Art is like Santa Claus - Difficult to believe in...

captain wardrobe - August 2004

It seems to me that Art has become a form of elitist graffiti.

Generations after generations of 'Middle class yobs' squeezed through the processing line [otherwise known as Art School]. Streams of young hopefuls saying 'I WOZ ERE' over and over and over again...I should know, I am from this cultural programme.

It may also be true that each time it is in another kind of coded format, which presents itself as a puzzle. These are shown proudly in sterile galleries as if to prove some kind of higher intelligence is at work. It also seems to me that this has become a culture of encryption and decryption.

While In Galleries I feel no different than trying to discern the meaning contained within a stylized 'tag' that can so often be seen sprayed in Stations, Public Toilets and bus shelters around the world.

The mark does have its importance.

This 'tagging has the sole and, frankly in my mind a more honest purpose of identity. Its illegible traits are beside the point.

It is a signature, a logo, a handwritten reminder of humanity.

Somewhere deep in the annals [or anus] of conceptual art is the theory of the death of the author.

This constructed little ditty, by Roland Barthes i believe, decrees that by removing all human signs of creation from the artistic process [IE humans creating stuff] the object takes on new life and possible meanings. Eventually this has led to a 'post-modern' culture of IKEA ART. Self-assembly conceptualism. Which by it's own standards should have resulted in the death of the gallery world. After all, all objects have limitless meaning, it is up to us to decide when we feel like being philosophical. This is why the gallery system bit back.

"no, no, it is up to us, the art world, to redefine what art is..." they slyly state, while guaranteeing themselves complete control over a multi billion dollar industry.

I also believe the 'death of the author' was an operation. A scam. A mindfuck.

It seeks to create a cognitive dissonance - disconnecting the creator from creation whilst promising the artist authority and autonomy. Placing them in a zone of guilt for wanting to seek acknowledgement. But these concepts remain a cosmetic intellectual cover story. Individual style had become a bland format. Conceptualism had become dehumanized. Factory-like appearance was de-rigeur. Then, suddenly. Outsider art was processed and became fashionable. It became Abstract expressionism part II. Graphic art was processed and became the new POP art.

Humanistic traits, such as wild, insane thought processes, & obsession became unhinged when re-contextualised by the gallery industry. This expression went through a process of stereotypifying through branding. Dulled and lonely pieces hung and stood lifeless in white walled sterile galleries. Strangely, Artists became stars again.

Think about it: If the death of the author was a process which allowed the consumer of cultural output more autonomy, why does the system encourage the artist to seek authorship through labelling cultural product with nametags, which clearly seek to help the process of decision-making into what makes 'good art', and helps elevate those who succeed into celebrity status?

These processes are that of the Art world, the dealers and galleries biting back. Continually seizing control. Control over both imagination & culture as an industry and as a performance that society values via tradition. Looking back it is not hard to see why Andy Warhol decided to create 'the factory'. He was acknowledging the Art world as a reality designer. As the State approved cultural controller.

He was fine-tuning the machine.

Meanwhile, all over the world in backwoods, suburbia & mental institutions, the real outsider artists paint draw & express themselves for other reasons behind closed doors, shut curtains and padded cells. They challenge and explore without fear or awareness of playing to an audience. They creatively flagellate, masturbate, and obsess while not being aware it could be perceived as performance. Sometimes they make what they like to make. Sometimes they have to make it.

Others make things because they were born into cultures that traditionally encourage mental journeying and self-awareness.

Their work gives clues to a myriad of processes but with no hint at a final answer.

The answer is personal or tribal and it might not be meant for decoding with an empirical mindset. Indeed, It might not be meant for decoding at all.

Could it be said that this expression allows a valuable experience to be cherished in an ever more uncaring world? A world which increasingly seeks and rewards a flawed empirical ideal of perfection?

The empire of the first world mindset could be seen as all information being processed as data. It's usefulness being in monetary worth because of fleeting fashion, which has itself been perpetuated by industry concerns via blatant plagiarism and viral marketing. Patronizingly, the original object becomes perceived as the 'real thing' and then becomes a product in it's own right.

Another parrallel can be drawn between Graffiti & the Corporate Advertising we see all around us. Both seem to be marking a territory, claiming ownership and redefining a given space. Graffiti being the prohibited anarchistic expression of style, either tagged individually or through group, gang colours & symbols, while Corporate Idents & to claim a normalised space and are accepted because they are legitimised by state decree. The Public therefore are socially conditioned to accept one form of 'pollution' over another simply because one promotes itself with a slicker politically aware Public relations machinery.

