRICS countries with the threat of economic warfare. Is the rigged theatre of professional geopolitical Wrestling going to see Multilateral block wars as BRICS face off NATO, spewing rehearsed lines & butting heads, posturing for the wet attentive love of the cameras, but all heading in the same 4th industrial direction? The Putin quote i find the most revealing is this: "Artificial intelligence is the future, not only for Russia, but for all humankind, It comes with colossal opportunities, but also threats that are difficult to predict. Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world." It will be interesting to see how things develop in Africa as the Belt & Road saw several setbacks recently, opening the door for the EU's European Gateway inititive to announce a direct mirror image competing venture in the region. This means; Expect more nasty little wars. More fake terror groups backed by the usual "face & heel" geopolitical power players. ____________________ The re-population agenda - wars are useful in moving people about ____________________ As robotics replace human labour, people will be increasingly linked to an economy via their behaviour via Smart phones - a consumer index will be linked to a response to whatever emergency is deemed suitable, at the moment we can observe both climate, disease being touted as a catalyst for the development of new human management systems One of the by-products of the First World war was the introduction of the international passport system. Now we can observe another force multiplier agreeable to the UN / Davos clique Recent events in Ukraine have seen a huge population movement from areas in conflict to the European borders: The reaction from the EU over the Ukrainin crisis is telling; noting that Ukraine itself has implemented Digital Identity in November 2021, and, of course it was all discussed at great length at the WEF. The push for the interoperability between all states on the issues of digital sovereignty has become, by pure co-incidence, a humanitarian issue. "A leaked 2017 State Department memo showed neocon empire manager Brian Hook teaching a previously uninitiated Secretary of State Rex Tillerson that for the US government, "human rights" are only a weapon to be used for keeping other nations in line." (via Caitlin Johnstone) https://www.politico.com/story/2017/12/19/tillerson-state-human-rights-304118 As an example - In Scotland the immigration system is running at snails pace. can you see the agenda here? Highlighting slow & inneffective legacy systems leads to bottleneck delays thus ensuring a politically expedient response. https://www.scotsman.com/news/world/ukraine-russia-scottish-government- condemns-glacial-pace-of-uk-visa-scheme-for-refugees-as-new-figures-show- 566-visas-granted-for-scotland-3647336 Digital ID systems will rely on facial biometrics to ensure security in accessing goods & services. Clearview AI’s facial recognition is being utilized, Identifying Russian fatalities and contacting their relatives to claim their remains. Via EuroNews "Clearview's technology could be used to reunite refugees separated from their families, identify Russian operatives and help the government debunk false social media posts related to the war. The exact purpose for which Ukraine's defense ministry is using the technology is unclear" Clearview, which primarily sells to US law enforcement, is fighting lawsuits in the United States accusing it of violating privacy rights by taking images from the web. https://www.euronews.com/next/2022/03/14/ukraine-begins-using-controversial- clearview-ai-s-facial-recognition-to-id-russians-and-th __________________________ Digital ID program is just plain sinister. __________________________ Promis = track & trace software: "A book written in 1997 by Fabrizio Calvi and Thierry Pfister claimed that the National Security Agency (NSA) had been "seeding computers abroad with PROMIS-embedded SMART (Systems Management Automated Reasoning Tools) chips, code-named Petrie, capable of covertly downloading data and transmitting it, using electrical wiring as an antenna, to U.S. intelligence satellites" as part of an espionage operation" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PROMIS_(software) Excerpt from: "The Inslaw Octopus" by Richard L. Fricker WIRED But the real power of PROMIS, according to Hamilton, is that with a staggering 570,000 lines of computer code, PROMIS can integrate innumerable databases without requiring any reprogramming. In essence, PROMIS can turn blind data into information. And anyone in government will tell you that information, when wielded with finesse, begets power. Converted to use by intelligence agencies, as has been alleged in interviews by ex-CIA and Israeli Mossad agents, PROMIS can be a powerful tracking device capable of monitoring intelligence operations, agents and targets, instead of legal cases. http://www.declarepeace.org.uk/captain/murder_inc/site/inslaw.html Freelance reporter Danny Casolaro spent the last few years of his life investigating a pattern which he called "The Octopus." According to Casolaro, Inslaw was only part of a greater story of how intelligence agencies, the Department of Justice and even the mob had subverted the government and its various functions for their own profit. e-DNA = Promis 2.0? Acuant is a provider of identity solutions for data capture, document authentication, and identity verification. "e-DNA securely builds, analyzes and verifies digital identities, associating an individual’s known associations through public data, social network analysis, deep web, dark web and other private data sources- all in real time." https://www.acuant.com/digital-identity-engine-risk-scoring/ It all gets very Rinse & repeat when revealed that the company behind eDNA - Acuant was aquired by GBgroup which is financially backed by "The Octopus group." "(GB group) made the strategically important acquisition of US based Acuant, adding to its ability to detect identity fraud, raising ?305 million in equity" https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/02/22/2388902/0/en/Annual-Financial-Report.html https://octopusinvestments.com/ _____________________ Arms sales hypocricy hy?poc?ri?sy (h?-p?k?r?