n. ~ The process of increasing the marketability of a story by removing or downplaying distasteful or potentially controversial facts from the historical record to make the story as unobjectionable to as wide an audience as possible.

Citations: †(Maher 1998, p. 259)

Lost in a Disneyfied World: Archivists and Society in Late-Twentieth-Century America. ¶ Archivists understand the past as complex, multifaceted, and fractal. They know it conflicts with the present and offers both intellectually and spiritually enriching perspectives on life. In the other world, we see well-funded, slick, and often superficial presentations of the past that generally reflect a single harmonious, monolithic, and monocultural image, free from disturbing incidents or experiences that might engender the question of 'why.' ¶ The social appropriation of the past for commercial and political use is a complex phenomenon. One the one hand, it bolsters public interest in history and would seem beneficial to archives. On the other hand, much of the mass market appeal of history seems to operate on a more superficial and sinister level. There is a strong primary emphasis on the emotive appeal of the past; nostalgia and 'event experiences' are very much in contrast to documentary-based examinations of the past where the evidence can be removed and reexamined.

source American archivists association

The fix is in: fake news asserted by corporate ownership of puppet governments and the control of media

individuality - investigative journalism - truth movement

being steered toward extinction - but only if the public buy this 'fake news' bullshit

i have a feeling they are too late - this is a desperate measure by the slavemasters - the horse has bolted -

History revisionism is plentiful - i recommend the book that accompanies the UK quiz comedy show Q.i

it is replete with classic examples that show history / knowledge / fact are all different things

History is written by the winners - or those who are being 'promoted' as the winners

In this current version of the present IE; a lie - it is not 2016 - that calender & it's subsequent mechanism for the yearly segmentation of time & the global control of humanities notion of time - is based on Christ - a story about a fictitious saviour / martyr - the date is actually - the amount of times the Earth has gone round the sun

There's a starter...

it's all fake - energy wars for shit that's been lying in the ground for millions of years? HELLO? what's that big yellow ball up there? - Tesla knew

Primordial predatory desire for control of all humanity - its' creation of culture which is then censored & then re-promoted as real - to manage the future slaves' perception of history - a serious game is afoot...

what to do? drop out? - tune out? - get offline? [eventually lol] - refuse and resist? - all culture promoted by these dullards that the Beatles labelled 'blue meanies, and William Burroughs Labelled 'Control' - all i can note; is that; the potential for all literature / music / art / museums / historical libraries are completely compromised - not to mention the constituent parts & ingredients in food/drugs/technology etc are all fucked too - Humanity is a petrie dish - and the slavemasters are controlling humanities evolution.

Nukes in the atmosphere? you betcha...Additives forming strange effects on human physical well being health & consciousness? you bet!

So now they want to treat depression - a psychological condition i suggest is largely caused by everyday people not being able to cope with the experiment - which itself is a known outcome - yes 'treat it with - wait for it....drum roll please...

with LSD / Psilocybin Mushrooms

MK world? anyone? Mickey Mouses Happy global Police state? smile with your chosen lords...WWE / Hotel owners run by faceless technocrats

That's right...so whats does a 'cult' do? - a cult & it's chosen leader offers solutions to life via a lifestyle control mechanism, a series of tasks & rituals...often enforced in a dangerous & controlling way - patterning the individuals choices into a group scenario - thus dehumanising them.

Pain and suffering lead to depression lead to pharma-lifestyle Huxley style - it's a force multiplier...

a twitching, obedient humanity

We are witnessing a new Mcarthyism - and these morons want to Ban everything - no fun allowed - no serious debate allowed - no critical thinking - a full ban on being able to think - or believe ...we need a society which is just call and response - robots replying to signals and acting out reactions - what an awesome future...

humans should be consumers which have faces made of emoticons - which react according to stimulus so that the makers of the amazing products know that they are succeeding -

They, the global cartel, watch the consumers -they utilise emotional sensationalism and sexual - objective gratification in order to observe the stimulation - a reaction process is noted as they up the game, by sexualising violence to adults & children and creating popular culture which stimulates using hate and love as a paradigm.

Industrialise conflict globally in order to desensitise the humans into believing they are being entertained by their own domination and subjugation and thus escape from / to; fear & violence into freedom & happiness. Utilise the enforced movement of subjugated populations for political ends - helping to create new economic zones which create & trade products and generate consumer slavery within.