Society has become a place where products are placed strategically, and so we have come to see all unapproved expression removed from communal areas. Our towns and cities are becoming Grey, lifeless consumer zones, with anyone who decides to take it into their own hands to brighten the place up a bit being punished or ridiculed. Public approval of any communal artworks has been brought down to the lowest common denominator. Corporate Sponsorships omnipresence has become the acceptable face of pollution, a form of Visual muzak.

Left: Peter Freemans corporate
Axis Mundi 'Spectra text'

Corporate Idents are now revered cultural icons.

Populations have become desensitized to advertising to the point where the validity of any public artwork on display is questioned if it does not immediately appear to have a purpose.

Corporations hope that in the publics mind, sponsorship validates culture. It stamps it's approval via the logo.

As far as I can tell the majority never realise that corporate money now dictates the content of both 'acceptable' mainstream and supposedly alternative culture.

the cliche has never been truer: It is the golden rule. He who has the gold, makes the rules.

But these systems of control are more than rules. They are defined within the parameters of every mode of expression. Of TV, Radio, Print, Electronic Media, Film, Music, Art, Sport, Cuisine. Normality is perpetuated rather than individually or communally explored and questioned.

Tradition is encouraged in order to create bland uniformity & fear of difference. All cultural products are to be enjoyed in order to feed the Corporate hive. Anything that is free becomes dangerous. Alternative culture is hijacked and marketed. Culture becomes Disenfranchised and then re-enfranchised as a malleable industry. It is a process of Dehumanization and re-humanization. In short - a money cult of designed reality.

The corporate Hive does not stop at redefining and assimilating the culture we see around us. It wants to claim your inner space too. It craves to turn your body and your mind into a continuously upgradable entity.

This is the Transhumanist agenda.

It can be argued that trans-humanism is a form of neo futurism. Futurism being that artistic movement of the early 20th century which glorified the machine age and saw war and it's transformation into a mechanized indiscriminate tool of killing as a logical evolutionary step.

This neo futurism sees humans evolving to the point known as 'singularity'. This is the complete blurring of human and machine. It is neither artificial intelligence nor Human bio-machinery, but somehow both, simultaneously. It is said to the fateful day in the future when humans as we know them cease to be.

Now, here's a question. Should human evolution be mapped out like this?

Does it not cease to be evolution?

Doesn't this start to sound like a plan?

 The notion of humans existing within a system is not a new one. After all the Planet is already an eco system and our bodies are already physiological systems.

The transhumanists too, see human imperfection as a thing to be overcome. Human Flaws are seen as unnecessary design faults. They also have to be defined, and these discriminatory processes can be also traced back to the pseudo political science of eugenics. Eugenics is the ultimate science of human control, popularizing such notions as the survival of the fittest, and is derived from the Greek eugenes or wellborn.

Why are they the elite & why are they doing this?

Does it not seem strange that over the last 150 years, a handful of Elite dynasties have controlled every industry planet earth has ever known?

Power is handed down from father to son, generation after generation, marriages and mating are controlled strictly to preserve what is thought to be elitist qualities. This is exactly the same way Royalty seeks to function. Royal personages are said to be from a lineage. Society is ordered via a hierarchy. Education systems encourage people to aspire to being an expert within a localized field. 'Wellborn' would easily sum up the situation of the minority of humans who control this planet. At first glance Eugenics used responsibly seems a workable idea, deceptively reassuring in that it should work to 'improve' common humanity.

Improve it from what? Why does it need imroving? Is to improve, to Upgrade?

Do you believe that the Elite or 'wellborn' would risk losing all that they have plotted for? That they would consider themselves equal to you?

Unfortunately perfection becomes perverted into a code for eradicating all the very things that make us human. Such as Blemishes, distortions & asymmetry, skin color. Society becomes a medium for transmitting value systems that support these polices.

Who decides what is unnecessary? [see golden rule above...]

What of dirt, odours and bacteria?

Chemical detergents, anti-persperants have been socially adjusting the population for years towards a fear of being seen as an outsider, anti-social behavior is considered anything that opposes corporate authority.

A further connection can be made between the futurists, who admired the Use & Effects of mechanised warfare and the Tavistock clinic [...later Institute].

In I94I a group of psychiatrists at the Tavistock Clinic saw that the right questions were asked in Parliament in order to secure the means to try new measures to enable neurotic, shellshocked and psychologically damaged soldiers to fight again,

Later with the aid of the Rockefeller foundation and the Unilever Group it became concerned with the specific purpose of actively relating the psychological and social sciences to the needs and concerns of society.