-s?) n. pl. hy?poc?ri?sies 1. The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness. 2. An act or instance of such falseness. _____________________ For the last 7 years Royally approved UK Arms sales to Yemen have been totally ignored. As is the ongoing humanitarian disaster. Nothing has been done. The Saudis are not Russia though. These People seem to love OIL more than GAS. Will the Saudis do a petro dollar energy trade switcheroo on the West? We shall see soon no doubt. https://caat.org.uk/homepage/stop-arming-saudi-arabia/uk-arms-to-saudi-arabia/ In Jun 2021 - Mark Curtis via The Daily Maverick/Declassified UK; reported "While British ministers claim China is an increasing threat to UK interests, they have approved the sale of ?2.6bn worth of military and dual civilian/military equipment to the country in the past three years." https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2021-06-07-as-the-uk-hypes-the- china-threat-it-sells-the-country-billions-in-military-related-equipment/ The war has seen billions in armaments pumped into Ukraine, by the EU & NATO; How much of Russian armaments were sold to them by Ukriane after the Crimea operation? https://www.investigate-europe.eu/en/2022/eu-states-exported-weapons-to-russia/ Sometimes, nice people like Doug McKenty invite me for me for a go on the internet-web-telly. https://odysee.com/special-report-the-russia-roundtable On an appearance with ex-RT correspondent; Riley Waggaman; I recently commented, that it is incredulous that after weeks of intelligence / media coverage suggesting that Russia were planning to invade via Pentagon NATO - Ukrainian leadership would just sit there watching it all build up on it's borders without lifting a finger to protect it's critical infrastructure and that the Russian forces would just drive into many areas including Chernobyl, relatively unhindered. That was of course after the satellite shots of a "strange & quantum" Tank / Mobile artillery corden that on a daily basis morphed continuously in Propaganda media reports from 17km to 40 miles long in one most bizarre examples of a long stay car park possibly ever witnessed. I can only reason cynically, by way of highlighting Ukraines huge steel industry that the deal made for the steel to make Russian Tanks was somehow fishy. Perhaps the invasion was part of a sales or return policy? Moving along swiftly; ______________________ What happens to all those bombed out buildings, desolated towns & city infrastructures? Can you say Build back better? ______________________ (NSA PROMIS-embedded) SMART (Systems Management Automated Reasoning Tools) https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/library/cyber/week/062097loeil.html (NSA proposals for Digital Wallet & E-Money 1998) http://www.declarepeace.org.uk/captain/murder_inc/site/texts/corporatism/nsamint.html S.M.A.R.T eh? make some connections... They will, via 5g - The internet of things. bodies. minds. "Reasoning is the ability to make inferences, and automated reasoning is concerned with the building of computing systems that automate this process. Although the overall goal is to mechanize different forms of reasoning, the term has largely been identified with valid deductive reasoning as practiced in mathematics and formal logic." https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/reasoning-automated/ Automated reasoning is posh lingo for machines that run, manage & watch everything eventually. The ultimate 'managed democracy'. It'll All be run by a UN-WEF prepped global mayor in a technocracy in which the parliament resembles the Google/Facebook-meta/Amazon/Apple/Tesla Cult headquarters. Here are some quotes: "I think the future is with tech, and this is why we will win, Russia's leadership still lives in the 20th century, They have failed to notice that. Governments must move towards becoming more and more like tech companies, rather than being rigid like a tank, like a war machine." Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine's youngest Techiest cabinet minister & WEF member https://techukraine.org/2022/03/20/the-time-its-our-home-turf- the-man-on-ukraines-digital-frontline/ "...it's time to admit that America needs less of its own version of democracy-much less. Democracy alone just isn't good enough anymore.The search for an optimal state form continues into the information age-and it should logically be called the 'Info-State'." Info-states such as Switzerland and Singapore are also the places where we can witness the best efforts at direct technocracy . Experiments in direct technocracy are already visible around the world from Estonia and Israel to the UAE and Rwanda to India and China-across both democracies and non-democracies. Technocracy becomes a form of salvation after society realizes that democracy doesn't guarantee national success. Democracy eventually gets sick of itself and votes for technocracy." Dr Parag Khanna FinTech Philosopher/Entrepreneur & WEF member https://pieceofmindful.com/2020/12/19/part-1-a-star-is-born-ascent- of-the-techno-spore-and-the-descent-of-man/#more-90200 After 2 years of Covid emergency measures & lockdowns we have seen many small businesses go to the wall, never to return again. What could finish small farms off for good? whats going to give? Fuel & Food prices are going stratospheric https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/world/2022/04/501_327044.html Food security is on everybodys lips, and soon looming, rationing will be a real issue for many. Ukrainian wheat fields are there to be transformed, to be re-seeded by Genetically Modified wonder crops - you can be sure they are ready to utilise the biolabs everyone knows are making nasty weapons for Hunter Biden connected Metabiota /EcoHealth alliance/Peter Dasak/Pentagon/Wuhan nightmare useful bioleak emergency scenarios. Such labs are just as capable of frying any nutrients to a CRISPR as shitty GMO poison as legacy foods are rehashed, merged with genetically altered additives & labelled medicinal, in the new global nutraceutical breadbasket. Anything can be a weapon, including poison labelled a medicine and promoted as nutricious food. Think i'm exaggerating? After years of trying & failing under the new labour cult via Andy Burnham, a man being adored currently by faux left crytpo-intelligensia, The UK Govt. under Bojo the clown & his chaos distraction are finally going to get to 'treat' the population with Flouride, Folic acid in bread, and god knows what else happens to be a by product of the Petro-Chemical & Nuclear Energy industry. Fluoride is a Neurotoxin that lowers IQ, contributes to Cognitive decline and is associated with Alzheimer's by attracting Aluminum which accumulates in the brain. Aluminum has been proven to be elevated in the brains of those suffering from Alzheimer's. Co-inky dink time: Boris Johnson UK PM says "we will have a new reactor every year" https://www.cityam.com/boris-johnson-nuclear-is-coming-home-as-we-will-have-a-new-reactor-every-year/ Why not just put anti-Depressants in the water too while you're at it. A healthy does of Lithium or Propoponal could render the population marginally more docile than it is now. By the looks of it, one has to ask if this isn't already happening, judging by the unquestioning attitude of the majority of 'Norms' to the measures put in place over the last 2 years, Maybe Good Morning Britain & Ant & fucking Dec were acheiving a satifactory level of social fabric conditioning to last several billion Z-list celebritys career spans. I have mentioned before - LSD may well be in the global supply judging by global events over the last 2 years! It's the only explanation that makes any sense in a world going completely insane all of the time. Either that or the Global electromagnetic defenses are all completely fucked and the growing sunspot activity, as it reaches its 11 year cycle of Solar Maximum is creating severe pycho-emotional chaos in unsuspecting humans here on the surface. __________________________________ On February 8th SpaceX reported in its Updates that 40 of the 49 Starlink satellites it launched to low Earth orbit on February 3 are now doomed by a geomagnetic storm. https://earthsky.org/space/40-starlink-satellites-doomed-by-geomagnetic-storm/ __________________________________ Is this a sign of simple bad planning or timing? Or a sign that Earths