Factory farm & process free expression by moulding children to aspire towards fame & to seek gratification from watching others fail. Encourage emotionless sterile culture & boot camp education rhetoric into the humanities. Turn everyday existence into a hope lottery, while incarcerating potential for consumers within bureaucracy.

Use Generated media via Computers to immerse people in a dream world of pseudo-charity - entrain a benevolent caring appearance in order to give consumers higher self esteem thus adding to their potential economic growth and thus survival.

it's like a hammer hitting your knee tendon...

a twitching, obedient humanity - ready to receive the wisdom of our benevolent technocratic mandarins. forever.

escape while you can - I can recommend reading -

Timequake by Kurt Vonnegut Lies inc. by Philip K Dick Live from Golgotha by Gore Vidal Travels in Hyper-reality - Umburto Eco

William S. Burroughs on Electronic Mind Control

Black Magic Mind War

By William Burroughs

Crawdaddy, July, 1976

      Now anyone who has lived for any time in countries like Morocco where magic is widely practiced has probably seen a curse work. I have. However, the curses tend to be hit or miss, depending on the skill and power of the operator and the susceptibility of the victim. And that isn't good enough for the CIA or similar organization: "Bring us the ones that work not sometimes but every time." So what is the logical step forward? TO DEVISE MACHINES THAT CAN CONCENTRATE AND DIRECT PSYCHIC FORCE WITH PREDICTABLE EFFECTS. (See the chapter in the Iron Curtain book on PSYCHIC GENERATORS.) I suggest that what the CIA is or was working on at the top secret Nevada installation may be described as COMPUTERIZED black magic. If curse A doesn't make it, Curse Program B automatically goes into operation and so on.

      I recommend to your attention a book called The Mind Masters by John Rossman, a Signet New American Library paperback. This is ostensibly a fantastic science fiction novel, interesting more for its content than for its style, that may well contain some real inside information. The story concerns a researcher who has, to put it mildly, been disillusioned by his work on Project Pandora, an American psychic training center run by a Colonel Pickett, who is strongly reminiscent of the mad General Ripper in Doctor Strangelove, right down to the cigar. Only he is unloosing psychic warfare rather than nuclear bombs, having convinced himself that this form of warfare is more effective and more easily controlled for elitist objectives. The disillusioned researcher, one Britt St. Vincent, is contact d by Mero, a private institute dedicated to opposing these black magic centers. (It should be obvious that only BLACK magic has "military applications.")

      After he is taken to Mero's secret headquarters ... he recalls for Britt how the CIA, while making an electronic sweep of the U.S. embassy in Moscow for listening devices, discovered some very unusual electromagnetic emanations pulsing through the building. (Only a months ago it came out that the Soviets had stepped up the power to a point where Embassy officials and their families were in danger from the high-voltage microwave radiation, which can cause confusion, migraines, and even death). Not long after, the CIA confirmed that this was in fact part of a much larger psychic attack on the Embassy.... Britt learns that similar psychic research is still advancing rapidly in China, France, Israel, Egypt, South Africa and Chile, in addition to the United States and Russia. "Although these scattered groups are currently working to beat each other to the secret of powers that will give them world control, there is a good possibility that they could even now join forces and make a COMBINED bid for world control \D1 and at this moment they appear to stand an almost even chance of succeeding if they join forces."

       "And what will the future look like if such groups actually exist and if they do combine and take over? An elitist world state very much along the lines laid down by the NAZIS. At the top would be a theocracy trained in PSYCHIC CONTROL TECHNIQUES IMPLEMENTED BY COMPUTERIZED ELECTRONIC DEVICES THAT WOULD RENDER OPPOSITION PSYCHOLOGICALLY AND PHYSIOLOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Entry to this privileged class would be permitted only to those whose dedication to the world state was absolute and unquestioning. In short, you don't get in by merit or ability but by being an ALL-AROUND 100 PERCENT SHIT. Under this ruling elite of power addicts would be an anonymous service collective of functionaries, managers and bureaucrats. And below them the slave workers. There would be no place for dissent or independent research. The troublesome artist would be eliminated or absorbed. The elite lives happily ever after, at the top of a control state that makes 1984 seem cozy and nostalgic.