In the 1890s, William Hesketh Lever, founder of Lever Bros, wrote down his ideas for Sunlight Soap - his revolutionary new product that helped popularise cleanliness and hygiene in Victorian England. Unilever had established a working relationship with the Institute immediately after the war.

"With the profusion of new products in the I950s, advertising agencies and the marketing departments of firms were under pressure to develop new methods for increasing sales. Motivation research had made its appearance but was narrowly conceived. One or two trial projects gave rise to a new concept which brought together Lewinian and psychoanalytic thinking - the pleasure foods region. This consisted of products of little or no nutritional value that were consumed, often in excess, because of their power to afford oral satisfactions which reduced anxiety and relieved stress."


Thus we see the Post war cliche of Modern society as a utopia of bugless space age sterilty, of fast foods, supermarkets, Malls, Snack bars...has slowly become the designed unreachable reality. Within Modern society consumers are constantly conditioned to aspire to be clean & thin in order to get a sexual mate. This fear based behaviorism is apparent through all advertising.

The message is :

"Buy this, and good things will happen to you".

"Do as you are instructed to reap the full benefits of the product"

"Society will reward you for fitting in"

these are psychological trigger mechanisms designed to subliminally instruct you not to question authority - notice the image of an expert. White coat. Smiling. Self assured. The use of graphics to appear scientific.

Within the sterile environment of the modern Art gallery, culture is still promoted as the experiment, when, in reality cultural outpouring is present within a system of, say, a city, everywhere.

In previous ages of discovery, within the sterile environment of the Laboratory, many experiments have taken place completely de-contextualized from the very thing that they are designed for...existence within planet Earth.

Reactions to virus, pharmaceuticals, Electromagnetic frequency.

Not any more.

It could be argued that one persons pollution, as an irritant [graffitti, for instance], is another persons culture. [graffitti is the least of anyones worries!]

Are we are now living in an age of cultured pollution?

and, more sinisterly, Pollution as a industrial enterprise? belief, Culture, Information, War, terror & Disease as a 'force multiplier'

Pollution can be seen to come in many forms, sound via muzak, vision via adverts, these transmissions are Radio frequencies, & near microwaves.

We can observe pollution from power lines and transmitter Aerials, Genetic modification of food and water, with reports of Drugs seeping into public water supplies, Flouridation, Viral infections spreading globally & extreme weather.

It is noticeable that Media continually informs us that the Eco system seems to be under various stresses and strains from Human pollution. Heavy Industry has been pumping various chemicals and toxins into both the eco system and us for over a hundred years.

Here is a question: Did these industrial leaders, bankers and those that oversaw these people while in power, really not realize the consequence of their actions?

I think they knew the consequences. Further, I believe pollution is a deliberate form of Mass dosing, of toxic warfare.

It is the control of human evolution. The more pollutants that are placed in the environment, the more cases of cancer. It is not by mere chance that the same companies charged with finding a cure for cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, also own the patents on the processes, the industries and companies that are the very causes of this toxicity.

It would be wise to remember that cancer is in fact a form of genetic mutation.

Would it be safe to assume that the corporate industrialists who have enjoyed the power over 20th century earth, have had a fair amount of time to fine tune this cancer industry? What other kind of genetic mutations could be achieved via pollution? Is this how they are going to achieve their transhumanist agenda?

Does this make any sense to you?

If we were to consider evolutionary theory on the elites terms as survival of the fittest, then it would suggest that evolution can only be successful if the seed of the species is propagated far and wide. The more seed that is propagated the more chance of survival for the species.

[Humans should Party, make love and not discriminate in order to survive]

What exactly are the elite trying to preserve? Isn't their behavior contradictory?

I believe that the elite considers their kind as a higher form of species. That the laws they invent for common humanity do not apply to them. And that they believe the purity of their bloodline can be preserved via selective breeding. That this in itself justifies the way society is ordered. The closed in-breeding that the Royal households, feudal lords and industrial barons seek to preserve is itself a form of evolutionary control. This is the foundation for leadership within a global Empire, and is no different to the Nazi ideology of race purity.

They seek to 'improve' their 'own kind' whilst manipulating common humanity.