natural Geo-electromagnetic defenses are waning? The European Space agency plan to utilise it's Vigil, Hera & Clearspace planetary defense system initiative. ESA Vigil (2028) will monitor our active and unpredictable Sun to help protect us from its violent outbursts. Hera (2024) will examine the aftermath of the first kinetic impact test of asteroid deflection, carried out by NASA's DART mission. Clearspace-1 (2026) will rendezvous with, capture and safely bring down a 112-kg derelict object for a safe atmospheric re-entry. https://www.spacedaily.com/reports/New_home_for_Earths_protectors_999.html Latest forecast says that solar maximum, when the number of sunspots peaks and our star is at its most active - will occur between November 2024 & March 2026, but most likely around July 2025. so, will these efforts be too little too late? __________________________________ "It is noteworthy that these frequencies are close to the frequencies of the main rhythms of the human brain, as well as infrasound, which, according to many scientists, affects the human subconscious (this, in particular, explains cases of unaccountable horror that sometimes engulfs sailors, since one of the natural sources of infrasound serves as a wave of the sea). Numerous studies have established that this coincidence of frequencies plays an important role: changes with such a frequency of electric and magnetic fields have an adverse effect on humans." See this report by Niyazkhonova Bashorat Eshmamatovna presented to those "Baddies" at the Russian Academy of Sciences; http://www.gejournal.net/index.php/IJSSIR/article/view/295/264 __________________________________ Curiously; it was The Russian Academy of Science that put out all those ABIOTIC OIL theories during the 70's, 80's & 90s' - That Fossil energy will not run out...and it is created via magma earth core activity creating infinite resources deep carbon deposits, would be very embarrassing to the Saudi led energy cartel, no doubt. Then again, what does Putin know? The UK flouride mass dosing policy reveals the mindset of the current global leadership taking advice from unhinged academics who are all enjoying their time in the sun a little bit too much insisting all the population, including infants, take experimental synthetic biology to keep granny safe...as she dies in the care home, scared & alone... from an overdose of Midazolam given to her by a "caring health professional" who is so scared to lose their status & liveliehood they will commit crimes against humanity. Is that sinister enough for you? to add; 90 percent of adults hospitalized in the UK for Covid were vaccinated The Data is no longer being released in the UK. But they can't hide the Pfizer leaked reports that reveal lots of very shady shit going on. Kidney disorders, Myocarditis, Menstrual disorders, Cancers It's not just Athletes & Rock stars that are dropping dead In the USA, insurance companies have listed increasing mortality rates that run into the hundreds of thousands. Military grade Bioweapon. (as Vaccination or the ever evolving disease?) Mass dosing = human experimentation recieving of untested SynBio as authoritarian communitarian mindset. The Jim Jones cult comes to mind. As does the mindset that gave the world MK Ultra. Mind Kontrolle experiments Human Radiation experiments The Tuskagee experiments Biowarfare agents released on subways ____________________ Dr Robert W Mallone “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/sunday-strip-55d ____________________ In China Lockdowns in huge areas of Shanghai are experiencing starvation for lack of food delivery to people imprisoned in their blocks. Many have been documented taking their own lives. Take heed. If it isn't Covid it will be some other emergency scenario designed to take your life & liberty along a prescribed path, as an expensively, modelled & designed dystopian theme park ride to total state subservience. Russia is now openly being blamed for the global fuel hikes by the increasingly frail & bizarre acting Biden as he warns of impending doom that many were feeling, way before Vlad the imposter apparently went completely Strangelove - all for the benefit of a 24hr war-a-thon big bad Russky show on Western media. Remember those far off black & white days of lockdowns - no work - no society - no hope - Keep the kids away from each other, muzzled & obedient to Orwellian street signage while pointing out free thinkers, like victims of the bodysnatchers perma-screaming at anyone who had more than 2 brain cells operating... no? neither does mainsteam news media. And just like that it's all the doing of a Russian bear that is chained to it's elite masters via a yukky WEF-speak filled Agenda 2030 alligned joint statement made on Feb 4th. Back in 2005 China & Russia issued a similar statement of intent, in first part, detailing the need to refom the U.N. - Chinas influence over the WHO, and the subsequent global lockstep reaction during the early days of the Covid plandemic cannot be ignored. Neither can Kofi Annans speech to the UN in 2002 in which he announced a global public private partnership. This is what the game is all about, folks. Global corporate fascism. and still...no matter where you turn there are the WEF hosting the very same people who are implementing this. Royally assented Commomwealth linked countries lead the way; Canadian / New Zealand / Australian / UK Digital ID initiatives & the GAVI / ID2020 UN / Bill & Melinda Gates foundation scams are all pretty much from the same playbook. Behavioral control of people - scoring them via their smartphones via compliance to Climate change / vaccines / emergency laws invented on the spot & increasingly, as we have seen in Canada, controlling citizens access to their resources because of political thoughts & activity. By the way, Ukraines digital money/UBI system that is supposed to be helping those suffering from the war can be switched on/off, has a time limit - and you can only get access to the program if you are fully vaccinated https://www.kmu.gov.ua/en/news/sogodni-oficijnij-start- proektu-yepidtrimka-yak-podati-zayavku-na-otrimannya- 1000-grn-u-zastosunku-diya?fbclid=IwAR0sB7_hiPIPZpvTPkZazFNlUGcvk9WEqzRWRLsAeFH0-oSqP4A3JJ4Nr7I Back in the olden days of 1992 - George Soros nearly broke the Bank of England when he caused a crash in Sterling ?'s cash money...funnily enough in the same year Soros & fellow technocrat Bohdan Hawrylyshyn started on a journey to modernise Ukraine - ________________________ It began back in the fall of 1991, when Ukraine declared its independence, and Soros had what he calls a “seminal meeting” with Dr. Bohdan Hawrylyshyn, an internationally known Ukrainian economist, who, after living abroad for many years, had decided to return to Ukraine in 1988, to help steer its course, and in 1990 had become chairman of the new Soros foundation there. The foundation started out with the usual Soros mandate, to foster civil society mainly through the support of cultural and educational activities. But, with Ukraine’s declaration of independence, Soros recalls, he and Hawrylyshyn decided on a far more ambitious role for the foundation: it would build the institutions that would enable Ukraine to function as an independent and democratic state. ” Via The New Yorker 1995 article - The World according to Soros https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1995/01/23/the-world-according-to-soros ________________________ 1966-73 How much of a co-inkydink would it be that Bohdan Hawrylyshyn would be the man to suggest to a young ambitious Klaus Schwab that he should stage a economic symposium, initially as a anniversary celebration of the Centre d'?tudes industrielles (CEI). "The program of the symposium was jointly designed by the Club of Rome Since Hawrylyshyn as a Club of Rome member wanted to bring club subjects to business people." The meeting shifted into a new form initially entitled The European Management Composium. 3 years later this annual meeting for European Economic power players became global in the form of a rebranded - The World Economic Forum. paraphrased from - Crisis of Global Sustainability By Tapio Kanninen *pages 17-19 via Google books https://books.google.com.cy/books?id=7XTfpv2C1CUC&pg=PA18&lpg=PA18&dq= club+of+rome+propoese+world+forum&source=bl&ots=dAwIunTEMa&sig= ACfU3U1A5JFg_RWuIJ89XU3DegtH17ax6w&hl=en&sa=X&ved= 2ahUKEwjY6dGQ67z0AhWX8bsIHQD2AlgQ6AF6BAgGEAM#v= onepage&q=club%20of%20rome%20propoese%20world%20forum&f=false The goal is to shape green policies - In 1965, Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist, made a speech that proved inspirational to Alexander King, the Scottish Head of Science at the OECD, they together fromed the Club Of Rome Aureo Peccei (International institute for Applied systems analysis -Austria) Founder of the Club Of Romes recommendation within its treatise "The Limits to Growth" was also one of the inluential elites involved in initiating this now infamous elite cult. Basically Humans are dirty bad and need controlling for the benefit of the planet and all of these conclusions were modelled by MIT computers by game theory experts left over from the Manhatten project It has been well investigated by another non-club member Johnny Vedmore that Kluas Schwabs concept for the 4th industrial Revolution directly stems from the influnce of "The Year 2000: A Framework for Speculation on the Next Thirty-Three Years", by Herman Kahn and A. J. Wiener. It was published in 1967 https://www.crummy.com/writing/hosted/The%20Year%202000.html Khan was part of a framework of power players rising from the cold war ashes. An elite class of technocrats involved in the merging of US & European ideals for future multilateral economic hegemony. ___________________ The World Economic Forum wasn’t simply the brainchild of Klaus Schwab, but was actually born out of a CIA-funded Harvard program headed by Henry Kissinger and pushed to fruition by and the “real” Dr. Strangelove, Herman Kahn. Dr. Klaus Schwab or: How the CFR Taught Me to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/investigative-reports/dr-klaus- schwab-or-how-the-cfr-taught-me-to-stop-worrying-and-love-the-bomb ___________________ also see my previous page The Supranational power grab - Welcome to the Global Zoo;Petry dish panopticon. http://www.declarepeace.org.uk/captain/murder_inc/transnational.html An extended War in Ukraine could well see Rationing in the west presently becoming normalised, with reports of ingredients & product no longer available. This is all setting the stage nicely for a controlled scarecity polemic promoted into the long prepared public via propaganda - as blind economic behaviorism. That would help morph policy seamlessly into a green agenda that conveniently ignores the chaos & destruction caused by dropping zillions of bombs as a pollution driver. Anti Tank Depleted Uranium (ssshhhhh!) Do lots of carbon based dead people count as pollution? From state / industry wide this is all about carbon trading - Some savvy non club members like Cory Morningstar have noticed that paying fines for pollution does not stop pollution, it merely gaurauntees the transfer of numbers into bank accounts. Those accounts are held in hedge funds by the club members. The club house in Davos is full of Stakeholders. The Dr Evil of modern times Klaus Schwab of the WEF announced Stakeholder Capitalism as the new dominating force of international socio-political economic systems. The strategic partnership between the WEF & the UN announced in 2019 - must be noted. On the back of this - states via the UN 2030 agenda will control individuals behaviour in their energy consumption / dietry choices / physical health & mental well being. (happytalism) This is going to be set to meet goals, set as a pre-social credit system - ensuring a gamified reality. "Hedging your bets" becomes a phrase worth noting as Wall St & the city of London lick their lips and sharpen their teeth at the prospect of human behaviour based commodity markets glossily promoted as social impact investing. Thus we will see the planets health linked to human health _____________________________________ "Pandemic prevention: proponents of the treaty push to address potential pandemic sources using the concept of One or Planetary Health and ‘deep prevention’ to include antimicrobial resistance (AMR), zoonoses, climate adaptation and mitigation and accidental pathogen release into the content discussion of a pandemic treaty." https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2022/03/30/a-new-pandemic-treaty-what- the-world-health-organization-needs-to-do-next/ _____________________________________ Biosecurity will meet climate initiatives as track & trace surveillence & behavioural scoring tragically becomes an acceptable part of everyday life in the West just like it has in parts of China. The entities funding Chinas Social credit system both private via Alibaba / Alipay & state run versions were set into place by the tech giant Baidu. Carlyle, Vanguard, Blackrock & Slate St are the hedge fund shareholder names that just keep keep cropping up. Note: Two of the establisments that hold the wealth for the Vanguard Group are JP Morgan and Sullivan & Cromwell - Those with a sense of history will take note. In this expensively priced report on Social Credit Markets: https://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/5134311/socialcredit-market-by-physical-and-cyber it states the following: "Starting as tangentable to public safety & homeland security, the social credit markets become mainstream by 2026" ____________________ Keeping up with the Jones's Brave New World Force Multiplier ____________________ Nuke war detente - IE Mutually assured destruction is slowly being dismantled. Multi level gameplay is in effect. These authoritarian techno-fascist policies are being driven by a geo political chess game that now sees Western nations competing with the Eurasian powerhouses to implement exactly the same socio-economic structures. When this is realised - all the WW3 posturing becomes illuminating. Nation states are useful to control populations. Globalism is useful to enact huge psycho social experiments that enable "terra projects" such as Bio security & Belt & Road / Gateway initiatives Orwells map of the world in 1984 - is slowly becoming a reality Levels of control in a technocratic totalitarian world: Orwells wallscreen in the palm of your hand. will become augmented reality & metaverse. Digital sovereignty in Corporate nation states ties users to a digital identity which incorporates