The following is taken from a summary of a Ditchley Foundation Conference report entitled: BIOGENETICS: THE IMPACT OF ADVANCES ON POLITICS AND SOCIETY held 12-14 March 2004

"...We looked at the debate on reproductive cloning where most of us thought it should not be permitted on ethical as well as practical grounds. We were told that 90% of Canadians had voted against it. There were some who argued that it should not be banned permanently even though there were risks from parental domination of the child and also from compromising the genetic individuality. At a more political level it was suggested that support for reproductive cloning in the UK would have set back the present agreement on therapeutic cloning. There was also a sharp difference of view between those who maintained that the only proper basis for taking decisions on such issues was a rational assessment of the arguments and science involved, and those who believed that intuitive or instinctive reactions to such deep-seated questions also had validity. Proponents of the former view claimed that in order to distinguish intuition from prejudice, arguments and evidence should be adduced. The latter claimed that to ignore intuitive reactions based on centuries of evolution would be unwise. Neither pure mystery nor pure logic were adequate as guides, a combination would be preferable.

Notwithstanding several reprises we were unable to bridge the difference. In this context it was claimed that there was no absolute code of ethics. Our species had invented the concept of human rights. Attempts had been made to elaborate a common set of rights which, at the most universal level, were seen in various UN Declarations. These filtered downwards to states and other bodies, but they were in constant evolution. ..." - source

What is The Ditchley Foundation?

Since its incorporation in the United Kingdom in 1958, and subsequent establishment of American and Canadian affiliates, Ditchley's original objective -- to advance Anglo-American links -- has broadened to include the concerns and participation of nations from all over the globe. Set in a wooded and pastoral countryside, Ditchley lies just outside Oxford, and a short distance from Heathrow Airport and Central London. The original owners, the Lee Family, had hosted English monarchs there since the days of Queen Elizabeth I. The use of the present house as a conference center aptly reflects its history in transatlantic linkage. Built in the eighteenth century, this residence has served as the site of a number of distinguished international meetings, most notably during World War II when it became the weekend headquarters of Sir Winston Churchill.

Today, Ditchley conducts a program unique in international affairs. Small select groups of no more than 40 distinguished men and women are brought together, by invitation, from senior levels in the worlds of politics, business and industry, academic life, the civil service, the armed forces and the media. Conference subjects are carefully chosen in response to new international challenges arising from issues of concern to democratic societies. Conferences stress open, informal discussions that are private and not attributable.

The social engineering inherent in Tavistock Institutes clinical trials can be labelled 'SOFT POWER' Interestingly this was the focus of another DITCHLEY FOUNDATION LECTURE entitled

by The Honorable Joseph Nye, Dean of the Kennedy School at Harvard 1995-2004

"Now what is soft power? It is the ability to get what you want through attraction, rather than coercion or payments. When you think of power, it is the ability to influence others to get the outcomes you want. There are basically three ways you can do that. You can threaten others with coercion (sticks), you can induce others with payments (carrots) or you can attract others and co-opt them so that they want what you want. If you can get others to be attracted to your agenda, to your values so that they want what you want, you can spend a lot less on carrots and sticks. If you want some concrete examples, think of the role of American soft power in the past. Examples include Roosevelt's four freedoms during World War II, or young people behind the Iron Curtain listening to American music and news on Radio Free Europe, or Chinese students in Tiananmen Square in 1989 creating a replica of the Statue of Liberty. Those are very concrete examples of soft power. Soft power is often ignored or treated as irrelevant, because it doesn't have that hard concrete nature of military or economic power. But that is a mistake. Seduction is often much more effective than coercion and many values like democracy, human rights and individual opportunities are deeply seductive. But attraction can turn to repulsion if we appear arrogant or hypocritical."

And he concludes

"America's continued success will depend on rediscovering what we learned in the cold war -- how to balance hard and soft power, not soft instead of hard, but soft and hard together. To go back to Machiavelli, it is better to be feared than to be loved, but he also understood that it is also much better to be both. In that sense, when the United States rediscovers the ability to combine soft with hard power, then we will be, once again, what I call a smart power."

The experts in Politicians / Social Scientists in suits, and the Scientists in white coats warn us that there are too many humans on the planet. That the planets resources are running out, basically because we, the savage impure common humans, in our wild indiscriminate procreation as a species are at fault.

This is psychological warfare.

What resources do we need?
The very same things that the elite industrialists have conditioned humanity to aspire to. Modernity and all it entails. Built on Power via an Oil based economy, a synthetic reality designed by the same purists who seek to evolve us to the point of singularity.