REAL TIME total data collection tracking & tracing all status & activity. (Note genetic advancements will enable this system to become bio-physical many have noted graphene oxide in Vaccines is useful for neuro brain machine interface technology that backdoors individual human perception) _______________________ "use of graphene materials to engineer three-dimensional scaffolds to drive neuronal growth and regeneration in vivo, and the possibility of using graphene as a component of hybrid composites/multi-layer organic electronics devices" https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnsys.2018.00012/full _______________________ Regionism in multilateral allignment (eg; Eurasia - IngSoc - EastAsia - Oceana) NATO / AUKUS / EU (Vs) B-R-I-C-S Global control body overlord = (eg; UN-WEF-IMF-WorldBank-BIS) Endless emergency scenarios keeps digital users controlled & distracted. ____________________ The Ultimate commodification of nature ____________________ If you understand humanity & it's history the commodification of nature is the base for all civilisation and has become totally necessary for human survival - all sentient life, at its base level are energy transferrance processes. We know them as biological systems. The elite wish to control all energy pipelines. Food. Shelter. Heat. Light. cultural recreation. Innovation. Meat, vegetation via agricutural development into crops is a culturally significant civilisational leap - as is extracting fuel as / or from the environment. But there is a disconnect between needing resources and the behaviour of civilisations on how to gaurauntee it. We can detail historically a predatory war like history of Pyratic rape & pillage. Putting it simply; Born & bred bullies taking other peoples stuff while they either kill them, or appropriate them into the colonial hive mind. With a skull & bones flag fully flying high this has become traditionalised into the heraldry of warfare as historical prowess of Militarily structured religious zealot cult leaders, from Pharoahs to Emporers, Kings & Queens in endless campaigns for expansion of influence, via domination & control. I move away from labelling this urge Tribal or Primitive. Where have the Aborigines ever invaded & looted? ____________________ Pushers of Reality ____________________ The majority of humans (who are not in the club) on this ever ridiculous planet have been steered through phases of defined labelled existence: From Serf, as structured feudalism to Voter in the experiment known as democracy to citizen as capitalism rose to prominence, to consumer as corporate consumer capitalism dominated, finally to End User as digitalisation takes shape. Interestingly the term 'user' is applied to drug addicts which perhaps is illuminating in both the history of the development of 2nd industrial revolution mechanisation onwards. An elite set of Ivy league / European University bred lineages directly managed by the Crown heads of Europe & high echelons of traditional religions were set on the normalisation of geo-political asset rape seen in colonialisation via the predatory nature of domination & control (see Columbus / Conquistadors in the Americas morphing to Human Slavery Triangle & The Opium wars) This maintaining its management structure of banking, mercantile & miltaristic royal structure moved into post industrial modern culture, by way of 2 world wars, into the 3rd industrial revolution seeing the consolidation of media & mass production of goods, and the development of computing. Thus enabling the rise of corporations that have birthed a new oligarchy of a technocratic superclass, presenting the prospect of development of digital technology stemming from the rapidly developing computer revolution. Further to its sinister designs for the future with the Great reset as the Public relations front for a 4th industrial neo-futurism we are seeing now; announced by a Central Banking cartel, United Nations Davos elites and European Royalty, most notably Prince Charles as Agenda 2030. His speech at the COP 26 meeting was bizarre to say the least: invoking the military as a response to climate change. "We need a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector. With trillions at its disposal." Maybe the religious nutso's are right and he is the anti-christ invoking WW3, or maybe he's just a privelidged lunatic who believes his Mercantile Wettin lineage family heritage blood type makes him somehow a supreme leader of other human beings. A self appointed defined upper strata, a political economic class which owes it's very existence to pre industrial empirical & royal heritage & post industrial consumer slavery are to turn cultural society into a post truth video game - a "metaverse" virtual reality augmented immersion system. This helps to maintain a human usury system built as a simple illusion of value exchange as an insipid version of society - a cartoonish casino-fication of humanity built on credit bought upgrades presenting 'blind data' as 'skills' uploaded 'knowledge' winning & pure predatory greed. People will be scored to gain access to both real life & virtual goods & services. They will "educate" a minority of wunderkind via Science & Technoloy led Scientism based New Educational order, because the elite need a steady stream of programmers & modellers which will essentially be middle management once AI truly kicks in. See the Israeli Talpiot program which has an entire section devoted to enabling Autistic soliers who have special abilities to become super programmers. Useful for smart city command & control machine minding. https://www.timesofisrael.com/soldiers-with-autism-give-army-rare-view-into-intel-and-disorder/ You can see how gamification works in terms of brainwashing kids via Roblox game design to play to earn - Big News it's all a scam! But that does not stop aspirational youngsters wanting to become the next tech guru game designer. Receiving next to zero for coding games in groups run by bullying narcissistic pedophiles. Many of them spend months to trade what little they earn for a 3000 buck NFT item, in the games in-built pseudo stock market. The dark side is that they are an entire digitally trained slave class who are completely unaware they are partaking in the running of their own data tracked slavery mechanism. This data collected, will be a commodity in itself - evolving from the collection of user behaviours we see now in nefarious social media tracking algorithms. Artificial intelligence as it stands now is only good at one thing; sifting through, sorting & collating huge amounts of data in a very short time. Eventually if sentience is acheived it will be left in charge & the whole kit & kaboodle will be set on auto-pilot. ____________________ Population control; to cull or not to cull ____________________ There are several ways to address what is happening in terms of population reduction. 1. they are thinning the human herd. the vaccines are a time bomb, while World War III means a lot of NuKe bombs on the TV wheras in reality it's a 'wag the dog' & only certain pre ordained cities are destroyed to 'build back better'. Beijing Tokyo New York London Sydney Rio de Janiro How many people would take the easy way out - suicide, after seeing a nuke go off on their dumb TV's & not-that-smart devices? Underground bunkers exist: last year saw the entire NORAD relocate to the Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center which i'm guessing was not for a slumber party https://www.norad.mil/About-NORAD/Cheyenne-Mountain-Air-Force-Station/ and there were those bunker stories: seeing the super rich ordering excecutive hideaways apparently becuse of the Pandemic https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-19/- we-needed-to-go-rich-americans-activate-pandemic-escape-plans 2. Global BioWar It could be said that the Covid rouse was a test run for something a little more spicey along the pipeline. The entire planet have been 'shock tested' to ensure the smooth roll out of a bioweapon part "disease" & part "Vaccine" If you don't think sinster things like this are possible, you may want to look up 'Nano-domestic Quell' an Obama era secret program to place nano-technology in common food & drinks, as a sleeper bio-agent that sits in the population, only to be activated at a politically expedient moment. Prime WHO Stakeholder, Bill Gates rolls out a scary scenario every now and again to either sell a book or just to give everyone a chance to see how lovely & charming he is in his latest pastel jumper. The PR is failing, primarily because his wife just admitted she left him because he hung around with a pedophile that ended up hanging around in a very bad way. From his neck, in a max security facility, with cameras switched off. Poor Jeffrey had a Island where he held parties. He also had a ranch where he planned to breed perfect people from his seed. The fact that Epsteins strange life not only has resonance with Promis software via Mossad & the Maxwells, but also Transhumanism, with links to his funding Ben Goetzel futurist founder of The singularity University. Goetzel also develops via Hanson Robotics, Little Sophia - an AI robot in childrens form. They have cameras. These "toys" are aimed at 8+ years olds. __________________________ She is 14” tall and your robot friend that makes learning STEM, coding and AI a fun and rewarding adventure for kids 8+ years old https://www.hansonrobotics.com/little-sophia-2/ __________________________ Epsteins affilaite Ghislaine Maxwell has been in court - guitly of trafficking. To whom? 1000's of elite Hollywood celebritys, scientists, politicians & Royalty, wipe sweaty brows, thanking a justice system thats does not go quite so far as to actually prosecute people on the recieving end of a huge interweaving socialite cult of pedo-sado-rape trafficking. The manipulation of fame hungry 14 year old wannabe models is exactly the same game as what is happening online with the cynical expoitation of 14 year old wannabe tech gods & game/app developers. Can you see why there were so many pedos in the 70's Pop music industry now? Grooming is grooming. One has to wonder if the WEF 'Glitter' of political power works as the same model of manipulation of power hungry class of Ivy League / UK Eton public school bullies & victims of the spoon fed nouveux rich in the same way too. No doubt, Abandonment issues are at the heart of these peoples psychopathy. anyhoo. A big scary BioWeapons release, real or not... would be very useful to clear large Rural communities into awaiting mega-city arms of the smart city infrastructure. That's the rat trap. The data collection point. The disneyfied prison constructed by the predatory class. 3. After herding the majority of the flockers into the Smart megacities, our technocratic overlords will perhaps use the fear of over population, real or not to justify a new Gazillion dollar industry, crassly mining Asteroids for the very resources necessary just to maintain the industry & to build further distractions necessary to maintain the eternal illusion. Fear of Population growth would be useful to drive this growing economy - in The Movies, most notably Ridley Scotts Bladerunner, former Earth residents went off planet to mine and manage homesteads via colonisataion because resources were drained via over population. - Our real future looks to be going that way too - development of robots & AI will take a major role. My own opinion is that depopulation in terms of dollar per human is irrelevant to the current global technocracy - For Aeons, the games real aim for those in control, is that the same bloodlines in power, simply maintain total power. If the population is reduced it would be true that it would make the process easier as less people on the planet who aren't in the club, pose far less of a problem militarily to quell dissent, control steer & ultimatley commodify. There is another sinister angle to perhaps how this might pan out. The flockers may eventually come to fear losing their way of life in the techno-prison - disease my be promoted as a way of culling those who are not accepted - can you say anti vaxxers? anti-war? anti anything? anti-agenda? Secretly rounded up and disposed of - while the public is told they are part of the population that have succumbed to the latest virus. Next scenario please: disposing of the awkward brigade may also incorporate sending them into space: off-world - the bastardised children of the Pilgrims as renegade space cowboys. (new-found-world-ers) (see the seminal sci-fi series 'firefly' for a potential model of renegades Vs militarised imperial control) after all, in space no one can hear you sneeze! The development of the "off-world industry" of course is an extension of the weaponisation of space agenda - In military strategy the advantage is always taken from the higher ground. 4th Industrial revolutions need that higher ground. How else would the elites maintain control over meat based humanity, but from space? Satellite based military control & surveillance over planet Earth from space has been long in the making. Green ambitions for planetary surveillance of biosystems, luckily for them includes human biosystems, and just becomes plain old spying. "Starlinks here. Thanks, Elon Musk" Interesting to note; Elon Musks Starlink was repositioned to cover areas in Ukriane at the behest of Ukr. tech minister/WEF member Mykhailo Fedorov https://techukraine.org/2022/03/20/the-time-its-our-home-turf-the-man-on-ukraines-digital-frontline/ https://restofworld.org/2022/elon-musk-ukraine-and-starlink/ I wasn't aware the ever growing constellation of 'communications satellites' were able to be repositioned at the flick of a switch. What else are these things capable of? Musks outfit regularly sends classified military shit to the heavens for Space Force. That's FORCE in a bad way. Not force as in the universal religion in the Star Wars disney bullshit. But an extension of Reagan policy - Star Wars with weapons in space. You can bet the players in the game will use their force, for sure. None of this bodes well for us tiny ants down here on the surface. They are preparing a lense for us. Dr Evil says "Laaaayzers" https://defbrief.com/2022/04/14/us-navy-downs-cruise- missile-target-with-high-energy-laser-in-historic-test/ https://defbrief.com/2022/04/14/israel-completes-live- trial-of-iron-beam-laser-interceptor/ ________________ Quantum Leap? ________________ The development of Quantum technologies could see top down control systems from AI Blockchain to Quantum Internet all running at 1000 