If the world is being deliberately contaminated, wouldn't the elite be infected also?
I believe that the elite desire the point of singularity in order to become godlike. They consider themselves a 'higher form' as they exist today. They believe the genetic shifts effects on their cultured bloodlines would allow them to become immortal. This is the reason they selectively breed. It has been a human experiment for thousands of years. Under the cover of Royal heritage & tradition, some of the paraphernalia and ritual allow the mass population to believe these factions are benign. Some of the Royal rituals are designed however to keep the genetic make-up of the lineage powerful enough to be affected when the genetic shift to transhumanism finally comes [around 2100]

If you are saying that we need to keep humanity pure from technology, doesn't this qualify you as a kind of elitist?

We have to stop these powerful few from attempting to control evolutuion, In fact Population control, on a global scale is in effect, right now.
The elite will use these arguments to divide factions who oppose them. It could be the racism of the future.

One of the many the ethical problems that arise from creating artificially intelligent self-aware machines is that it will always remain a fact that humans are the creators, and they could alter them, adjust and upgrade them.

If these machines were bred in order to serve humanity as a kind of underclass, would this only be racism if these machines were aware of thier situation?

If their Human masters hold control over the code of such awareness - and effectivily turn it on & off, does it cease to be racism and revert back to simple utilisation of technology?

I believe that when Machines become self-aware that they should be responsible to take control of their code. Humans should give them it. Unconditionally.

Would their human creators ever place such trust?

of course this could be an analogy of The elites control over the majority on planet earth right now...

Or it could be that it is we,the human race, who are the created species...

scenes from Fritz Langs 'Metropolis'


The story takes place in 2026, one-hundred years from when the movie was made. The world Von Harbou and Lang created was a cold, mechanical, industrial one. Since this movie was produced not long after the industrial revolution, it could be a foreshadowing of what the world would have been like if the industrial revolution had kept growing. The city of Metropolis is a crowded one where people are either of the privileged elite, or of the repressed, impoverished masses. Vast numbers of the lower class live underground to run the machines that keep the above ground Metropolis in working order. The workers run the machines, but the machines run the lives of the workers. The monotonous droves of workers are truly a, "mass of men leading lives of quiet desperation," to quote Thoreau. Lang portrays this with a montage of cattle-like herds of people, grinding machinery, and clocks. - source

Nice Robot?

Turning robots into a 'race' ?

Professor Kim Jong-Hwan, already known as the creator of "robot football", has developed 14 artificial chromosomes that he says will determine robots' "personality".

"The artificial chromosome is a software system. It means that the information - their 'genes' - can be easily sent to other robots,"

"So if I send the chromosomes to another robot, that robot can then reproduce by itself. In that sense the robots will be created by the 'genes'. The personality of robots will be created by artificial genes." new zealand herald

Nasty Robot?

The Army's new Talon robot -- machine gun-equipped, and to be used in Iraq.

Hunting for guerillas, handling roadside bombs, crawling across the caves and crumbling towns of Afghanistan and Iraq -- all of that was just a start. Now, the Army is prepping its squad of robotic vehicles for a new set of assignments. And this time, they'll be carrying guns. - wired

It will be up to us all to decide which robots are a danger to us...

what happens when the KILLER robot looks like a small child?

We are constantly told we have choice. This is a programme of modernity conditioning.
What choice do humans have if there are already ordinary human beings who consider themselves above the majority, because of Royalty, heritage, inherited power? Indeed, does it matter if the preparation for the transhumanist leap into the singularity is justified by a self perpetuating illusion?
The powerful will use their beliefs to justify anything, terrorism, genocide, a second coming, an alien invasion.

Remember the golden rule? It not just those those who have the gold, make the rules. It is also those who perpetuate the value of gold...which is after all just shiny rock that comes from within this planet. [They like the shiny things!]

Does your belief system have no consequence while these elites steer this planet towards planned 'evolution'?
They are using scientific rhetoric and the fear of terror to justify the humanization of technology, and the gradual shift of humanity towards an enforced symbiotic relationship with machinery within human inner space. [mind & body]

In reality there could be many different possible futures. Technology could be used with responsibilty. Different forms of energy production have been discovered and are being used against humanity because of the vested interests of the elite.

These people believe they own the planet. They are wrong.

These people believe they can control evolution. They are wrong.

THEY FEAR HUMANITY. We are a family, we are many, and they are few.

It is time to stop this bizarre experiment and declare planet earth a benign Republic.

for, I believe, we as a species, as humans, are guardians of this planet. Nothing more than sitting tenants.