times the speed currently available. Nicola Teslas occulted archive, now rolled out as new technology such as WIFI - 5/6g bandwidth utilisation. The wireless transmission of power will also become an operational reality. This will enable everything from - Intelligent smart cities running the internet of things / bodies & minds - to the metaverse immersion scam - and, luckily as an added benefit to military intelligence & defense it is supposed to be totally unhackable. The Ionospheric heater phased array system at Haarp has been out the news for a few years - but this technology is based on Tesla blueprints. It has been written about by Nick Begich & Elana Freeland for decades. weather control. (see climate change hoax) artificial earthquakes. (ditto) mood manipulation. (look around you) In 1980 - Michael Aquino, satanist & miltary general wrote in his paper "From PSYOP to MindWar" that ionizing the air via atmospheric electromagnetism, and sending ELF waves via an antennea system would increase public susceptibility to propaganda. http://www.declarepeace.org.uk/captain/murder_inc/books/MindWar.pdf 1990: HAARP is created for atmospheric electromagnetism, ionizing the air and sending ELF waves. The Haarp system in Alaska was completed in 2007 - when it was owned by BAE Systems - a massive military contractor. Break out the Tinfoil hats! says Wired. https://web.archive.org/web/20160204034757/https://www.wired.com/2007/06/haarp-facility/ Nick Begich and Jeane Manning: HAARP Boils the Upper Atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an "ionospheric heater." (The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere surrounding Earth's upper atmosphere. It ranges between 40 to 60 miles above the surface of the Earth.) The military says the HAARP system could: Give the military a tool to replace the electromagnetic pulse effect of atmospheric thermonuclear devices https://web.archive.org/web/20160131072023/http://www.haarp.net/ _______________________________ Boy would that be useful for a fake WW3 NUKEWAR electromagnetic wag the dog TV special _______________________________ so... Do we believe the glossy PR surrounding all this tech? Was it all just anti-Soviet propaganda? Interesting that if it was propaganda to try and outwit Soviet spys & Russian Academy types, then they are still doing it in the form of "Havana syndrome." Theorised to be a targeted pulsed electromagnetic Microwave signals. Those affected were diplomats & staff at Embassies in Cuba, China, India, Europe, and Washington, D.C The JASON report helped cover it all up saying it the effects of a concrete vibrating machine with worn bearings. Is it still propaganda projecting anti-Russian power fables? Of course boiling the Earths upper atmosphere sounds similarly ecologically unsound as letting off hundreds of Atmospheric Nuke Tests. I wonder what this would all do to Earths geo-magnetic defenses over time? (look up; see earlier in this piece) Does truth matter? Has the truth ever mattered? It is irrelevent to the Wizard of Oz - as long as the curtain is pulled tightly, Occulting the machinations to ensure "the eternal illusion". Full Spectrum Dominance __________________ The fyootyah! - Colonisation of OUTER SPACE __________________ The replacing of menial human slavery with a race of subservient robots leaves the useful proles, haplessly ignorant, on the surface of a rock floating through space with far too much time on their hands. The solution could lie in rewarding humanity with a new "occupation" to keep them all very proud, busy & distracted. "Occupation" is an interesting word; invoking colonisation yet again. Keeping people Occupied is the name of the game I call it "the eternal illusion" They call it the 4th industrial revolution. ____________ The fyootyah 2.0! - Colonisation of INNER SPACE a little bit of Futurescaping ____________ Now please forgive me as I Riff off a couple of articles, that get my imagination running on maximum overdrive; It's the kind of thing I like to do - let my thoughts run wild...see where it takes me. If one wants to see the real 4th industrial agenda of the commodification of nature; one has to look no further than the science rantings of futurist affiliated technology reports that posit such things as data storage on a Molecular & DNA level. see: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/02/200204163650.htm https://www.nature.com/articles/s41576-019-0125-3 This raises the very real prospect that sometime in the future - Post humans will become a self enclosed system centrally controlled by a Hive Mind like fully sentient Artificial Intelligence management system derived from the mass processing of data stored within themselves & the environment as a data-cloud. The precursor of this is being talked about by people like Melanie Swann; Brain Cloud interface __________________________ By linking brains to the Internet, BCIs could allow individuals to be more highly connectable not just to communications networks but also to other minds, and thus could enable participation in new kinds of collective applications such as a cloudmind. A cloudmind (or crowdmind) is the concept of multiple individual minds (human or machine) joined together to pursue a collaborative goal such as problem solving, idea generation, creative expression, or entertainment. https://jetpress.org/v26.2/swan.pdf __________________________ One has to ask - what will planet earth be? The ultimate transhuman agenda, nature no more. If digital data is stored on a molecular level within say the vast storage potential of, say Oxygen & Water this raises the spectre that such natural biological systems would no longer be considered purely biological but instead, a cyber-hybrid environment, or if within humans; cyborg. as an aside - To remind you all - In 2019 a group of scientists from Imperial Oxford presented new revolutionary Vaccine techniques to the WEF at Davos. Could the millions of people who willingly or usurped via the Covid 19 emergency scenario into taking MRNA based synthetic biology be considered the first transhuman class? (see this Supreme Court ruling: Decided June 13, 2013) www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/12pdf/12-398_1b7d.pdf "cDNA is not a "product of nature," so it is patent eligible under §101. cDNA does not present the same obstacles to patentability as naturally occurring, isolated DNA segments." This court ruling also proves that C-Dna extracted via PCR tests is not admissable as evidence of any human condition because the PCR process needs to transcript RNA to DNA - then amplifies it as Copy-DNA, which is no longer considered legally human. Kary Mullis knew this. This is why PCR testing was previously limited to laboratory clinical use only. Can Mrna altered Humans be patented? Are they essentially livestock? No wonder so many countries are trying to ditch human rights laws. After everyones been jabbed up with Synthetic bioweapons, no one will be legally human. ___________________ Avatar = colonisation Future cyborgs in the new Eden on a nano-petry dish. ___________________ In terms of human sentience being uploaded to a matrix like nano-mainframe there may, in the future be a possibility to store entire systems in molecular structures. Would such systems include world simulations with humans experiencing an existence as a chemically induced nano illusion built from their stored emotional & behavioural data? When a new planet suited to existence is found AI driven robotics could land on a planet & prepare by constructing the new race via 3d DNA printing, the bodies of the Neo-Pilgrims are constructed as a lab-grown hybrid cyborg post human species that would have their histories, personalities, sentient awareness all experienced over the time it took to travel to the planet, simply downloaded into the awaiting hosts. Indeed the journey to this new eden could have taken many lifetimes; perhaps each of the new colonists have experience multiple lives by the time of their arrival. in this TED talk Emma Hart explains her concept: ______________________ Imagine a scientist who wants to send a robot to explore in a faraway place, a place whose geography might be completely unknown and perhaps inhospitable. Now imagine that instead of first designing that robot and sending it off in the hope that it might be suitable, instead, she sends a robot-producing technology that figures out what kind of robot is needed once it arrives, builds it and then enables it to continue to evolve to adapt to its new surroundings. It’s exactly what my collaborators and I are working on: a radical new technology which enables robots to be created, reproduce and evolve over long periods of time, a technology where robot design and fabrication becomes a task for machines rather than humans. https://www.ted.com/talks/emma_hart_self_assembling_robots_and_the_potential_of_artificial_evolution ____________________ Star Trek - Beam me up, Scotty! ____________________ Molecular databases of sentient beings could be stored and transported through space as DNA itself in tiny space faring craft, or panspera, travelling at or near the speed of light. One could posit that if photonic energy could be garnered - such data storage of nano data could become pure energy. That energy as light, containing data, could be beamed into the void via an array, powered utilising the suns electromagnetic forcing. This of course is the basis for Star Treks human transfer "beaming" & food / equipment reproduction; Malleable photonic Energy tranformed into matter via a set of instructions. http://www.declarepeace.org.uk/captain/murder_inc/images/etvax/CERN's %20Large%20Hadron%20Collider%20Creates%20Matter%20From%20Light.pdf ______________________ The future colonisation of deep space (via solar system 'jump points' Moon-Mars-Europa) ______________________ Once colonies are established across galaxies - this could be a way of transmitting life as stored sentience, across huge spans of distance at the speed of light. That would take no time at all, because as speed of travel increases time dimishes. see; Relativistic time dilation. The faster the relative velocity, the greater the time dilation between one another, with time slowing to a stop as one approaches the speed of light (299,792,458 m/s). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_dilation _____________________________ see: May 2014 - Scientists discover how to turn light into matter after 80-year quest ‘photon-photon collider’, which would convert light directly into matter using technology that is already available https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/149087/scientists-discover-turn-light-into-matter/ ______________________________ Whats real anymore, right? ______________________________ now, I don't want to freak anyone out here; but take a good look around you. Can you see the joins? Did you just see that black cat twice? What is deja vu? What is re-incarnation? What of the Mandela effect? Is this phenomena a psycho mental condition reacting to Artificially intelligent fuckery, manifesting as weird history rewrites on the interwebs as AI data harvests humans behavour responses to help it learn and ultimately gain sentience? Relax - i'm kidding - i think. Here's a decent bit of LARP'ing (i think) _________________________ Earth final simulation 17 theory A catastrophic event in base year 2023 leads to the simulation initiative. A crew of leaders across a variety of fields of study are sent into a space habitat in the following years. Their objective is to ensure the survival of the human race in the event that the earth is no longer habitable or societal structures recoverable. They are known simply as the administrators. The effort includes a fleet of satellites, smaller specialty vehicles and primary communal ship. https://medium.com/@allyourfeeds/this-is-our-final-simulation-17-3e32f00023af _________________________ The other day I read an article basically asserting that a proportion of humanity do not have an inner monologue. https://www.iflscience.com/brain/people-with-no-internal-monologue-explain-what-its-like-in-their-head/ I find that truly scary. What are they? Non player characters? "If I'm asked to do something I don't wanna do, I just get kinda frustrated but that's about it. I don't really think to myself." I do have to wonder if a new type of humanity is present in this post normal world and that these people are a result of 70 years of behavioral programming / mind control masked as base self preservation vanity consumerism. Of course, i'm joking around a little here but only to get the point across that your sentience is your superpower - our humanity, self determinism & true freedom is what we are fighting for. Many people reading this might think: "well who the fuck is this guy? why in the name of sanity should this idiot have any say in anything, who does he think he is?" etc etc my analogy is that humanity are all like birds. Birds need to sing and they need to fly otherwise they are just simply not birds at all. writing helps me sing & fly Humanity needs to flock right now and help defeat this utter madness. every voice is important don't ever let anyone tell you any different. now go flock yourselves. (sorry, couldn't resist!) ________________________ The singularity is a cult ________________________ It is interesting to note that 16th century contempory of Shakespeare, who of course famously wrote in As You Like It 'All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players' (Act 2, Scene 7); Thomas Nashe; writes of a myriad of religious orders that groupthink the same sectarian belief as a 'singularity' quote from 'Pierce Penniless' The Pride of the learned "Another misery of pride it is, when men who have good parts and bear the name of deep scholars cannot be content to participate one faith with all Christendom, but, because they will get a name to their vainglory they will set their self love to study and invent new sects of singularity, thinking to live when they are dead by having their sects called after their names, as Donatists of Donatus, Arians of Arius and a number more new faith founders, that have made England the exchange of innovations, and almost as much confusion of religion in every quarter as there was of tongues at the building of the Tower Of Babel." I will leave that with you Colonisation, dehumanisation & exploitation same as it ever was. Rinse & Repeat. ______________ with Love, Paul remember; none of this explains why men have nipples Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z0-yLusQvE